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Angren Tashkent. Abandoned cities: "Uzbek Pripyat" city of Angren. Online Register of Angren Organizations Yellow Pages for Advertisers

Once Angren was the pride of the Uzbek SSR, but now its inhabitants drag out a miserable existence.
As if a scene from the nineteenth century comes to life, the wide Tashkent-Osh highway is crossed by a caravan of donkeys, loaded with sacks, chased by 12-15-year-old boys.

The highway connecting Tashkent with the Fergana Valley is a symbol of the prosperity of independent Uzbekistan, but here, in the Akhangaran Valley, time seems to have turned back.

In the village of Chinar, on the 134th km of the highway, as in many other villages in these places, almost the only source of income for local residents is coal, which they collect and then sell along the highway.

Coal is collected in the Angren coal mine, a couple of kilometers from the highway. Once the cut provided jobs for residents of all nearby villages and the city of Angren, which at that time was called the "stoker of Uzbekistan". 98% of the republic's brown coal was mined here.

In the distant past, residents of local villages collected coal, washed out by mountain floods, for everyday needs. This is what prompted Soviet geologists to think that there could be coal deposits in these places.

The discovery in the forties of the last century in the Akhangaran Valley of brown coal deposits, which today are estimated at 2 billion tons, gave impetus to the construction of a powerful industrial city of Angren on the site of the Angrenshakhtstroy settlement. By the end of the eighties, more than 29 large industrial enterprises operated in Angren.

The whole industrial complex Angren was guided by a close source of coal and other minerals. Thus, two state district power plants were commissioned here, which still together generate 27% of Uzbekistan's electricity. Under Soviet rule, local enterprises produced a wide variety of products - from rubber products to gold and even the rare metal germanium.

For fifty years the population of Angren has grown to 135 thousand people. Angren became the embodiment of the idea of ​​friendship of peoples, which party ideologists loved to talk about. Representatives of 25 nationalities lived and worked in the city.

However, with the collapse of the USSR and the destruction of the once united economic system industrial enterprises gradually began to decline. Equipment in factories and mines was plundered and sold for next to nothing.

There was no work, and it became more difficult to live in the city from day to day.

Today, the brightly painted multi-storey residential buildings that rise along the international highway are empty. Glass is broken in many apartments.

“Previously, in order to get an apartment in Angren, one had to queue for years,” says the chairman of the mahalla committee of one of the city districts with apartment buildings... - People came here from all over the Union. Wage on the industrial enterprises was very high. Today, people sometimes cannot sell an apartment for several years, and prices are still falling. A two-room apartment in the city center will cost a maximum of $ 1,000, but the average price for a two-room apartment is $ 300-400.

People are striving to leave here just as they once strove to get here. This is understandable, because in the city, the population of which was mainly employed in industrial enterprises, today not a single enterprise is working at full capacity. From here high level unemployment, alcoholism and low living standards.

Angren is a city of the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan, founded in 1942. The history of its foundation is connected with the formation of the working village of Angrenshahtstroy for workers developing the coal basin. In the districts of Angren there are 126 thousand inhabitants. The ethnic composition is represented by Uzbeks, Russians, Tajiks, Koreans, Kuramians, Kazakhs, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Bashkirs and other nationalities. The map of Angren shows that it is located on the Akhangaran River 78 km southeast of Tashkent. It is located on the left side of the Akhangaran valley. Angren directories specify that it is the center of the coal industry of the Republic.

The mining enterprises of Angren produce brown coal. Also on its territory are factories of reinforced concrete structures, the production of cement, asphalt concrete, ceramic products, paper and cardboard products. Enterprises of food, chemical and metallurgical, machine-building industries also operate in the city. There is a gold mine and an oil depot, Novoangrenskaya and Angrenskaya GRES. Firms and companies Angren provide transportation services. The Tashkent-Kokand highway and the railway station pass here, which facilitates the logistics of transportation. Angren organizations are engaged in wholesale deliveries of industrial products manufactured in the city to the countries of near and far abroad. Educational institutions Angren are represented by the Tashkent Regional Pedagogical Institute, the General Technical Branch of the Tashkent State Technical University, the State Technical College, the Construction College, the Medical School, the Mining and Geological College.

All Angren phones assume dialing the code "+998 7066" to the local subscriber number. Angren telephone directories are published as general information and highly specialized. Angren Yellow Pages is the most comprehensive informational publication that can be found in both print and in electronic format. Telephone directories Angren are reissued annually based on contact updates.

On September 29, 1940, in the village of Dzhigiristan (on the basis of the villages of Dzhartepe, Turk, Teshiktash, Koikho-a'i Dzhigiristan), the working village of Angrenshakhtstroy (population about 300 people) was formed. From this day on, the development of one of the largest coal basins in the East begins.

On May 2, 1941, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the UzSSR issues a decree:
"To classify the settlement during the construction of Angrenshakhtstroy to the category of workers 'settlements with the assignment of the name" Workers' settlement Angrenshakhtstroy ". Organize a village council at Angrenshakhtstroy with a center in locality Teshik-Tash. Ikramov I.R. was elected as the first chairman of the village council. "

On June 13, 1946, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Uzbek SSR, the working village of Angrenshakhtstroy was transformed into the city of Angren.

