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Presentation of the system of spiritual moral education in dhow. Presentation "Spiritual and moral development and education of preschool children in the context of the implementation of FGOS before". Prelate and Miracle Worker Nicholas of Mirliki with Lives

"FOUNDATIONS OF SPIRITUAL AND MORAL EDUCATION OF PRESCHOOLERS" Completed by educator Zarnitsyna Galina Gennadievna educational institution kindergarten 6 "Yolochka", Vetluga 2013

Tru “It is difficult to disagree with those who argue that without Christianity, the Orthodox faith, without the culture that emerged on their basis, Russia would hardly have taken place. Therefore, it is important to return to these primary sources when we acquire ourselves again, looking for the moral foundations of life "V. Putin

Objectives: To introduce children to the circle of the main Orthodox holidays and spiritual and moral way of life. Introduce children to the moral foundations of Orthodox culture through the study of examples from the lives of saints and specific historical figures. To foster in children a sense of love and respect for the Motherland, their people, culture. To promote the formation of a respectful, attentive, compassionate attitude towards neighbors, respect and love for parents and other people. Provide assistance to the family in the formation of the child's personality on the basis of familiarization with the traditions of Orthodox spiritual culture. Help in the development of social skills and skills of voluntary behavior, attentiveness, patience, diligence, hard work.

Results of the survey of parents Some of the questions in the survey: 1. How often do you visit an Orthodox church? 2. Would you like your child to know the basics of Orthodox culture? 3. Would you like to know how to raise a child in a Christian way? 4. Would you like the kindergarten to have joint activities with the clergy?

2. Spiritual and moral education of children preschool age Cultural and educational (meetings, targeted walks, excursions, watching videos, listening to audio tapes). Moral and labor (self-service work, work according to interests, productive activity, making gifts for the holidays).

Forms of work with parents Lectures on spiritual and moral topics with the participation of a clergyman and Orthodox teacher GV Bushueva "The Duties of Christian Parents", "On the Baptism of Children", "On Prayer for Children", "The Role of the Father in the Family", etc. Orthodox information corners for parents

Expected results Education of a comprehensive and harmoniously developed personality; Formation of a team where everyone is valuable in themselves and everyone is in harmony with each other; Formation of moral values ​​and family traditions; Expanding the scope of knowledge and horizons in the field of spiritual culture.

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Spiritual and moral education of preschoolers

Education should educate a person and a citizen. Man is a sane soul in a sane body. Citizen - morality, education, art, independence. V. A. Zhukovsky

Relevance Society needs to educate not only educated people, but also educated people. IN modern world the child is surrounded by many powerful sources of positive and negative influences on his intellect and feelings. It is important for a child to know the principles of morality and the consequences of violating these principles for the people around him.

In preschool age, there is an active accumulation of moral experience and an appeal to spiritual life. Spirituality is a manifestation of the spirit in the world and in man, uniting the beginning of society, expressed in the form moral values and traditions, concentrated in religious teachings and practices, ... images of art. Morality is the internal attitude of a person to act according to his conscience. ( Dictionary Russian language)

Morality is a set of norms and rules that regulate people's relations in society on the basis of public opinion stimulating or inhibiting their behavior and activities; a state of mutual sympathy with the whole world, but above all with the whole people

Spirituality is a moral and aesthetic state of a person, expressed in adherence to such values ​​as freedom, humanism, social justice, truth, goodness, beauty, in an endless internal dialogue aimed at knowing the secret of its purpose and the meaning of life. Academician B. T. Likhachev

Purpose: formation moral personality, promoting spiritual experience, familiarizing with the values ​​of culture

Cognitive tasks: instill children's interest in the history of their country, their people, awaken a sense of belonging to it; contribute to the formation of feelings of love for the Motherland based on the study of national cultural traditions; to acquaint children with the symbols of Russia, the Chelyabinsk region, district, city; develop children's ideas about family traditions; continuity linking different generations.

Developing tasks: to promote the development of: intellectual abilities; thinking; speech; imagination; emotional and volitional sphere

Educational: to foster love and respect for the Motherland: its people, history, culture, shrines, traditions of the people; foster respect for moral standards; teach to distinguish between good and evil, good and bad deeds, forgive insults, be responsive, attentive to peers and elders; create conditions for the child to show a caring attitude towards others, the ability to empathize, compassion

The system of spiritual and moral education is based on familiarizing preschoolers with the historical and cultural heritage of their people and is carried out in the areas of

Spiritual traditions of folk culture

Principles: Purposefulness pedagogical process; scientific content of education and training; systematicity, consistency; availability, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children; an integrated approach to teaching and upbringing, the choice of optimal methods, forms, means of teaching and upbringing; cooperation between an adult and a child; educators and parents

The spiritual life of a child is full only when he lives in the world of play, fairy tales, music, fantasy, creativity. Without this, he is a dried flower. V. Sukhomlinsky

Kinds of activity cognitive activity: reading of historical and fiction literature, fairy tales; visiting the local history museum; informative conversations; work with a folk calendar, excursions, targeted walks along the streets of the city;

creative productive activity: making applications, figurines, designs, handicrafts, drawings;

theatrical activities: simulated scenes and performances; pre-holiday gatherings;

game activity: games that teach the ability to communicate, establish contact, enjoy communicating with a partner; foster love and respect for loved ones and people around them; help the child in the accumulation of social experience;

creative activity: modeling from plasticine, painting and graphics, musical creativity, dancing;

moral activity: lessons of love and kindness, acquaintance with Orthodox traditions and values;

conducting classes in the mini-museum kindergarten;

joint activities of children and parents aimed at strengthening family values, respect and mutual understanding: family and Orthodox holidays, games and competitions;

Conditions: Subject-developing environment Didactic means: traditions, rituals of folk holidays and everyday life of Russians; folklore; folk toys; Houseware; items of decorative and applied art; collections: clothes, coins, postcards, household items; popular science and fiction; photos; reproductions, illustrations; schemes, models, symbols (heraldry); video, audio production.

Society: Museums; Showroom; Libraries; Surrounding nature

Spiritual and moral education allows preschoolers to form: worldview; civil position; family values; moral guidelines

Spiritual and moral education, affirmation of the ideals of goodness, mercy and justice, are the most important mission of not only a religious organization, but society as a whole. Such values ​​at all times have held our Fatherland together, have formed national traditions and moral foundations. Today they allow Russia to preserve its historical roots and cultural and spiritual independence.

Let the child feel the beauty and admire it, let the images in which the MOTHERLAND is embodied will forever remain in his heart and memory. V. Sukhomlinsky

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Moral education of preschoolers. Conversations on the upbringing of a culture of behavior in preschoolers.

Practical material on the upbringing of a culture of behavior in preschoolers. Presented in the form of conversations that can be conducted with older preschool children ....

Russian nature ... These words easily evoke in the memory a variety of familiar and dear pictures. Slender pine forests and light, birch groves. Green meadows full of freshness and golden breads ...

Labor education begins at preschool age, when the child first feels the need for independent activity, declaring their intentions and manifesting themselves as the subject of their desires and ...

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Spiritual and moral education of preschool children in the Ozhoginsky cultural and educational center

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Since 2010, the Ozhoginsky cultural and educational center has been carrying out spiritual and moral education of preschoolers, which is clearly expressed in the following theses:

1. Language. The language contains in itself in a mysterious and concentrated way the whole soul, all the past, the entire spiritual order and all the creative ideas of the people. All this the child should receive together with the mother's milk (literally). It is especially important that the awakening of the child's self-awareness and personal memory is done in his native language. In the future, the cult of the native language should reign in the family and the children's collective. In the Ozhoginskiy KOTS, this principle is implemented through systematic classes with preschoolers on literacy and speech culture.

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2. Song. A child should hear a Russian song while still in the cradle. Singing will bring him the first soulful breath and the first spiritual groan; they must be Russian. The Russian song is as deep as human suffering; sincere like prayer; sweet, like love and consolation; in our dark days, as under the yoke of the Tatars, she will give a child's soul an outcome from the threatening anger and stony. It is necessary to start a Russian songbook and constantly enrich the child's soul with Russian melodies - strumming, humming, forcing to sing along and sing in chorus. Preschool children are happy to reproduce the melodies and words of lullabies, carols, Russian folk songs familiar from infancy. All this is consolidated in music lessons, during rehearsals and during various holidays and concerts.

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H. Prayer. Prayer is a concentrated and passionate turning of the soul towards God. Each nation makes this conversion in its own way, even within a single confession. Prayer will give him spiritual harmony; let him outlive it in Russian. Becoming children is truly spiritual - moral people helps positive example parents and teachers who talk with kids at religious themes, make joint excursions and pilgrimages to the Shrines of their large and small Motherland. In this way, children gradually learn to observe the most important Christian commandments.

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4. Fairy tale. The fairy tale awakens and captivates the dream. It gives the child the first sense of the heroic — the sense of trial, danger, recognition, effort, and victory; she teaches him courage and loyalty; she teaches him to contemplate human fate, the complexity of the world, the difference between truth and falsehood. Spiritually moral education of preschoolers is incomplete without a Russian folk tale. Acquaintance with a Russian folk tale at the earliest stage of childhood begins in the family. Later, the fairy tale helps the child to adapt in the children's team, prepare for school, for adulthood. In the Ozhoginsky KOTS, preschoolers actively participate in Russian performances folk tales... Children are happy to listen to new fairy tales, together with the teacher they make a puppet theater, learn to get used to the role, to be bolder and kinder.

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5. Lives of saints and heroes. The sooner and the deeper the child's imagination is captivated by living images of national holiness and national valor, the better for him. This component of the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers is implemented in the Ozhoginskiy KOTS by demonstrating multimedia information, conversations, literary and art exhibitions, various competitions on the theme: "Lives of saints and heroes."

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6. Poetry. The Russian people have a one-of-a-kind poetry, where wisdom is clothed in beautiful images, and images become sounding music... The Russian poet is both a national prophet and a national musician. And a Russian person who has fallen in love with Russian poetry since childhood will never be denationalized. To the extent that it grows and as far as possible, it is necessary to provide the child with access to all types of national art - from architecture to painting and ornament, from dance to theater, from music to sculpture. Preschoolers of the Ozhoginsky KOTs actively get acquainted with the work of the classics of Russian poets. The poetry of A.S. Pushkin, Under the guidance of teachers, children participate in contests for reading Russian poetry, they themselves try to compose their first quatrains. Thus, preschoolers take their first steps in the field of rhetoric, receive a lot of positive emotions from grateful listeners of their speeches.

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7. History. A Russian child should feel and understand from the very beginning that he is a Slav, a son of a great Slavic tribe and at the same time a son of a great Russian people, who have behind them a majestic and tragic history, who have endured great suffering and collapse and emerged from them more than once to rise and flourish. It is necessary to awaken in the child the confidence that the history of the Russian people is a living treasury, a source of living learning of wisdom and strength. This direction in the upbringing of preschoolers is carried out in the process of thematic excursions to the school corner of local history, the exhibits of which are constantly replenished thanks to parents, teachers, active residents of the Ozhoginsky KOTS. Together with the teacher, preschoolers visit the village memorial of Military Glory, historical memorial sites.

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8. Army. The army is the concentrated force of my state, the bulwark of my homeland, the embodied courage of my people, the organization of honor, dedication and service - this is a feeling that should be passed on to a child. Most deeply, a preschooler learns the concept of "Army" in the process of plot - role-playing games, sporting events, competitions, conversations with teachers, meetings with military personnel and veterans. The most important task of this direction, which is implemented in the Ozhoginsky KOTs when working with preschoolers, is the formation in children respectful attitude To Russian army, defenders of the Motherland, pride in the Military Glory of their fathers and grandfathers.

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9. Territory. A preschooler child must see with his imagination the spatial expanse of his country, this is the national and state heritage of Russia. He must understand that the people live not for the earth and not for the sake of the earth, but that they live on the earth and from the earth and that the territory is necessary for him, like the air and the sun. Preschoolers get acquainted with the term "Territory" in the classroom to familiarize themselves with the world around them, through the demonstration of various layouts, geographic maps, posters, multimedia projects. Children compare with interest the territorial space of their state with other countries. They master the basic skills of determining the natural landscape of the area (mountains, plains, rivers, seas).

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10. Household. From early childhood, a child should feel the creative joy and power of labor, its necessity, its honor, its meaning. He must experience internally that labor is not a disease and that work is not slavery, that, on the contrary, labor is a source of health and freedom. Rural preschoolers mainly get acquainted with the concept of “economy” in the process of observation and participation in domestic and social work together with their parents and teachers. Children are happy to visit private livestock farms, gardens and flower beds of local residents, they themselves try to grow their first crop and participate in landscaping the premises of their group (GKP) and the territory of the KOTS. The most important task this direction- this is the education of hard work, a sense of collectivism and responsibility for the result of their work.

Russia is currently going through one of the most difficult historical periods. And the greatest danger that lies in wait for our society today is not in the collapse of the economy, not in the change of the political system, but in the destruction of the personality. One of the tasks of the FSES DO is to combine training and education into a holistic educational process on the basis of spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior adopted in society in the interests of a person, family, society.



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SEMINAR: Spiritual and moral education of preschool children in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. N.S. Tyapkina, Deputy Head for VMR MUNICIPAL STATE PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION №13.

Realizing the disastrous consequences of atheization, Russian society today is trying to restore the system of spiritual and moral education, which is clearly visible not only in the current Federal law"About education in Russian Federation"(Dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ), but also the federal state educational standard of preschool education (hereinafter - FGOS DO), which entered into force on January 1, 2014. The federal state educational standard of preschool education fixes the priority of the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers, contributes to a more in-depth and purposeful study of the problem of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers. Russia is currently going through one of the most difficult historical periods. And the greatest danger that lies in wait for our society today is not in the collapse of the economy, not in the change of the political system, but in the destruction of the personality. The tasks of spiritual and moral education are being developed in state regulatory documents: Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-ФЗ), "The Concept of Education and Development of the Personality of a Citizen of Russia", and the "Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education" that came into force on January 1, 2014 (pr No. 1155 dated 17.10.2013). One of the tasks of the FSES DO is to combine training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and the rules and norms of behavior adopted in society in the interests of a person, family, society.

Objectives: improving the quality of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers; familiarizing them with the moral and spiritual values ​​of Orthodox culture; - assistance in the revival of the best traditions of family education; "The task of upbringing is to awaken attention to spiritual life ... If our pupil knows a lot, but is interested in empty interests, if he behaves perfectly, but a lively attention to the moral and the beautiful is not awakened in him, you have not achieved the goal of upbringing." KD Ushinsky.

To cultivate respect for the moral standards of Christian morality; - to form a spiritual and moral attitude and feelings of belonging to the cultural heritage of their people; - to form love for the Motherland based on the study of national cultural traditions; - to form self-esteem as a representative of their people; respect for other nationalities; - to orient the family towards the spiritual and moral education of children, to form ideas about the forms of the traditional family structure; - create conditions for the perception of a holistic picture of the world; -to carry out purposeful work on physical education, strengthening will and endurance; - to cultivate a respectful attitude to work. main tasks:

The main directions of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of children: creation of an environment that presupposes acquaintance with the foundations and values ​​of Orthodox culture, cultural and historical heritage of the Russian people; The preschool education standard sets forth requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program. One of the Requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment is taking into account national and cultural conditions. At the same time, the RPSS should be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. Traveling exhibitions are organized for memorable dates: Victory Day, the anniversary of the preschool educational institution.

Mini Museum "Russian hut" Handicraft items Corner of antiquity Here preschoolers get acquainted with the household items of their ancestors, their names, purpose, methods of action with them. Antique Corner

Other nations and peoples. Centers for patriotic and spiritual and moral education. Courtyard

Centers for patriotic education in groups

Centers for patriotic education. Mini-Museum XXII Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014 Achievements of athletes. History of Olympic Games. Olympic flame Olympic symbols and mascots. The results of the victories of our athletes. Awards for parents and children.

Centers for spiritual and moral education on the territory of the preschool educational institution Near the wattle - decoration of the village street Russian beauty

In directly educational activities In the Russian hut, through the perception of folklore, the foundations of moral consciousness are laid, the education of national self-awareness, the preservation of folk traditions. introduction of children to traditional spiritual and moral values; The playable character Cat, found in folklore works, helps kids remember the nursery rhyme, activate them in various games and amusements. In the "Russian hut" preschoolers not only get acquainted with household items, their names, but also functional use.

Ввв In the "hut" is organized not only GCD, but also games, entertainment. As you know, the development of a child occurs in activity. No upbringing and teaching influence on the child can be carried out without the real activity of him.

; Children really like to wear Russians folk costumes, they study and examine the exhibits with interest.

The introduction of preschoolers to oral folk art contributes to the active development of the cultural wealth of the Russian people, contact with the spiritual heritage of the past.

Acquaintance with folk art. The Russian land from time immemorial has been famous for its craftsmen, people who are able to create and create real beauty with their own hands. Children get acquainted with the products of decorative and applied art by Russian craftsmen.

