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Modern global situation philosophy. Philosophy considers the global problems of our time in a comprehensive manner. Ways of solving global problems of our time

Despite the fact that humanity in the 21st century is developing by leaps and bounds and claims to conquer other planets, it still has unresolved global problems of our time. Philosophy considers them in conjunction with the processes taking place in the economy, politics and other areas of human life.

Certain problems have received global status due to the fact that they affect almost the entire population of the Earth and can threaten the death of the entire civilization.

Philosophy also considers modernity from a historical perspective, often problems are not solved for many centuries. Wars and their consequences were, are and, unfortunately, will be, as long as there are ambitions and a desire to make money on it. The same can be said for food shortages. The instability of weather conditions, wars, political and economic crises at all times affected the supply of food. IN modern world, with a sufficiently high level of production, out of 7 billion people, only 1 billion do not experience hunger, and the rest do not eat up regularly. Another problem that has existed for centuries is the illiteracy of the population. Previously, the government of any country "did not bother" with this issue. the problem received in connection with scientific and technological progress. It turned out that in order to work in factories and plants, a skilled labor force is needed. We were industrially concerned about this, but illiteracy was never defeated.

Philosophy considers some of the global problems of our time to be a product of our time. By the end of the 20th century, the realization came that natural resources are not endless, they require careful treatment. Environmental problems have become acute. The rapid growth of industry, the uncontrolled use of mineral fertilizers - all this has led to the fact that large areas of agricultural land become unusable. Chemical and oil refineries pollute rivers and freshwater reservoirs. A large amount of garbage, radioactive and chemical waste is also a huge problem. The increase in population does not add optimism either. It grows mainly in countries with poorly developed economies, where 75% of the population is up to 35-40 years old. They also need to do something.

The planet's climate change and the impact on us (the activity of the Sun, the threat of falling large meteorites and asteroids) are also global problems of our time. Philosophy notes the change in human consciousness under the influence of such a probable threat. Perhaps that is why the expectation of the end of the world has taken on grandiose proportions.

So where to look for solutions to global problems? First, states and humanity as a whole must learn to negotiate with each other. The history of mankind is the history of wars. Second, the industry must finally become safe for environment... And the developed countries are simply obliged to help third world countries in this, where they do not think about environmental problems at all. Economic development and educational programs can help regulate populations in disadvantaged countries.

But the ways of solving the global problems of our time may remain just undertakings, while in the first place there will be a thirst for quick profit and the desire of some states to control world economy and politics.



on the topic: "Global problems of our time"

Prepared by:

doctor of philosophical science,

professor Naumenko S.P.

Belgorod - 2008


The main

1. Introduction to philosophy / Ed. I.T. Frolov. - M., 1986. IIh. Chapter XVIII. S.585-618.

2. Kokhanovsky V. Philosophy. - Rostov-on-Don, 1998. Chapter XIV. S.541-570.

3. Radugin A.A. Philosophy. - M., 1998.S. 249-260.


Each historical epoch, each stage in the development of human society has its own peculiarity, at the same time, they are inextricably linked with both the past and the future. At the end of the twentieth century, human civilization enters a qualitatively new state, one of the most important indicators of which is the emergence of global problems. Global problems have brought humanity to the boundaries of its existence and forced to look back on the path traveled. Today it is required to assess the goals that humanity has set for itself, it was required to make the necessary adjustments to the "trajectory" of its development. Global problems have put humanity in front of the need to change itself. Now it is necessary to develop such a global system of value orientations that would be accepted by the entire population of the planet. In 1992, a conference was held in Rio de Janeiro, attended by the heads of government of many states, who adopted documents stating that the values ​​offered by the West lead humanity to destruction.

Global issues of our time cannot be resolved without detailed elaboration of them by philosophers and representatives of specific sciences. The specificity of global problems lies in the fact that they require a program-targeted organization of scientific research. Currently, global problems are studied by many sciences - ecologists, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists, etc. In the 90s, a new area of ​​interdisciplinary research emerged, called globalistics. Global problems are also studied by philosophy in the worldview, methodological, social and humanitarian aspects. The philosophical analysis of global problems is based on the results of particular sciences. At the same time, this analysis is necessary, in addition to its heuristic value, for further research, since it contributes to the integration of special sciences that need agreement on coordination in the study of global problems. Philosophy becomes a connecting link for representatives of various scientific disciplines, as it is focused in its analysis on interdisciplinarity.

Each era gives birth to its own philosophy. Modern philosophy must become, first of all, a philosophy of survival. The task of modern philosophy is to search for such values ​​and social systems that would ensure the survival of humanity. The new philosophy is called upon to develop a model for solving global problems, to help the practical orientation of a person in the modern world in the matter of the survival of civilization.

The new impetus lies in the development of applied philosophy dealing with practical problems. Without a philosophical vision of the entire situation as a whole, not a single bottom of the global problems can receive a fundamental solution.

Specificity of philosophical understanding of global problems:

1) Philosophy, forming a new worldview, sets certain value attitudes, which largely determine the nature and direction human activity.

2) The methodological function of philosophy is that it substantiates particular theories, contributing to a holistic vision of the world.

3) Philosophy makes it possible to consider global problems in a specific historical context. It shows, in particular, that global problems arise in the 2nd floor. XX century.

4) Philosophy allows you to see not only the reasons for the emergence of global problems of our time, but also to identify the prospects for their development, the possibility of solving.

Thus, to the eternal philosophical problems of being, cognition, the meaning of human life, etc. the modern era has added a fundamentally new topic - the preservation of life on Earth and the survival of mankind.

Awareness of humanity as a planetary factor occurs not only due to the positive aspects of its influence on the world, but also through a whole range of negative consequences of the technogenic path of development. The global nature of these problems does not allow them to be solved regionally, i.e. in terms of one or more states. Organizationally, the solution to global problems will inevitably require the creation of a special “general staff of mankind”, which should determine the strategy for using knowledge to prevent global catastrophes.

When clarifying the ways of solving global problems, it is necessary to determine the strategy for their solution. Here, as a starting point, one can take their classification into three interrelated groups. Today there are many attempts to develop solutions to global problems. And here a special place is occupied by the Club of Rome, headed by Aurelio Peccei for a long time. At the initiative of this non-governmental organization, a number of major studies have been carried out, published in the form of reports. These include: "The Limits of Growth", "Humanity at a Turning Point", "The Goals of Humanity", etc. Within this direction, the unity of modern civilization and the common destiny of all countries and peoples are realized.

Global problems in many ways change the very approach to understanding social progress, forced to overestimate the values ​​that were laid throughout the history of civilization at its foundation. For many, it becomes obvious what Academician V.I. Vernadsky drew attention to half a century ago, who wrote: “A person for the first time realized that he is an inhabitant of the planet and can - must - think and act in a new aspect, not only in the aspect of a separate personality, family, clan, state, but also in the planetary aspect. " Such a generalized, planetary view of man and his place in the world was an important step towards the formation of a global consciousness based on man's understanding of his integrity. The next step consists in the moral reorientation of people, in comprehending the current situation from these positions and in the search for practical ways out of it.

The crisis modern society is largely due to the total, global alienation of man. Hence the salvation of mankind in the improvement of society and in the education of the person himself, and not only in scientific and technological achievements. The systemic organization of programs for solving global problems involves the use of global modeling.

Global problems demand from humanity spiritual unity in the name of saving civilization. They led to the need for qualitative changes in the life support systems of society and its value orientations. They require fundamentally new relationships between people, as well as relationships between people and nature.

1. Kochergin A.N. Philosophy and global problems. - M., 1996.

2. Leibin V.M. Globalistics - history and modernity. - M., 1992.

3. Lorenz K. The Eight Deadly Sins of Civilized Humanity // Questions of Philosophy. - 1992. - No. 8.

4. Science and global problems of our time. Round table// Questions of philosophy. - 1984 - No. 7.8.

5. Jaspers K. Future world order // XX century and the world. - 1990. - No. 9.

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National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

Trekhgorny Technological Institute - branch of NRNU MEPhI

"Philosophy and global problems of our time"

Completed by: Brusova V.A.

Sulimova M.V.

students of the TM-3047 group

Checked by: O. A. Prokhorova

Trekhgorny 2010


Global problems of modern civilizations

Fight for human rights

Science and its impact on the future of humanity

Philosophy about possible ways for the future development of the world community


Each historical epoch, each stage in the development of human society has its own peculiarity, at the same time, they are inextricably linked with both the past and the future. At the end of the twentieth century, human civilization enters a qualitatively new state, one of the most important indicators of which is the emergence of global problems. Global problems have brought humanity to the boundaries of its existence and forced to look back on the path traveled. Today it is required to assess the goals that humanity has set for itself, it was required to make the necessary adjustments to the "trajectory" of its development. Global problems have put humanity in front of the need to change itself. Now it is necessary to develop such a global system of value orientations that would be accepted by the entire population of the planet.

Global issues of our time cannot be resolved without detailed elaboration of them by philosophers and representatives of specific sciences. The specificity of global problems lies in the fact that they require a program-targeted organization of scientific research. Currently, global problems are studied by many sciences - ecologists, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists, etc. The basis of the philosophical analysis of global problems is formed by the results of particular sciences. At the same time, this analysis is necessary, in addition to its heuristic value, for further research, since it contributes to the integration of special sciences that need agreement on coordination in the study of global problems. Philosophy becomes a connecting link for representatives of various scientific disciplines, as it is focused in its analysis on interdisciplinarity.

The new impetus lies in the development of applied philosophy dealing with practical problems. Without a philosophical vision of the entire situation as a whole, not a single bottom of the global problems can receive a fundamental solution.

Specificity of philosophical understanding of global problems:

1) Philosophy, forming a new worldview, sets certain values, which largely determine the nature and direction of human activity.

2) The methodological function of philosophy is that it substantiates particular theories, contributing to a holistic vision of the world.

3) Philosophy makes it possible to consider global problems in a specific historical context. It shows, in particular, that global problems arise in the 2nd floor. XX century.

4) Philosophy allows you to see not only the reasons for the emergence of global problems of our time, but also to identify the prospects for their development, the possibility of solving.

Thus, to the eternal philosophical problems of being, cognition, the meaning of human life, etc. the modern era has added a fundamentally new topic - the preservation of life on Earth and the survival of mankind.

Global problems of modern civilizations

From the point of view of a common human approach, the contradictions of social progress at the present stage are accumulating in the global problems of mankind. The global problems primarily include:

The problem of preventing war and establishing peace on earth.

Problems caused by the environmental crisis.

Demographic problems (populationistic and depopulationist).

Problems of human spirituality (education, health care, culture) and lack of spirituality (loss of universal human values ​​as internal reference points of a person).

The problem of overcoming the negative consequences of scientific and technological revolution, the computer revolution, the information explosion.

The problem of overcoming human disunity caused by various economic, political, spiritual development of countries and peoples.

These and other problems are global, since, firstly, in their essence, they affect the interests of all mankind and its future. They are world-wide, their unsettledness poses a threat to the future of all mankind, and this threat goes in two directions: the death of mankind or regression in conditions of prolonged stagnation.

Secondly, these are the problems that require the unification of efforts of all mankind for their solution.

Thus, the globality of these problems stems not from their "ubiquity" and even less from the "biological nature of man", as many ideologists assert, but from the ever-increasing internationalization of the entire social activities on Earth, as a result of which they directly or indirectly affect humanity as a whole.

The problem of preventing war and establishing peace on earth

The priority of preventing a world thermonuclear war is determined not only by its consequences, but also by the fact that a nonviolent world without nuclear weapons creates all the prerequisites for the scientific and practical solution of other global problems in the context of international cooperation.

Suffice it to say that the arms race at the end of the 80s of the XX century. absorbed a trillion dollars annually, not to mention the fact that more than 25% of highly qualified specialists and scientists were employed in the military branches of production and science; tens of millions of people were diverted to serve in the army. The total amount of military spending in just one year is now equal to the external debt of all developing countries, accumulated over a quarter of a century. And this while in these countries every second child dies or suffers from hunger and malnutrition. And one tenth of the deductions for military spending would be enough to provide the necessary capital investments in the economies of developing countries for its modernization.

The same share of the deduction from military spending on environmental programs would sharply halt and mitigate the effects of environmental pollution on our planet.

You can continue the comparison, but from the above it follows that for the first time in history, humanity has an opportunity to provide itself with decent living conditions, an opportunity, in its essence, is as real as its opposite, that is, self-destruction. To achieve it, humanity has enough material resources, but for its implementation, new thinking is also necessary, goodwill and the international cooperation based on the priority of common human interests and goals.

Problems caused by the environmental crisis

The second global problem of our time, both in content and in importance for the existence and development of the human race, is an ecological problem, which is meant as an ecological crisis.

Today nobody needs to be convinced that nature was, is and will be not only the cause and natural condition for the emergence and existence of human society, but also one of the decisive factors of its development. That is, in social development there are spheres and components of its development (both economic, political, and spiritual), which are practically directly determined and depend on nature, the "geographical environment". Our "cradle" and our "abode" are in danger. Paradoxically, but social progress has brought humanity to the fact that its ecological niche is experiencing a state of increasing instability. Relations in the system "society - nature", "man - nature" in their importance begin to overlap our economic and political concerns and theoretical debates. Therefore, ecology should become one of the main paradigms of politics, the main determining economic efforts, the subject of primary attention of science. There is a wise Indian proverb: "When you kill the last beast and poison the last stream, then you will understand that you cannot eat either paper bills or gold coins."

What is the essence of the environmental threat? It is an integral element and result of the era that is called the era of the scientific and technological revolution. It is in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution that began in the middle of the 20th century that natural resources ceased to be practically inexhaustible in comparison with the enormously increased material needs of society. But nevertheless, interaction in the "society - nature" system continues to be one-sided: it is more aimed at exploiting nature than at protecting and restoring it, although it is obvious that people cannot continue to exploit nature uncontrollably, unplanned, reckless and shamelessly. Marx was absolutely right when he warned even in the conditions industrial revolution that culture, if it develops spontaneously, and not consciously, leaves behind a desert.

An environmental crisis is, in essence, a crisis of society. It is the result of contradictions between the operation of the laws of society and the natural laws of nature. These contradictions led to the fact that for a very short term the mechanisms of self-regulation of the biosphere were undermined, and man became the most vulnerable in it. If the lower biological organisms in a very short time adapted to these changes, and some of them mutated in an unknown direction, and in this case, unsafe for humans, then a real danger of physical and mental degradation arose before humans.

Thus, today it can be argued that technological development has gone "not where nature demanded." Humanity has crossed the threshold of the biosphere's capabilities. One of the latest resource models of the state of the Earth in terms of five main parameters: population, resources, industrial products, nutrition, pollution of the environment, shows that if the growth rates of population, economy, resource depletion are the same as the last decade, then the Earth will suffer a catastrophe , around 2040.

There are many reasons and components of the ecological crisis, and they are not equal in importance: demographic explosion (the biosphere was stable as long as the Earth's population did not exceed two billion people); imperfection of technology and technology; colossal chemical pollution of the environment; free urbanization, etc. material, objective reasons. But, perhaps, the most important reason is the low level of spiritual culture, expressed, among other things, in the ecological ignorance of man and mankind. It is necessary to remember and speak about this especially today.

Proceeding from such an approach to man, to society, to civilization, it is necessary to understand a simple truth: a man can defend nature only when he himself remains a man in a spiritual sense, a man not only reasonable, but also conscientious, since reason and conscience are the only dignity and dignity of Man, allowing to know and appreciate what he "creates".

Demographic problems (populationist and depopulationist)

It is known that, along with nature, population acts as a material factor that determines the possibilities for the development of society. That is, being the basis and subject of social development, the demographic factor influences all components of social development, although at the same time it itself is subject to their influence. There is no doubt that every historically defined economic order, defined social organization are characterized by their own laws of population growth and overpopulation. But in reality, these connections are not so straightforward and straightforward. Based on the facts, one can agree with T.R. Malthus, who warned back in the 18th century that if people do not limit their sinful inclination, they will eventually plunge themselves into hell, predetermined for them by the forces of nature and society.

The population growth caused by the "demographic explosion" is associated with serious economic problems and consequences, I would like to think that only for these countries themselves, since there is an intensive increase not in "workers", but in the beginning of "mouths". But this is hardly the case. It is known that if the population is growing at a rate of 1% per year, then "demographic investments" in the economy should be 4%, so that the rates of economic growth do not fall and the standard of living does not decrease in all parameters. Naturally, given the western rates of population growth, such investment "injections" into the economy are beyond the power of either these countries themselves, or developed countries that provide one or another support to developing countries. The consequence is hunger, the growth of poverty, both material and spiritual. But won't the peoples of this region make claims to the developed countries and demand compensation from them for their poverty? In the brilliant analysis of the "demographic explosion" given by Charles Darwin, his grandson in the book "The Next Million Years," it is stated that there are facts of this kind. Consequently, the question posed is not idle, but one or another solution to it will create additional problems for world civilization.

One cannot discount the possible political consequences of the "demographic explosion" in developing countries for the whole world, which is already expressed today, for example, in the geopolitical claims of some of them.

However, it would not be correct to reduce the global demographic problem of modern civilization only to a "population explosion". Humanity cannot but be concerned about the minimum rates of natural population growth in developed countries, the effect of the causes that cause them, and the consequences that this process may "turn out to" for them.

But it is especially necessary to dwell on the medico-biological problems of modern mankind. They arose at the intersection of the demographic, ecological, economic, moral crises of modern society and are their generalizing result. This is not only about bodily health, which in a civilized society has always been at one of the first places in the system of human values.

"In a healthy body - a healthy mind" - the ancient Greeks asserted. And it is all the more alarming to hear the growing warnings of biologists, geneticists, physicians that we are facing the danger of destruction of humanity as a species, deformation of its bodily foundations. For example, the "achievements" of genetic engineering open not only new horizons, but also ominous possibilities of getting out of the control of "mutated genes" that can distort human evolutionary adaptations, the mass production of artificial mutant bastards. The danger of breaking the main genetic code as a result of ill-considered interventions in its structure is not excluded. The genetic burden of the human population is growing. A sharp weakening of the human immune system under the influence of xenobiotics and numerous social and personal stresses is recorded everywhere.

The crisis of human spirituality

Practically all secular and religious, world and regional, ancient and new ideologies today cannot even provide any evidence to answer either the actual problems of the era or the eternal demands of the spirit.

Rushing in the eternal search for truth, human thought in many cases turns out to be unable to grasp the present, to maturely evaluate the past, at least to foresee the future with a minimum of accuracy. There are now no reliable social theories and philosophical and anthropological concepts, within the framework of which it would be possible to more or less, definitely characterize our today, and even more so tomorrow. Fear, anxiety, anxiety permeate all areas of human existence.

There is no fresh perspective on the world. Two great ideas, socialist and scientific and technological, which came to the 20th century from the 19th century, are currently experiencing a profound crisis.

At the beginning of the XX century. it was believed that, relying on these ideas, the people of the Earth will build not only heavenly, but also fair, free, worthy of a man society.

Both of these ideas are practically in ruins. Both the one and the other faced the boundaries set by the biospheric global possibilities of human existence. Noble was the long-standing primordial dream of people about a society of justice, equality, brotherhood to satisfy all needs - material and spiritual. This is the idea of ​​communism. Alas, not to mention its ugly distortion by real practice, it is internally vulnerable, because the motto "to each according to his needs" cannot be based on the realities of life. The proof of this is a simple calculation. If the consumption standard of the population of developing and former socialist countries (about five billion) is raised to the standard of living of the population of developed capitalist countries (about one billion), then it is necessary to double the consumption of all resources in 50 years and increase energy production by 500 times. Not forgetting that over these 50 years the population will increase by at least 1.5 times. With existing technologies and consumer orientations, the biosphere of the planet will not withstand this.

The same applies to technocratic optimism. Technique carries not only good, but also evil. Therefore, these ideas are now in such a state that it is difficult and sometimes dangerous to rely on them. The socialist idea raised social justice, the technocratic one - economic efficiency... Their unification did not take place. But our XX century did not give birth to new unifying ideas either. It seems that we will not sin against the truth, having said that humanity is now in an ideological vacuum. This applies to both philosophical and socialist ideas and religions of various levels and shades, which did not go beyond the call "to another world."

philosophy global humanity spirituality

Fight for human rights

Respect for human rights and their inviolability is one of the most important areas of activity of the United Nations. Human rights are enshrined in international documents designed to ensure their inviolability and stability. In accordance with the principles proclaimed by the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity of all members of the human family and their equal and inalienable rights is the basis of freedom, justice and universal peace, states are obliged to promote universal respect and observance of human rights and freedoms.

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ideal of a free human person enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want can only be realized if conditions are created under which everyone can enjoy their economic, social and cultural rights. as well as their civil and political rights.

According to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the right to life is a constitutional principle, an inalienable right of every person, on the basis of which no one can be arbitrarily deprived of his life.

It is no secret to anyone that the above principles are often violated, violated, or not implemented at all. Especially frightening are the facts of non-observance of basic human rights - to life, freedom, security of existence, etc. Terrorism is one of those phenomena of modern reality that undermines the very foundations of these rights, endangers the security of each individual and all of humanity as a whole.

The protection of human rights in the modern world faces great problems both on a conceptual and on a practical level.

Even in the developed countries of the West, heated discussions continue about how human rights should be interpreted. For example, in the dispute about the permissibility of abortion, everyone claims to defend human rights: advocates of abortion - the right of a pregnant woman to freedom and safety, opponents of abortion - the right of the unborn person to life. Since there is no generally accepted hierarchy of various human rights in terms of their importance, such a clash of opinions so far leads to the adoption of specific decisions in accordance with the momentary balance of power rather than with general principles.

The main problem is related to the fact that the concept of human rights was born in Western European culture and therefore finds an ambiguous response in countries of other civilizations. In modern Western European culture, society is understood as the totality of many social groups with their own special beliefs, which they can completely follow without hindrance, if only it does not harm others. In other cultures, the ideal is not society as a "bundle" of social groups, but society as a monolith, where everyone shares a single ideology. The basic institutions of these civilizations are not individualistic but collectivist values. Therefore, demands to grant all citizens of these countries the same rights as citizens of Western Europe and North America are often perceived as "cultural imperialism", interference in internal affairs.

But myself international standard human rights are internally contradictory. After all, the right to freedom of opinion and expression presupposes the admissibility of protection and such convictions that require the elimination of many human rights in the name of "the rights of the nation" or "rule of law".

Improving the protection of human rights in the 21st century it is impossible if their concept continues to be perceived as an element not of the world, but only of Western culture. Political globalization requires a dialogue on human rights between different civilizations, during which one can try to rethink the concept of human rights so that it truly expresses common human values.

Science and itsimpact on the future of humanity

Innovation in all fields of science and in schools is needed. With the old science in the future world you will not go very far. On the one hand, it is necessary to eradicate all unnecessary heaps, on the other, it is necessary to delve deeper into the phenomena, adding the most modern achievements. Now too much time passes while the achievements of individual laboratories, research and discoveries reach schools, universities, the whole people. Information departments at schools are needed with a popular presentation of the latest achievements. It is necessary to speed up messages. Ninety percent of major scientific advances date back to the twentieth century. You can clearly show what science was and what it is now. Such a striking comparison can open one's eyes to the possibilities of the future. The development of science can neither be prohibited nor pursued. But even with its rapid growth, science still does not fulfill even a tenth of what was intended for it during this period. The main reasons lie in the inertia of mankind, in prohibitions and prejudices. Scientists explore outer space, new energies and currents, but all revolve in a vicious circle, since they do not recognize the primary energy. Without it, the most daring flight will remain a child's occupation. Without it, you cannot see the interdimensional paths.

Unfortunately, science is moving too slowly. The most significant areas remain unaffected. Astrochemistry, astrology hardly develop. Only recently the attention of scientists was drawn to Cosmic rays and currents, and the most daring scientists even began to admit the influence of such explosions on the psychic side of mankind. Evolution requires new forms in everything. The limits of knowledge are expanding. New relationships develop between different areas science. Much that only yesterday seemed to be divided now turns out to be growing from one root. New combinations of cooperation are needed. The previous divisions must be replaced with more appropriate ones. This is needed in all areas of life - from philosophy and beliefs to the most practical sciences. Reality is ahead of the mechanical representations of life.

For further evolution, humanity needs renewal. In a dense state on Earth, one can cognize only one side of phenomena. But one should not be limited only to the physically visible horizon. To enrich life with natural means, it is necessary to allow life to be everywhere, to expand knowledge by introducing the knowledge of the Subtle World, to understand the value of reciprocity, cooperation, and refinement of consciousness. This will help strengthen earth science by making it more convex. There are many new discoveries ahead, but the knowledge of the Fundamentals of Existence will be the cornerstone. So far, even the transmission of thought over a distance is progressing poorly. Scientists lack supermundane feelings and knowledge of the Foundations of Existence. Any discovery is just a gateway to the closest secret. Let us love the difficult path, otherwise how will we test ourselves?

Philosophy about possible paths for the futureth development of the world community

One of key functions philosophy is a predictive function, the meaning and purpose of which is to make informed predictions about the future.

Throughout history, philosophy has actively debated the question: is it possible at all to make any reliable forecasting, vision of the future.

Modern philosophy gives an affirmative answer to this question: it is possible. In substantiating the possibility of predicting the future, the following aspects are distinguished: ontological, epistemological, logical, neurophysiological, social.

The ontological object lies in the fact that foresight is possible from the very essence of being - its objective laws, cause-and-effect relationships. Proceeding from dialectics, the mechanism of development remains unchanged before each qualitative leap, and therefore it is possible to "trace" the future.

The epistemological aspect is based on the fact that since the possibilities of cognition are limitless, and forecasting is also a type of cognition, then forecasting itself is possible.

The logical aspect is that the laws of logic always remain unchanged, both in the present and in the future.

The neurophysiological aspect is based on the capabilities of consciousness and the brain to anticipate reflection of reality.

The social aspect is that humanity seeks, based on its own development experience, to model the future.

In philosophy, there are also points of view according to which forecasting is impossible, but they are not used very popularly.

In modern Western science, a special discipline stands out - futurology.

Futurology (from Lat. Futurum - future) - in a broad sense - a set of ideas about the future of mankind, in a narrow sense - the area of ​​bearing knowledge, covering the prospects of social processes. The term "futurology" was introduced to denote the philosophy of the future in 1943 by the German scientist O. Flechtheim. Since the 60s, this term has been used in the West as the history of the future or "science about the future." In 1968 was created international organization, which brought together experts from 30 countries of the world, called the Club of Rome. It includes well-known scientists, public figures and businessmen. It was headed by the Italian economist P. Peccen. the main directions of this organization is to stimulate research on global problems, the formation of world public opinion and dialogue with heads of state. The Club of Rome has become one of the leaders in the global modeling of the prospects for human development.

The world famous modern scientists and philosophers who deal with the problems of forecasting the future include G. Parsons, E. Hanke, I. Bestruzhev-Lada, G. Shahnazarov and others.

The main type of forecasting is social forecasting, which is engaged in predicting the processes taking place in society, among them are processes in the field:

· Industrial relations;

· Science and technology;

· Education;

· Health care;

· Literature, art, fashion;

· Construction;

· Space exploration;

· International relations.

This direction was called prognostics and differs from futurology in greater concreteness (studies social processes, their future, not the future in general).

J. Forretor is considered the founder of global forecasting using mathematical methods and computer modeling, who in 1971 created a version of the model of world economic development taking into account the growth of the world's population, growth industrial production, environmental pollution. Mathematical modeling has shown that if the growth of these factors is not limited, then the growth of industrial production itself will lead to social environmental disaster and the death of mankind in the middle of the XXI century.


Awareness of humanity as a planetary factor occurs not only due to the positive aspects of its influence on the world, but also through a whole range of negative consequences of the technogenic path of development. The global nature of these problems does not allow them to be solved regionally, i.e. in terms of one or more states. Organizationally, the solution to global problems will inevitably require the creation of a special “general staff of mankind”, which should determine the strategy for using knowledge to prevent global catastrophes.

When clarifying the ways of solving global problems, it is necessary to determine the strategy for their solution. Here, as a starting point, one can take their classification into three interrelated groups. Today there are many attempts to develop solutions to global problems. And here a special place is occupied by the Club of Rome, headed by Aurelio Peccei for a long time. At the initiative of this non-governmental organization, a number of major studies have been carried out, published in the form of reports. These include: "The Limits of Growth", "Humanity at a Turning Point", "The Goals of Humanity", etc. Within this direction, the unity of modern civilization and the common destiny of all countries and peoples are realized.

Global problems in many ways change the very approach to understanding social progress, forced to overestimate the values ​​that were laid throughout the history of civilization at its foundation. For many, it becomes obvious what Academician V.I.Vernadsky drew attention to half a century ago, who wrote: “A person for the first time realized that he is an inhabitant of the planet and can - must - think and act in a new aspect, not only in the aspect of a separate personality, family, clan, state, but also in the planetary aspect. " Such a generalized, planetary view of man and his place in the world was an important step towards the formation of a global consciousness based on man's understanding of his integrity. The next step consists in the moral reorientation of people, in comprehending the current situation from these positions and in the search for practical ways out of it.

The crisis of modern society is largely due to the total, global alienation of man. Hence the salvation of mankind in the improvement of society and in the education of the person himself, and not only in scientific and technological achievements. The systemic organization of programs for solving global problems involves the use of global modeling.

Global problems demand from humanity spiritual unity in the name of saving civilization. They led to the need for qualitative changes in the life support systems of society and its value orientations. They require fundamentally new relationships between people, as well as relationships between people and nature.


Kochergin A.N. Philosophy and global problems. - M., 1996.

· Science and global problems of our time. Round table // Questions of philosophy. - 1984.

· Jaspers K. Future world order // XX century and the world. - 1990.

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Introduction …………………………………………………………… ..3

Chapter 1. The origin and essence of global problems …… ..5

Chapter 2. Global problems of our time ………………… ..8

Conclusion ………………………………………………………… .15


Global, or worldwide (universal) problems, as a result of the contradictions of social development, did not arise suddenly and only today. Some of them, such as the problems of war and peace, health, existed before and were relevant at all times. Other global problems, such as environmental ones, appear later in connection with the intense impact of society on the natural environment. Initially, these problems could only be private (isolated), questions for a particular country, people, then they became regional and global, that is, "problems of vital importance for all mankind."

The global problems of our time are a set of socio-natural problems, on the solution of which the social progress of mankind and the preservation of civilization depend. These problems are characterized by dynamism, arise as an objective factor in the development of society and for their solution require the united efforts of all mankind. Global problems are interconnected, cover all aspects of human life and affect all countries of the world.

Global issues of our time cannot be resolved without detailed elaboration of them by philosophers and representatives of specific sciences. The specificity of global problems lies in the fact that they require a program-targeted organization of scientific research. Currently, global problems are studied by many sciences - ecologists, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists, etc. In the 90s, a new area of ​​interdisciplinary research emerged, called globalistics. Global problems are also studied by philosophy in the worldview, methodological, social and humanitarian aspects. The basis of the philosophical analysis of global problems is formed by the results of particular sciences. Philosophy becomes a connecting link for representatives of various scientific disciplines, as it is focused in its analysis on interdisciplinarity.

Each era gives birth to its own philosophy. Modern philosophy must become, first of all, a philosophy of survival. The task of modern philosophy is to search for such values ​​and social systems that would ensure the survival of humanity. The new philosophy is called upon to develop a model for solving global problems, to help the practical orientation of a person in the modern world in the matter of the survival of civilization.

Chapter 1. The origin and essence of global problems

In philosophy, under global problems it is customary to understand planetary problems, which, due to their severity and scale, call into question the further existence of mankind. Scientists and politicians, writers and public figures persistently began to talk about them, especially in the 70s-80s, when these problems revealed all their acuteness and magnitude.

Now, at the turn of the millennium, humanity is faced with the most acute global problems that threaten the very existence of civilization and even life itself on our planet. The term "global" itself originates from the Latin word "globe", that is, the Earth, the globe, and since the end of the 60s of the XX century it has become widespread to denote the most important and urgent planetary problems of the modern era affecting humanity as a whole ... This is a set of such acute life problems, on the solution of which the further social progress of mankind depends, and which themselves, in turn, can be resolved only thanks to this progress.

Global problems are a consequence of the opposition of natural nature and human culture, as well as the inconsistency or incompatibility of multidirectional trends in the course of the development of human culture itself. Natural nature exists on the principle of negative feedback, while human culture exists on the principle of positive feedback.

The very term "global problems", first introduced into use in the late 60s in the West, became widespread largely due to the activities of the Club of Rome. However, many of these problems were anticipated at the beginning of the 20th century by such outstanding scientists as E. Leroy, P. Teilhard de Chardin and V. I. Vernadsky. Since the 70s, the concept of "noosphere" (the sphere of reason), developed by them, was directly switched, including to research in the field of philosophy of global problems.

The specificity of the philosophical understanding of global problems is as follows:

1) Philosophy, forming a new worldview, sets certain values, which largely determine the nature and direction of human activity.

2) The methodological function of philosophy is that it substantiates particular theories, contributing to a holistic vision of the world.

3) Philosophy makes it possible to consider global problems in a specific historical context. It shows, in particular, that global problems arise in the 2nd floor. XX century.

4) Philosophy allows you to see not only the reasons for the emergence of global problems of our time, but also to identify the prospects for their development, the possibility of solving.

Modern global problems are a natural consequence of the entire global situation that has developed on the globe in the last third of the 20th century. For a correct understanding of their origin, essence and the possibility of their solution, it is necessary to see in them the result of the preceding world-historical process in all its objective contradictions. This position, however, should not be understood superficially, considering global problems as simply traditional local or regional contradictions, crises or disasters that have grown to planetary proportions. On the contrary, being the result (and not just the sum) of the preceding social development of mankind, global problems are a specific product of the modern era, a consequence of the extremely aggravated unevenness of socio-economic, political, scientific and technical, demographic, ecological and cultural development.

Each historical epoch, each stage in the development of human society has its own peculiarity, at the same time, they are inextricably linked with both the past and the future. At the end of the twentieth century, human civilization entered a qualitatively new state, one of the most important indicators of which is the emergence of global problems. Global problems have brought humanity to the boundaries of its existence and forced to look back on the path traveled. Today it is required to assess the goals that humanity has set for itself, it was required to make the necessary adjustments to the "trajectory" of its development. Global problems have put humanity in front of the need to change itself. Now it is necessary to develop such a global system of value orientations that would be accepted by the entire population of the planet.

Chapter 2. Global problems of our time

In the second half of the 20th century, conditions, processes, phenomena arose on our planet that put humanity in front of the threat of undermining the very foundations of its existence. For the first time in its history, the human race faced the possibility of its general destruction. The very existence of life on Earth was called into question, for the destruction of the biosphere became technically possible.

Global problems have the following common features:

1) They are of a planetary, global nature and, by virtue of this, affect the vital interests of all peoples, all states.

2) They threaten (if no solution is found) either with the death of civilization as such, or with a serious regression in the conditions of life, in the development of society.

3) Require for their solution the collective efforts of all states, the entire world community.

These problems, which existed before as local and regional, have acquired a planetary character in the modern era. Thus, the time of the emergence of global problems coincides with the achievement of the industrial civilization's apogee in its development.

Summarizing what is known about the global problems of our time, they can be reduced to three main ones:

1) the possibility of the destruction of humanity in a world thermonuclear war;

2) the possibility of a worldwide ecological catastrophe;

3) the spiritual and moral crisis of mankind.

The possibility of the annihilation of humanity in the third world thermonuclear war is the most threatening problem. And although the Cold War is a thing of the past, nuclear arsenals have not been destroyed, and Russia's efforts in the international arena in terms of disarmament do not find a proper response from the politicians of the most developed countries possessing nuclear weapons. It is known that for the period from 3500 BC, i.e. in fact, since the emergence of the most ancient civilizations, 14,530 wars have occurred, and only 292 years have people lived without them. If in the XIX century. 16 million people died in wars, then in the XX century. - over 70 million! The total explosive power of weapons is now about 18 billion tons in TNT equivalent, i.e. each inhabitant of the planet accounts for 3.6 tons. If at least 1% of these reserves explode, then a "nuclear winter" will come, as a result of which the entire biosphere, and not only man, can be destroyed.

For many centuries, wars have been perceived by humanity as an integral and objective component of its development. But historical experience, especially of the 20th century, not only confirmed the validity of I. Kant's statement that the funds spent on them would be enough for the comfortable existence of mankind, but also made it possible to understand that wars are a specific form of a violent armed solution to certain social, political, economic, religious and other problems.

In this century, everyone living on our planet and shocked by the horrors of the First and Second World Wars, after their end, had the illusion that such a nightmare should not happen again. In order to prevent new military tragedies in 1922, the League of Nations was created, and in 1945 - the United Nations Organization. But in none of the other cases did the danger of war diminish. So, from 1945 to the present, more than 150 major wars have already occurred on the planet. For several decades, the world, split into capitalist and socialist camps, lived in tense anticipation of the inevitable 3rd world, but already nuclear war. And when the communist system collapsed in the second half of the 1980s, the establishment of a new world order based on universal human values ​​seemed inevitable to many politicians and ordinary citizens. As practice has shown, in the conditions of scientific, technical and information revolutions, a military conflict even between small and economically weak states can lead to dire consequences. The fact is that at present such means of mass destruction of people as bacteriological and chemical weapons have become widespread in the world. In addition, one should take into account the fact that a conflict between small states can affect the political, religious, economic interests of several groups of states at the same time, which will inevitably be drawn into a global military confrontation.

Measures to prevent war and hostilities were already developed by I. Kant at the end of the 18th century, but there is still no political will to approve them. Among the measures he proposed: non-financing of military operations; refusal of hostile relations, respect; the conclusion of relevant international treaties and the creation of an international union striving to implement the policy of peace, etc. However, it seems that the world community in recent years is increasingly moving away from these steps.

Ecological problem can lead to a worldwide environmental disaster. The first significant environmental crisis that threatened the continued existence of human society dates back to prehistoric times. Its causes were both climate change and the activity of primitive man, who, as a result of collective hunting, exterminated many large animals inhabiting the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Sinanthropes, who lived about 400 thousand years ago, have already caused significant damage to nature. They started using fire, which led to fires that destroyed entire forests. However, although human impacts on nature sometimes acquired threatening proportions, right up to the 20th century, they were local in nature.

Everything that happens on planet Earth with or without human participation also takes place in nature. The latter is understood as a part of matter with which people directly or indirectly interact, perceive it, i.e. see, hear, touch, etc. It, in turn, in one way or another also affects each of us, society as a whole, affects the results of human activity. In this sense, man himself is a product of nature. It is also present in all creations of human hands.

Therefore, no matter how highly developed and how much more efficient industrial production becomes, man always depends on nature. The nature of these relationships is very complex and contradictory, since nature is very diverse and has a rather complex structure.
Among the global problems of our time, one more should be singled out - this is the problem of population growth.

It is interesting that the English economist Malthus spoke about the inevitability of its occurrence back in the 18th century in his book "Experience on the Law of Population". It outlined a difficult situation, which, according to the author, will arise on the planet as a result of a growing discrepancy between population growth, allegedly occurring in geometric progression, and the amount of food produced, which increases in arithmetic progression.

Despite the controversy in the accuracy of such calculations, it should be noted that since the beginning of the 20th century, our planet has been experiencing a powerful population explosion. As a result, the number of inhabitants of the Earth has already exceeded 5 billion people and will reach 6 billion by the beginning of the third millennium. But this process cannot continue indefinitely, for it is limited by completely objective reasons:

The area of ​​soil suitable for agriculture,

The difficulty of mastering agricultural technologies and industrial crops, which takes a long time,

The increasing rate of urban growth,

The limiting possibilities of natural resources: air, water, minerals, etc.

Unproductive expenditures of states (on wars, liquidating internal conflicts, fighting crime), the size of which occupies a significant part in the budgets of most of them.

Without a doubt, the growth rate of the world's population is restrained by numerous factors and, in particular, such as wars, diseases, industrial, household and road traffic injuries, crime, hunger. For example, annually only in the CIS countries more than one hundred thousand people die at the hands of criminals in accidents on the roads and at workplaces.

At the same time, in other regions of the world, for example, in Asia, Africa and Latin America, the number of newborns is very high, despite the vigorous efforts made by the government of some countries, for example, China, to limit the birth rate. In most European countries, in North America and Australia, completely different processes are taking place, as a result of which their population is growing at very low rates.

According to experts who study these problems, and among them there are philosophers, economists, lawyers, and sociologists, the reason for this is:

A significant difference in the standard of living in highly and underdeveloped countries,

Historical traditions,

Geographic factor,

Religious dogmas.

If we touch on the latter, then it is they who regulate, for example, a whole complex of family and marriage relations between spouses. Thus, both Islam and Catholicism forbid women to have abortions. Islam also permits polygamy.

But the main reason, most likely, should be sought in the difference in the living standards of people in those and in other parts of the world. Countries with a high standard of living also meet the standards that apply to:

The quality of medical care,

Food structure and culture,

The system of upbringing children, as well as their education and living conditions.

The food problem is also sometimes ranked as a global one: today over 500 million people suffer from malnutrition, and several million die of malnutrition a year. However, the roots of this problem lie not in the lack of food as such and not in the limitedness of modern natural resources, but in their unfair redistribution and exploitation both within individual countries and on a global scale.

In addition to the above-mentioned global problems of our time, there is another one that is very relevant both for prosperous countries and for those dragging out a miserable existence. This refers to the problem of crime. The variety of activities of modern man has not only produced many positive results, but also generated an equally rich set of his illegal actions with varying degrees of negative consequences. They manifest themselves in the field of economics, finance, politics, administrative activities, having long passed the line when crimes are committed by individuals or their small groups.

The reasons for the criminal behavior of people are very diverse and therefore are studied by a number of sciences, in particular, criminology, legal psychology. The problem began to be perceived as a global one since it acquired the character of an organized one and went beyond the boundaries of individual states. International syndicates and other associations of criminals involved in the production and sale of drugs, gambling, prostitution, transplant trade, etc. involved millions of citizens of various states in their sphere of activity. Cash income from their operations is hundreds of billions of dollars.


Awareness of humanity as a planetary factor occurs not only due to the positive aspects of its influence on the world, but also through a whole range of negative consequences of the technogenic path of development. The global nature of these problems does not allow them to be solved regionally, i.e. in terms of one or more states. Organizationally, the solution to global problems will inevitably require the creation of a special “general staff of mankind”, which should determine the strategy for using knowledge to prevent global catastrophes.

Global problems in many ways change the very approach to understanding social progress, forced to overestimate the values ​​that were laid throughout the history of civilization at its foundation. For many, it becomes obvious what Academician V.I. Vernadsky drew attention to half a century ago, who wrote: “A person for the first time realized that he is an inhabitant of the planet and can - must - think and act in a new aspect, not only in the aspect of a separate personality, family, clan, state, but also in the planetary aspect. " Such a generalized, planetary view of man and his place in the world was an important step towards the formation of a global consciousness based on man's understanding of his integrity. The next step consists in the moral reorientation of people, in comprehending the current situation from these positions and in the search for practical ways out of it.

Global problems demand from humanity spiritual unity in the name of saving civilization. They led to the need for qualitative changes in the life support systems of society and its value orientations. They require fundamentally new relationships between people, as well as relationships between people and nature.

List of used literature

1. Bessonov B.N. Philosophy. - M., 2004.

2. Vernadsky V.I., Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon. - M .: Nauka, 1991.

3. Kanke V.A. Philosophy: Textbook for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.- M .: Logos, 2001.

5. Philosophy / Ed. Kalashnikov V.L. - M., 2003.

6. Philosophy / Ed. Lavrinenko V.N. - M., 2004.

Kanke V.A. Philosophy: Textbook for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.- M .: Logos, 2001.- 272 p.

