Planning Motivation Control

Technique schematization or labyrinths by la Wenger. Formation of spatial thinking in children of primary school age in mathematics lessons. Stott Observation Map

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Research procedure:

The technique is carried out individually. The research procedure is a conversation with a child using a certain rating scale on which he places himself and presumably determines the place where other people will put him.


The child is given a leaflet with a ladder drawn on it and the meaning of the steps is explained. It is important to see if the child understands your explanation correctly. Repeat it if necessary. After that, questions are asked, the answers are recorded.

Analysis of the results:

First of all, they pay attention to what step the child has put himself on. It is considered normal if children of this age put themselves on the rung of “very good” and even “very good” children.

In any case, these should be the upper steps, since the position on any of the lower steps (and even more so on the lowest one) speaks not of an adequate assessment, but of a negative attitude towards oneself, self-doubt. This is a very serious violation of the personality structure, which can lead to depression, neurosis, antisocial behavior in children.

As a rule, this is due to a cold attitude towards children, rejection or harsh, authoritarian upbringing, in which the child himself is devalued, who comes to the conclusion that he is loved only when he behaves well.

And since children cannot be good all the time, and even more so they cannot meet all the "claims of adults, fulfill all their requirements, then, naturally, children in these conditions begin to doubt themselves, their strengths and the love of their parents for them. children who are not at all involved at home are not confident in themselves and in parental love, thus, as we can see, extreme neglect of the child, as well as extreme authoritarianism, constant guardianship and control, lead to similar results.

Specifically, the attitude of parents to the child and their requirements is indicated by the answers to the question of where adults will put them - dad, mom, teacher.

For a normal, comfortable sense of self, which is associated with the emergence of a sense of security, it is important that someone from the adults put the child on the highest step.

Ideally, the child himself can put himself on the second step from the top, and the mother puts him on the highest step.

Methodology for determining the level of development of the communicative sphere

The level of development of a child's sociability is determined in kindergarten as a teacher during general children's games. The more active the child is in communicating with peers, the higher the level of development of the communicative system.

* 10 points - overactive, that is, constantly bothers peers, involving them in games, communication.

* 9 points - very active: involves and actively participates in games and communication.

* 8 points - active: makes contact, participates in games, sometimes he himself involves peers in games, communication.

* 7 points - rather active than passive: participates in games, communication, but does not encourage others to do so.

* 6 points - it is difficult to determine whether it is active or passive: they will call you to play - they will go, they will not call - they will not go, they themselves are not active, but they also do not refuse to participate.

* 5 points - rather passive than active: sometimes refuses to communicate, but more often still participates in games and communication.

* 4 points - passive: only sometimes participates in games when he is persistently invited.

* 3 points - very passive: does not participate in games, only observes.

* 2 points - closed, does not react to the games of peers.

For the study of the intellectual sphere, we have chosen the techniques Methodology "Labyrinth" (AL Venger), "Memorization of 10 words" (Luria), Correction test (Pieron-Ruser), "House" (NI Gutkina)

Method "Labyrinth" (A.L. Venger)

In the original version, this technique was proposed to diagnose the level of formation of visual-figurative thinking. The practice of its application has shown that when performing tasks, the child uses "writing" as a model or rule, he needs to strictly follow a given sequence (chain) of landmarks in order to achieve a positive result. These features of the modeled activity make it possible to identify the level of development of the child's arbitrary sphere. We use the original stimulus material, but we propose a new version of the interpretation and assessment of the performance of tasks. The technique can be presented both in an individual and in a group version. The examination time is 15 minutes.

Purpose: Diagnostics of the ability to act according to visual landmarks in a given sequence.

Material: 12 tables with a schematic map and instructions. Instruction: “In front of you is a clearing along which paths (show) run. You can walk along these paths to any house, but we are looking for only one of them, the one in which the bunny lives. He sent you a letter indicating the landmarks you need to pass by. There may be a wolf in other houses, he will eat you. Be careful, find the right path! " ...

Analysis of the results. The total score is entered into the protocol of the method. when evaluating the results, it is necessary to take into account the number of the house chosen by the child and the number of the task. Both of these indicators are located in the key ..