Angren is located on the Akhangaran (Angren) river between the Chatkal and East Kuramin ranges, 78 km southeast of Tashkent (114 km along the road).

The city is located in the left-bank part of the Akhangaran valley and consists of several isolated parts.

Terminal railway station on the branch from Tashkent. The Tashkent-Kokand highway passes through Angren, connecting the Fergana Valley with the rest of Uzbekistan.

Angren is the center of the coal industry in Uzbekistan. Brown coal is mined (JSC "Angrenkumir (Angrenugol)"), "Mine No. 9"). The country's only gas production station by underground pyrolysis of coal (underground gas) Erostigaz is located in Angren.


Construction materials (factories: reinforced concrete structures, cement, asphalt concrete, plant of ceramic products, crushing and sorting plant of kaolin DSFK, house-building plant DSK, etc.)
Food Industry(Angrennon, Angrensut).
chemical and metallurgical (Angrenkabel),
nitrogen fertilizer (Angrenazot),
machine-building plants (Angrengazmash, ZIS, Elerem),
production of rubber products (Uzbekrezinotekhnika JSC),
the largest oil depot in the Tashkent region, Uzbekneftegaz JSC, belonging to the Fergana oil refinery.
Angrenskoye Ore Administration, which is part of JSC AGMK (former JSC "Angrenzoloto"),
ceramic porcelain factory "Kaolin",
production of paperboard and container products "Uzsanoatkalinkogozsavdo (UzPromkartontorg)".

Two power plants: Angrenskaya GRES and Novoangrenskaya GRES.

Found companies: 81

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City view statistics: Angren

for the current month (March 2020): 1373

last month (February 2020): 1914

The Yellow Pages Uzbekistan portal presents a detailed business directory of Angren.

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  • legal and brand name of the organization or firm Angren;
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Separately, we add that on the information page about the company or enterprise of Angren you have chosen, you can also find statistical data on visits to this section for the current month and previous periods. In addition, many entrepreneurs order business card sites from us, which allow them to familiarize visitors in detail with their activities, services and offers.

Benefits of searching the Angren Business Directory on the Yellow Pages

By searching for organizations and companies in Angren using the reference portal Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan, you get whole line advantageous advantages, namely:

  • relevant and reliable information, which is necessarily checked and rechecked by the portal staff;
  • a convenient classification system that categorizes all companies in Angren into categories according to the most popular requests;
  • free use of the service, including an available version for mobile operating systems;
  • the opportunity to order a paid sample of all organizations and enterprises of Angren according to the specified parameters;
  • multilingual interface (Uzbek, Russian, English), which allows visitors from different countries to use the service.

Separately, we add that although information about all Angren companies is periodically checked for relevance, we do not always have time to track changes in addresses, phone numbers and other data in a timely manner. Therefore, the staff of the reference portal Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan will be sincerely grateful to you if you inform us when errors or outdated data are found.

Online Register of Angren Organizations Yellow Pages for Advertisers

The Angren Yellow Pages online directory invites all entrepreneurs and executives who want to expand their business opportunities to cooperation. We offer quite attractive conditions for posting your information. Firstly, our directory of Angren organizations will provide you with the maximum increase in visits from target audience... Secondly, we offer affordable rates using an individual approach to each client.

In addition, representatives of all organizations and firms in Angren, who have posted data on their business here, get good prospects for entering the foreign market. The site is actively visited in the CIS countries, Europe and Asia, which allows Angren companies and organizations to establish relationships with foreign partners, investors and clients. If you have additional questions regarding the placement of data about your enterprise or Angren company on the Yellow Pages Uzbekistan website, you can always use the help of our consultants by calling them by phone hotline or by writing to the email address.

    Angren, a city in the Tashkent region of the Uzbek SSR. It is located in the left-bank part of the Angren Valley and consists of several isolated parts. Terminal railway station on the branch from Tashkent. The Tashkent-Kokand highway passes through A.

    - ... Wikipedia

    City, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan. Arose in the years of the Great Patriotic War as pos. Build Angrenshah at a coal deposit; since 1946 the city of Angren. The name Angren is derived from the name of the r. Akhangaran, where the city is located. ... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    City (since 1946) in Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, on the river. Akhangaran. Railroad station. 132.6 thousand inhabitants (1991). Brown coal mining center. Plants: chemical metallurgical, nitrogen fertilizer; production of rubber technical products. 2 GRES. ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Uzbek. Angren, Angren) Angren is a city in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan. Angren (Akhangaran) river in Uzbekistan, right tributary of the Syrdarya river ... Wikipedia

    Angren (Akhangaran) (Tajik. Ohangaron), O ,angaron) Characteristic Length 236 km Basin area ... Wikipedia

    Angren- city, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan. It arose during the Great Patriotic War as a settlement. Build Angrenshah at a coal deposit; since 1946 the city of Angren. The name Angren is derived from the name of the r. Akhangaran, where the city is located ... Toponymic dictionary

    I Angren Akhangaran, a river in the Uzbek SSR, the right tributary of the Syr Darya. Length 223 km, basin area 5260 km2. Source A. r. Aktashsay. In the upper course it flows in a canyon cut into the Angren plateau. From s. The Turk valley expands sharply, and in ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia