Planning Motivation Control

Equipment for manual control of a car. Manual control of gas and brake pedals. Model range of devices for manual control of the vehicle UUA, manufactured by the firm "Unio-plus"

If there is a need for manual control, this is an indicator that the built system of business processes in the company is not working effectively

Sergey Udaltsov *

How do you understand the term "manual control"?

If there is a need for manual control, this is an indicator that the built system of business processes in the company is not working efficiently. Ideally, the above system should work without personal or any outside interference. For this, there is a delegation of authority and a personnel department that organizes the correct selection of performers for the right positions. Thus, manual control is an intervention in the working "mechanism" of the company, which is used when it is necessary to make changes in business processes. In this case, manual control is more of an anti-crisis measure, force majeure.

On the other hand, manual control can be understood as a way of running a business. This is the very case when the company is not very large and general director or a shareholder is directly involved in most operating decisions. In this case, manual control is usually effective, but becomes obsolete as the company grows.

Thirdly, manual control can be used when it comes to managing a specific strategically important business project within a company or group of companies. The CEO can always take control of such a project.

Manual control is a tool that you need to be able to use, know when and how to use. To do this, you need to be very well versed in what you control. Often, direct intervention in the well-functioning business processes of a company can be harmful.

Do you think manual control is a sign of trust or distrust?

If we are talking about delegating authority to an employee for the purpose of using manual control, then, of course, this is a sign of trust. This reflects the trust of the management in the employee and the fact that he understands the company's business processes. If you compare a company with the human body, then, as in the human body, there are certain points in it that you can “push” and change something. But in order to press correctly, you need not only to know where these points are, but also to feel how hard you need to press. Manual control does not mean that a person runs, fusses, and for some reason everything works. It implies that he is running in the right place, fusses about on time and says the right things to the right people.

Is the security of a company possible today without manual control?

Of course it is possible. I do not think that manual control is constantly used in foreign corporations. The security of a company, if we are talking about competition, directly depends on an efficiently operating risk management system, as well as on the ability to anticipate changes in the external environment.

If the above mechanisms work, and the management has an understanding of what and how needs to be changed in order to resist external and internal threats, then manual management is an excellent tool for pinpoint adjustment of business processes. A surgeon doesn't use a scalpel blindly, does he?

As for the leader himself, does manual control develop him or, conversely, lead to degradation, and why?

In my understanding, a leader is a person who generates ideas, serves as an example and leads people along with him. The leader defines strategy and brings people together with the power of his charisma. He can also act as an arbiter. Any new critical situation the company may find itself in will introduce new experience to her employees. If we consider such a concept, then manual control develops. If we consider a situation in which manual control is used as an obsolete method of control, then it will lead to degradation.

If we talk about the performers themselves, does manual control increase their responsibility or lead to indifference?

The use of manual control by management is unlikely to increase employee self-esteem. If the manager gets into the current activities of the subordinate, then either the subordinate cannot cope, or the leader himself cannot correctly formulate goals and objectives, and then control their achievement. How larger company, the more direct intervention through several levels of subordination can harm. In most cases, this creates a mess in the life of the company. When the CEO gets into the manager's affairs through the head of the department head, it is likely to lead to disorientation of subordinates and misunderstanding of the actions of management on the part of the department head.

Who does the manual leader consult with when making strategic decisions?

Of course, any leader will consult with company employees who know the issue as well as possible. If there is an opportunity to attract consultants, this is ideal. The final decision will still be made by the leader, so his task is to collect the maximum number of opinions, analyze everything, determine the risks and ways to minimize them, and based on the data obtained, formulate a strategy.

When making strategic decisions, it is important to realize that you are responsible for the future of the company and the people who work for it. Therefore, in addition to all of the above, you also need to feel the economic component of your business, you need to know what resources you have, what is the political situation, market conditions, and competitive environment. Only when you feel like a fish in water in all this - only then can you make a decision. Even so, it is not guaranteed that the solution is 100% correct. Decision making is a constant struggle with doubts, constant choice, using knowledge and intuition.

Let's talk about the weaknesses of manual control.

I cannot say that manual control has weaknesses. Weaknesses may be in the person who exercises this control. Rather, there are risks in applying manual control in an enterprise. First, there is the risk of being out of time: apply at the wrong time, in the wrong place, relying on weak performers. Secondly, sometimes there are situations when nothing needs to be changed. In other words, this is the risk of fear, when the manager thinks that something needs to be changed, that people are not coping, but in fact the company is functioning perfectly. There is also a risk of unpreparedness for decision-making: when a manager comes and, not understanding business processes, he starts "waving a sword".

Which of successful businessmen did you manage to lead "your ship" to the target for a long time and without losses using manual control?

I will not say about businessmen, but if we take politicians, then Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is an excellent example. The President arrives somewhere, and everything starts working there immediately. When a person endowed with power comes somewhere and everything starts to work there and then - this is the very best example manual control in action.

If we imagine that, for example, Steve Jobs I was able to give up manual control and transfer my company to "automatic" control ...

A lot depends on the leader himself. If Steve Jobs had put the company on "automatic" management, I think he would have failed, because in a very limited number of years he has brought Apple to a level that the company has never reached.

Under the conditions in which Jobs ran the company, no other management style would have led it to success. This is evidenced by the fact that after his death, even with the help of the developments that he left behind, Apple began to lose ground. Steve Jobs, Alan Greenspan -
these are the rare cases of a leader when one clearly verified word of a person can “rock” the economy, company, market, or industry.

And if you look at it, what other control can there be, except manual?

Different. There are many styles of management, it all depends on who is in charge. Management depends on the person and what the company needs. I would say that governance can be right and wrong. Right is when you make a profit, wrong is when you don’t. When it comes to project management, management can be effective and ineffective. Ineffective - if funds were spent, and the result could be achieved faster and cheaper. Right and wrong, effective and ineffective — that's all. The rest of the classifications by types of management are an attempt to systematize the experience of different companies in order to create a science of management.

Delegation of authority is Main way in giving up manual control? How can it be done?

When business processes are written, they should initially imply delegation of authority. This is the law, at least if a startup plans to grow into a large company. Next, the main task becomes to find the right employees for the right positions. If you have chosen the wrong employees, you are mistaken and everything will not be as planned. With the growth of the company, the situation may change, it may become necessary introduction changes in business processes.

Manual control is direct interference with the authority of others. It is absurd to talk about delegation of authority if you yourself personally meddle in the affairs of each employee. If a company is on the way to moving away from manual management, then delegating authority and implementing standardized business processes is essential.

In your opinion, the majority in Russia is not able to do this or do not really want to?

Domestic businessmen are safer when they manually manage their business. It is believed that the risk of losing your business is much lower when you control everything yourself. However, this is not always true, since there are only 24 hours in a day, and the larger the company, the more time it takes to control everything and everyone. In a large business, it is simply not possible to run an entire company with manual control. Therefore, in the end, either the company continues to bear the cost of lost opportunities, or the businessman attracts consultants who outline business processes and propose solutions, or the businessman is trying to reform the business on his own. If it is possible to combine the global experience of consultants with the specific experience of a businessman, this will be the most effective solution.

How to make the transition from manual control to routine control?

Technically, regulation is simple - you open your computer and start writing: what, where and how it works. True, before that, it is necessary to study absolutely all the processes in the company: to build schemes, chains. Next, you write down the provisions in detail, all people get acquainted with them, you see how employees react to this, execute or not, accordingly introduce some changes so that everything works. It is also ideal to track how key indicators have changed before and after the implementation of the changes.

Large companies, when they are sluggish, often change their management systems many times ... why and how?

If the management system of the company is often changed, it means that a way out of a crisis situation is being sought. However, with the constant use of the "shock therapy" method, additional problems arise, for example, related to staff turnover - most employees experience discomfort in such situations. When problems arise in a company, the ideal option is to figure out why this is happening, explain the situation to employees and only then change something. This is not very accepted in our country, but business should try to be socially oriented. In the case when the leader simply "staggers", changing the management style is akin to shooting with a blindfold - you will hit, you will not hit. If we are talking about change management, then new system should always be implemented gradually, in stages.

Abandoning manual control and creating successful business, can you step aside and admire and enjoy?

If we are talking about a businessman-manager, he should always analyze the direction of his business development - how external environment will affect the business in the short term. The strategy implies that a person thinks out his actions in advance, he calculates combinations, compares, how it might be, reads the press. This is analytical work. And at the same time, he must manage the company in time. If a businessman is an investor, then the capitalization of the company will always be the most important for him; he has top managers for management.

Is it possible, having abandoned manual control, not to lose the "scent"?

Big business cannot function only on manual control. Small businesses most often work on manual management, in our country anyway. If your business works on manual management, and you want to move away from it in the direction of delegation, then a reasonable person will plan this transition - he will slowly select people, will represent what he is striving for. It is necessary to understand how it works, to select a person, to make such a system of checks and balances so that the performer effectively fulfills his function, and the businessman remains a strategist and develops the company. If we are talking about intuition in business, then it is either given from birth or not.

Are the top management of a number of global companies actually "privatizing" companies? ..

Yes, it is, and this is absolutely normal. The system of incentivizing people with company shares is very correct. This is the same European system, which increases employee loyalty and orientates them towards results.

Business critical control points - what are they like in medium, large and global businesses?

The first is cost. You need to understand how your product is formed. The second is income: you need to know the market, understand how the portfolio of clients is formed, how competitors work. The third is expenses: what are they made up of, how they affect margins and profits. The latter is motion control Money... As the scale of the business grows, additional tasks arise: strategy formation, forecasting, planning, capitalization growth, and the level of dividends.

Are industry specificities worth considering and how?

What is the role and capabilities of IT in controlling the business?

It all depends on what kind of business. If you are creating a business from scratch, the business processes of which involve the daily processing of hundreds of operations - requests from customers, then it makes sense to immediately provide for the necessary software... If the business produces one chair and you live on it for a year, then, probably, you do not need an IT department and software, you can, with the help of manual control, personally to five people who work for you, explain what you need, and check it out.

People and avoiding manual control?

If you move away from manual management, first of all, you need to find competent employees, motivate them for results, and introduce a scale for the effectiveness of the implementation of changes.

When can you get away from manual control?

If you think over and prepare everything in advance, then from the first.

* Sergey Udaltsov, independent expert, consultant on business restructuring, change management. Graduated from MGIMO, received an MBA degree in Higher Institute Commerce in Paris.

Interviewed by Dina Karabekova, [email protected]

Manual company management

IN recent times it has become fashionable to talk about the so-called "manual control". Let's take a look at what it is, what it is eaten with and why it is needed.

Manual management of a company is a method of business management, using which the owner or manager takes the decision on all issues and solves each problem individually. For a modern medium or large company that plans to develop dynamically, expand its business, manual control is a risk factor that hinders its development. For example, how do you imagine manually running a company with hundreds or thousands of clients? Should the owner or the first manager decide all questions with each of them? It is physically impossible and nobody needs it, because it is absolutely ineffective. It makes sense to resort to manual control if there is some kind of unexpected failure in the control system, with which the employees responsible for a particular issue are not able to cope for objective reasons. Perhaps, sometimes manual management of a company is appropriate in times of crisis, since it allows you to more flexibly respond to all changing factors and make the necessary decisions promptly.

Unfortunately, manual control is the norm for modern Russian business, and not only business, and state administration is no less a sinner of this. This is nonsense, but true. You cannot solve all problems with management in manual mode the owner or the head (the head of a ministry, department or even the state) will not have enough time, energy, or any other resources for this, even with full dedication, round-the-clock work and endless vigilance. It is impossible to talk about any consistency and consistency in manual mode. Mistakes are inevitable. Either through the fault of the manager himself, working in such a mode, or in his absence, some fatal mistake will surely happen. Among other things, in such a situation, employees lose the habit of making decisions, becoming completely dependent.

Yes, at some stages, such management gives positive results, for example, when a business is just starting up, manual management is inevitable. But this is like the takeoff mode of an airplane, you can take off or switch to it in an emergency, but in this mode it is impossible to fly for any length of time. The aircraft's resources simply cannot withstand the constant overstress and an inevitable catastrophe will occur. In business, there is always a rule according to which, the larger the company, the more globally its leader has to think, and not make situational decisions.

At some stage, the business must turn into a system, work like a clockwork, when there is a regulated system solution for every question that arises ... or it dies. Babies are spoon-fed, but if you do not teach your child to eat on their own, they will not be able to live without your care. At a certain stage of business development, business processes must be strictly regulated, a competent and effective system of motivation for personnel is involved. At some stage, an option even becomes available in terms of using the launch capability remote control business (I have written a number of articles on remote control on the resource).

How to switch from manual to system control? It is difficult and long, but there is no other way of development and there will not be, everything else is stagnation and collapse. I wrote about this in great detail in the book The Architecture of High Performance Business. First of all, the business owner himself must come to an understanding that changes are needed in the management of the company. After that, it remains for the "small" - to create out of business effective system that can be controlled. And at this moment, the main task becomes the description of all chains of business processes. Those who have ever encountered this know that this is a very complex, long-term, laborious business, fraught with conflicts and nerves. But who and where said it would be easy? I want it to be easy - yes, it may be, but for this you must first work very hard. The process of transition from manual management to the systemic level of the business is extremely time-consuming, requires tremendous efforts of the entire team, from business owners to ordinary employees, more often than not, involvement external consultants... But in the end, a systematic approach to business gives it the opportunity to move to a new stage of development and conquer new unprecedented heights, to survive any crises.

I really want to hope that someday there will be corresponding changes in the system. government controlled, and Russia will be controlled systematically, and not in the notorious manual mode. In the meantime, we have what we have. He turned on the TV, where the President instructs officials to build a bridge ..., in Russia it is required to build thousands of bridges, should the President give a command for each bridge? Sad.

An ordinary person needs a car to solve simple everyday tasks, but for a disabled person it is just an urgent need. People deprived of freedom of movement can only exercise it on wheels. Unfortunately, our country does not produce specialized vehicles for people with disabilities. The only way out is to install manual control on the car. Today he will deal with this issue. We will look at the technical and legal aspects of this rework.

Conversion options

Manual control for a car has several varieties:

For one hand

This device is designed to operate a car with one hand if the functionality of the other is impaired. The main problem in this case is switching the speed mode. For control, the leg is fixed with a belt for moving the lever when changing gears, and auxiliary control levers are installed on the dashboard or the driver's steering wheel.

For both hands

This system allows you to drive the car with your hands without using your legs. The brake pedals are controlled through a dedicated bracket. All rods and levers are connected by hinges and if you move the lever forward, the car brakes, backward - it moves. If you do not touch the lever, it is in a neutral position.

Manual control on the car: pros and cons

It is difficult to talk about any shortcomings of the system, if there is one indisputable advantage - the ability to move. It is only worth discussing the technical flaws of certain systems.

Among the arguments in favor of manual control should be noted:

  • ease of management;
  • driving safety due to quick response;
  • ease of installation;
  • the ability to use a car not only for a disabled person, but also for a healthy person.

What's in the red? In fact, it is not difficult to install the system on a domestic car, but foreign cars are “capricious”. In addition, visually, the whole structure looks, to put it mildly, not aesthetically pleasing.

The nuances of installing manual control on a car

Keep in mind: you cannot give a car for conversion before the corresponding permission from the traffic police for re-equipment is issued. Without it, serious constructive changes cannot be made, and manual control just fits this concept. Only with this permission you will be received by a specialized car dealership for the installation of such equipment. Do not be lazy to check its license, this will be a guarantee of quality and absence of problems with traffic police.

How to choose a car model for manual control

The most the best option alteration is considered to be an upgrade of a car with an automatic transmission, in which one leg does not participate in the control.

There are a number of cars that are difficult to adapt to the needs of a disabled person, but a good master will cope with any task. The main difficulties arise with cars with a low dashboard. In tight spaces, it is not easy to install the correct brackets and levers without restricting the driver's seat.