Vernadsky V.I., Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon. - M .: Nauka, 1991 .-- 271 p.

In the second half of this century, such a trend was formed as philosophy of global problems. It is focused on comprehending acute contradictions and problems in the development of modern mankind, their origins and manifestations, development trends, ways and means of their solution. Global problems (environmental, energy, raw materials, demographic and others) are a complex of complex contradictions that cover the whole of humanity with their impact and put on the agenda the issue of survival and further existence of mankind. Within the framework of this flow, it is realized and emphasized unity modern civilization and community the destinies of all countries and peoples. By the will of fate, finding themselves in the same boat, they are doomed to jointly seek and find ways and means of survival.

The intensive development of the philosophy of global problems began in the 60s. At this time, the active development of theoretical models of the future of humanity began. 1968 was formed Roman club is a non-governmental international organization that brings together scientists and specialists from several dozen countries. It included a number of famous scientists ( J. Forerester, D. Meadows, M. Mesarovich), and the first president of the club was an Italian scientist Aurelio Peccei(1908 - 1984). The activities of this organization were aimed, first of all, at a comprehensive understanding of global problems, the search for ways of their practical solution and the formation of an appropriate public opinion. On the initiative of the club, a number of large research programs were carried out, published in the form of theoretical reports. These include The Limits to Growth (1972), Humanity at a Turning Point (1974), Goals for Humanity (1977), No Limits to Learning (1979), The Revolution barefoot "(1985) and others. The activities of the Club of Rome invariably touched upon the issues of ending the destructive and senseless nuclear arms race, the tense ecological situation on the planet, and social stratification in the world. Rod theoretical activity club became the problem of human being in the modern world, search for ways to humanize public relations*. It was emphasized that the survival of humanity and its future are possible only through the ways of improving and developing human qualities, through "Human Revolution" and the formation of the so-called new humanism.

In his book "Human qualities" A. Peccei formulated the main thesis of his own concept: the survival and future of mankind are possible only on the path Human Revolution, those. improvement of the spiritual world of people. All the intellectual power of a person should be used primarily for his cultural evolution. It is obvious that the global problems existing in the world are largely the result of a very slow course of such evolution, a manifestation of the discrepancy between the scientific, technical and spiritual and moral progress of mankind.

According to Peccei, the main problem now is the urgent need for improvement. human qualities. A revolution is required in the person himself, in the structure of his thinking and psychology, in the content of his abilities and the nature of his needs. Until now, man, instead of changing himself, preferred to transform the external world, becoming a "star of the first magnitude" in it and creating a "human empire". As a result, a person can become, according to Peccei, a prisoner of his own passions, desires and ambitions and turn out to be a lonely wanderer in the middle of the quicksands of the desert. The man of the 20th century began to lose his sense of reality, ceased to soberly assess his role and place in the world, the meaning of life and vocation. All this is, in fact, epochal crisis, which permeates all aspects of the life of modern civilization.

Peccei saw the way out of this crisis in the so-called "new humanism", which is designed to provide human transformation, a radical change in its qualities and thereby restore cultural evolution of the human race. The return to this evolution is, according to the scientist, the essence Human Revolution as the primary condition for the self-preservation of mankind. The new humanism must include, first of all, a sense of globality (the unity of mankind), a love of justice, a rejection of violence.

Linking the global problems of modern mankind with the human crisis takes place in the works of other thinkers and scientists. So, the German-French scientist Albert Schweitzer(1875 - 1965) put forward the concept of "new ethics". According to him, in our time, only unlimited responsibility for life on the planet. Reverence for life in Space should become the starting principle of modern humanism. Only that which contributes to the preservation and development of life, including human life, is humane. If the essence of the "old" humanism (the modern period) was the conquest of the outside world for person, then the essence of the "new" humanism should be reconciliation with this world, the search for harmonious unity with it, an orientation towards non-violence. "To help any life ”- this is what the basic attitude of the“ new ”humanism should be. The criterion for the development of society is called upon to be the degree of humanism in it, the preservation of all forms of life without exception.

The global manifestations of the crisis of modern man were also pointed out by the Austrian scientist Konrad Lorenz(1903 - 1989). He emphasized that many "deadly sins" lie on the person of the 20th century. These include such as the destruction of the natural environment, global and local military conflicts, uncontrolled population growth, the creation and improvement of weapons of mass destruction. In our time, there is intense destruction human in human, and in the XX century he, in fact, became the Demiurge (creator) of Evil on a worldwide scale. If in the 19th century “God died” (F. Nietzsche), then in the 20th century “man died” (E. Fromm), and this circumstance is also associated with the deep sources and prerequisites of global contradictions and problems in the development of modern civilization.

In our time, the development of the human race creates the ground for deep anxiety and fears, because in the XX century, mankind created the preconditions for self-destruction. But the rootedness of the reasonable and moral principles in the culture of society still generates and hope for a better future, for the survival of mankind. However, the realization of this hope will require the fulfillment of a number of conditions.

Firstly, in order to resolve global problems, it is necessary to realize their “runoffs, severity and scale, the possible negative consequences of the accumulation of a critical mass of these problems. Required new political thinking, those. understanding that all countries and peoples are single humanity with common problems and interests. The survival of humanity is possible only through non-violence and cooperation based on universal human values.

Secondly, the solution of global problems requires a revolution of human qualities and the establishment of a new humanism. For the sake of his own future, a modern person needs to get away from exorbitant ambitions and irrepressible appetites, from the psychology of the violent conquest of nature and focus on something else. : on the preservation of life in all its forms. Need to study culture of survival, subjecting all his spiritual and physical experience to this.

Third, the severity and scale of global problems strongly urge the transition to the so-called stable controlled (guided) type of development. The all-round and large-scale activity of the human race must be placed under reasonable and objective strict control. The 1992 UN Conference on Environmental Problems actively forged the model of sustainable development and recommended it to all and states. It was emphasized that the satisfaction of the present needs of the present generations should not be achieved by depriving such an opportunity for future generations of people. Needed co-evolution, those. coordinated (partner) existence of Man and Nature. The future of humanity is false if it manages to direct the energy of its Mind not to disrupt, but to create, to search for more civilized forms of its existence in Space and a new mission in it.