Project activity My favorite city. Tula Territory My family! Russian folk holidays Connection line

International project "Connection line"

international creative project“The Unifying Power of Art”.

the formation of spiritual-moral and moral-patriotic values ​​in children through the education of love for the family and their native land. WITH younger age preschoolers instill love for their family, hometown. The kids of the 2nd junior group with love carefully prepared the exhibition for Mother's Day. Pupils senior group actively involved in project activities to get acquainted with the native land, starting from your city. Sightseeing tour of Efremov.

Much has been written about the importance of introducing a child to the culture of his people, since an appeal to the paternal heritage fosters respect, pride in the land on which you live. GCD "How they built our fortress"

It is the emphasis on knowledge of the history of the people, its culture that will help in the future with respect and interest to treat the cultural traditions of other peoples. GCD "How people lived in antiquity"

the formation of civic consciousness, love for the Motherland and the Russian people; patriotic education; Games, dances, sports competitions are held on the 23rd February holiday. Preschoolers demonstrate strength, dexterity, speed, endurance.

Victory Day. May 9 holiday in honor of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, holy for each of us, and we are obliged to pass on the memory of the Victory, the feat of our people, the heroes of the war to future generations. This fosters a sense of patriotism, love for Russia, for its people, forms respect and pride for the Fatherland, for the heroic deed of soldiers during the Second World War. The patriotic upbringing of a child is the basis for the formation of a future citizen. In December, an excursion is held - a lesson on the traveling exhibition of the Museum of Local Lore.

Purposeful work is underway to form patriotic qualities on the example of the feat of war heroes, including children-heroes. Teachers involve parents, grandmothers and grandfathers in conversations, stories about family members who participated in the Second World War, looking at photographs in family albums, reading about the heroic deeds of soldiers and the Russian people in this difficult time. Excursion to the Zemlyanka Museum.

Victory Day. Meetings with participants in those distant events arouse genuine interest and leave a deep imprint on the souls of children.

The Victory Day holiday in kindergarten is not a one-time event. This is a whole system of activities that organically fit into the educational process of a preschool institution.

revival of the traditions of Orthodox family education and family structure; INTRODUCTION OF CHILDREN TO SPIRITUAL CULTURE. Results of a survey of parents and teachers: Children should receive knowledge about traditional Orthodox culture in preschool educational institutions Results sociological research teachers:

THE COVER OF THE FATHER The way of life of the preschool educational institution is formed in accordance with the spiritual and moral traditions of the Russian people, the traditions of Orthodox pedagogy, the annual cycle of holidays of the church and civil calendar, Orthodox education of preschoolers Christmas.

Shrovetide was considered a joyful holiday in Russia. Preschoolers are playing folk games, fun, obligatory action, farewell to winter - burning a scarecrow. In Christianity, the meaning of Maslenitsa week, preparing for Great Lent, is attached to a single goal - forgiveness of offenses, reconciliation with everyone, preparation for the path of repentance.

Bright Sunday of Christ. The purpose of such holidays is to familiarize pupils with the origins of Russian folk culture, to restore the traditional way of life. For the holidays, exhibitions of works by teachers, children and their parents are organized.

In the spiritual upbringing of a child, one of the main tasks is to cultivate a habit of deeds of mercy. With special love and awe, children and adults prepare simple souvenirs for veterans. empathetic attitude. In the eyes of a person wise with rich life experience, we often see tears of gratitude for the warmth and attention, participation and sensitivity.

INTRODUCTION OF CHILDREN TO SPIRITUAL CULTURE Excursion to the Temple named after the holy apostles Peter and Paul in the village. Newly beautiful MKDOU No. 13 of the city of Efremov

The rector, Father Pavel, talks about the structure of the Temple. Introduces you to its shrines.

Some children have the experience of visiting a church with their parents, kissing an icon, and lighting candles.

Revival of the traditions of Orthodox family education and the way of life of the family; Orthodox education, love for the Motherland begins with an attitude towards the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother.

Promotion of the culture of motherhood, childhood, family traditions of upbringing among parents. Orthodox education, the formation of a sense of belonging to the history of the Motherland, through acquaintance with folk holidays and traditions, the way of life and way of life of their people, undoubtedly begins with the family. The kindergarten, in its work with the family, rely on parents as equal participants in the formation of a child's personality. Therefore, it is so important to have a close relationship between the teaching staff, children and parents. Only under this condition is it possible to educate an integral personality.

Preschoolers show a special interest in the history of their native land during their visits to the local history museum. Acquaintance with their hometown (history, natural and geographical features, holy and memorable places). connection with society. Excursion to the Museum of Local Lore.

MKUK "Efremovskiy regional art museum of local lore". Nativity of Christ Introduction to spiritual and moral education Oil nitsa

Geroiko - patriotic club - museum "Zemlyanka"


MOU DOD "Efremov children's art school". The development of artistic taste through the perception of the beauty of folk crafts, works of art of their own people.

Master class of the MOU DOD "Efremov children's art school".

Communication with society Sports and recreation center "Children's and Youth Sports School No. 3"

Labor In kindergarten, children purposefully engage in labor, observe professional activities adults during excursions, targeted walks. fostering a respectful attitude towards work as a duty commanded to a person;

Preschoolers characterizing actions literary heroes and their own, realize moral values good and evil; - note the importance of a positive attitude towards nature, towards oneself, towards others, towards one's duties, possession of methods of behavior; - strive to show mercy and compassion in a given situation, do good deeds for loved ones, friends; - try to act fairly in relationships with peers, adults, live on moral foundations with the surrounding nature, in society. Work efficiency:

Patience, kindness and mercy to you !!!

Topic "Spiritual and moral education of preschool children" Folk culture in the system of spiritual and moral education.

1. Relevance of the problem. In modern world material values dominate over the spiritual, therefore, children have distorted ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism. Therefore, one should not underestimate the importance of spiritual and moral education for the versatile development of the individual. In modern socio-economic conditions priority areas in work preschool institutions is the diversified development of each child, the disclosure of his creativity... The content of education today is focused not only on enrichment key competencies, but also on the upbringing of the child's personality, which is understood as the process of the formation of the spiritual image of the child's "I", where, first of all, conditions are created for the development of the value-semantic sphere of the child's consciousness, his abilities, the ability to live in harmony with himself, the world around him.

Folk culture in the system of spiritual and moral education. Tradition is the most valuable thing in the culture of every nation. It is very important that children from the most early years knew what Fatherland, Motherland, native land was. Therefore, starting from preschool age, children need to be told about people. native land, about the natural basis of our being, about the place where a person was born and lives, about those traditions that are revered. The child needs help in realizing the variety of connections that exist between us and our ancestors. Only then will the traditions of the past, moral values ​​acquire special significance for the child, becoming important and relevant today. “We must not forget about our cultural past, about our monuments, literature, language, painting ... National differences will remain in the 21st century, if we are concerned about the education of souls, and not just the transfer of knowledge” academician D. Likhachev.

The museum has what is above all competition - true values. The idea of ​​creating a museum came to the teaching staff of our institution long ago, back in 2000. For several years, in an experimental mode, we have been developing the problem of "Introducing preschool children to the origins of traditional Russian culture." The entire staff of the kindergarten worked in this direction. Parents and residents of the villages Sadovoe and Akhmat. Acquaintance of children with museum exhibits can have a huge impact on their general and cultural development, especially if the museum is created by the hands of the children themselves, parents and other relatives, and teachers. At the same time, the choice of the profile of the museum is of fundamental importance: it is important to understand what content of the museum exposition will provide the pedagogical influence required to improve the quality of upbringing and education of children.

Museum of Russian Life "Gornitsa" During this time, a lot of methodological and creative developments have been accumulated, and a large collection of products of Russian folk crafts and household items has been collected. Initially, individual items were presented in a small volume in the playroom of the senior group of the kindergarten. But gradually the collection grew, moreover, very interesting exhibits appeared, requiring a special arrangement. Therefore, it was decided to systematize all the material and collect it in a separate room - a museum. This is how the room-museum of Russian life “Gornitsa” appeared.

Excursions and classes in the room-museum "Gornitsa" Classes on museum pedagogy with older preschoolers are held in the premises of the museum. Classes are conducted by a guide. Children of the elders and preparatory groups not only get acquainted with the profession of a "guide", but over time they themselves actively participate in the creation of expositions and begin to conduct excursions for their friends, children junior groups, parents and guests of the preschool educational institution.

Collection of Russian shawls The exhibition of shawls and Russian shawls is constantly updated and replenished with new exhibits. They are carried by the grandmothers and great-grandmothers of our pupils, knowing that in our museum they will be admired. Children get acquainted with the art of the Pavlovsk masters.

Lace collection Lace collars, napkins, Lace tablecloths - all these exhibits are genuine, made by craftswomen of the early 20th century, almost none of them are dead, and their handicrafts are admired by children, their parents, villagers and even guests from other cities.