Another unpleasant moment is that the installation of the leverage system negatively affects the condition of the body. The attachment points are subject to deformation and breakage.

Considering these difficulties, it is especially important to entrust the installation of the system to professionals who guarantee the convenience and safety of the car.

On which cars manual control is installed without problems:

  • domestic: models VAZ 21 -103,110,15, 14, 13, 09, 099, 083, 074, Largus, Kalina, Granta, Priora, Niva, Oka;
  • imported: Nissan, Hyundai, Kia, Daewoo, Toyota.

Opel, Ford, Volkswagen, Mercedes and Audi models are not the most convenient for this purpose. But it should be noted that the imported auto industry equips its cars with a vacuum braking system, which is easily controlled in manual mode.

How to issue manual control for a car in the traffic police

The first stage is getting an opinion. For him, he will be required to provide a PTS, a registration certificate and a passport of the car owner. Write the application on the spot. After the traffic police expert gives the go-ahead for the alteration, you can give it to the company that will install the device.

After installing the system, the installer is obliged to provide you with a certificate for the work, a declaration of changes made, a work order and an acceptance certificate for the finished structure, which you sign if the work suits you. In addition to the listed documents, it is required to issue a diagnostic card of the technical inspection - this is also usually done in the installer.

The last stage is a repeated appeal to the traffic police to confirm the reconstruction of the car. You will again be asked for a passport, all documents provided by the installer, technical inspection, PTS. You will also need to pay the state duty on the receipt.

Manual control on the car: nothing is impossible

The bottom line is that manual control has several varieties that allow people with different health anomalies to drive a car. Before starting the alteration, it is necessary to coordinate it with the traffic police. It is better to entrust the reconstruction to a certified company that can guarantee the quality of work and provide everything Required documents to legitimize the upgrade.

If you have already put manual control on your car - write your impressions in the comments, it will be interesting to many of our readers!

Total “motorization” is gaining momentum every day and very soon it will be impossible to imagine a person who would not have or would not drive a car. Modern technologies develop very intensively and in order to get behind the wheel, as they say, it is not at all necessary to have any super skills or belong to one or another gender or class. Thanks to progress, the car has become a reality even for people with disabilities.

Especially for such motorists, devices were invented to facilitate their management. vehicle... One of these special equipment is - manual car control.

This equipment is intended for people with disabilities, but this does not mean at all that a car with manual control cannot be controlled by a person who does not have any physical deviations. The peculiarity of this equipment is that all operations performed in an ordinary car are carried out with the help of hands, that is, the gas and the brake are, so to speak, at hand.

The only drawback of manual control is that it is installed in the vehicle. The difficulty lies in the fact that the master will have to introduce equipment that was not provided by the automaker, as well as in the design features of a particular model. In addition, it will also have to be customized for a specific person who will need to show patience and a high ability to learn, because, as they say, you need to get used to this. Also complicates the work on installation of manual control the fact that it must be dealt with by a specialist, of which, unfortunately, there are not so many. In my article today, I will try to explain the basic principles and important points with which the car equipment is associated manual control.

The principle of this device is to place the clutch and brake on the same lever. Such a mechanism is especially necessary for people with disabilities, for example, in case it is necessary to stop at a traffic light, and then move downhill.

Approaching the choice of a manual control system, you should decide on a design option.

1. Option. The device provides for manual control only. The design is quite trivial - in order to activate the gas pedal, you need to pull on the ring, which is located behind the steering wheel. In some cases, an arc is installed instead of a ring. On the right side there is a clutch and brake lever, while the clutch is locked in the extreme position. To brake, you need to pull the lever away from you, and to squeeze the clutch pedal, you need to turn the lever clockwise as far as it will go.

2. Second option. The principle of this device is designed for a person who has one hand, or an inoperative one of the hands. Gear shifting in this version occurs by pressing the right foot on the pedal and moving the gearshift handle in the longitudinal direction. The choice of gears is carried out using a belt fastened to the left thigh leg, in addition, there are auxiliary machine control keys on the panel. Also, as in the first case, the gas pedal is duplicated by the arc, which is located behind the steering wheel.