"Memorizing 10 words" (A.R.Luria)

The technique is used to study direct short-term, long-term, voluntary and involuntary memorization. The subject is read ten words, selected so that it would be difficult to establish any semantic relationship between them (mountain, needle, rose, cat, watch, wine, coat, book, window, saw). After reading, it is proposed to reproduce the words in any order. Then the words are read again. Reproduction of 6-9 words after 4-5 repetitions is considered normal. After 20-30 minutes. the subject is asked to reproduce these words in any order.

The following indicators are distinguished:

1. the number of words played;

2. the dynamics of word reproduction (the curve of voluntary memorization).

The test results indicate following features memorization:

· Direct memorization is not impaired - if the subject, immediately after reading ten words, reproduces at least 6-7 words in four to five attempts.

· Immediate memorization is impaired - if the subject, immediately after reading ten words, reproduces less than 5 words. The fewer words are reproduced, the more pronounced are the violations of direct memorization.

· Long-term memory is not impaired - if after 20-30 minutes. without prior warning, the subject reproduces at least 6-7 memorized words.

· Long-term memory is reduced - if after 20-30 minutes. without prior warning, the subject reproduces less than 5 memorized words.

Pieron - Ruser method

This technique is used to study the stability of attention, the possibilities of its switching. At the same time, it is possible to note the peculiarities of the pace of activity, "workability" in the task, the manifestation of signs of fatigue and satiety. The methodology also gives an idea of ​​the speed and quality of the formation of a simple skill, the assimilation of a new way of action, the development of elementary graphic skills.

In the upper part of the form, geometric shapes are marked with symbols (dot, dash, vertical line), which the child must place in the proposed form.

Procedure for

A blank form is placed in front of the child, and the psychologist, filling in the blank figures of the sample (Appendix 6), says: “Look, I’ll put a point in this square, in a triangle - this is a line (vertical), I’ll leave the circle clean, nothing in it I will draw, and in the rhombus - just such a line (horizontal). You will fill in all the other figures yourself, just as I showed you ”(you should repeat once again where and what to draw - orally). After the child has started work, the psychologist turns on the stopwatch and fixes the number of signs set by the child in 1 minute (a total of 3 minutes is given), - marks it with a dot or a dash right on the form. Note. It is advisable to record (at least approximately) from what moment the child begins to work from memory, that is, without relying on a sample. In the protocol, it is necessary to note how the child fills in the figures: diligently, accurately or carelessly, as this affects the pace of work. Analyzed indicators:

The ability to hold instructions and purposeful activity; - parameters of attention (stability, distribution and switching); - the total number of filled figures;

The number of filled figures for each minute (dynamics of changes in the pace of activity); - the number of errors (total);

The number of errors for each minute of work (dynamics of changes in the number of errors);

Distribution of errors (and their number) in different parts of the sheet. Age features execution. The technique can be used in work with children from 5.5 years of age to 8-9 years. Depending on the age of the child and the tasks of the study, various symbols (dot, dash, vertical line) can be placed in one, two or three figures. The fourth figure must always remain "empty". The sample on the sheet remains open until the end of the child's work.

The following are considered good results of the methodology: - quick memorization of symbols;

The situation when, after the first completed line, the child stops looking at the sample;

Few errors (1-2 in 3 minutes).

Methodology "House"

The "House" technique (NI Gutkina) is a task for sketching a picture depicting a house, the individual details of which are made up of elements of capital letters. The method is designed for children 5-10 years old and can be used to determine the readiness of children for schooling.

Objective of the study: to determine the child's ability to copy a complex pattern.

The task allows you to reveal the child's ability to orientate to the sample, to copy it exactly, to determine the features of the development of voluntary attention, spatial perception, sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills of the hand.

Material and equipment: a sample of a drawing, a sheet of paper, a simple pencil

Examination procedure

Before completing the task, the child is given the following instruction: “In front of you are a sheet of paper and a pencil. I ask you to draw on this sheet exactly the same picture as on this sheet (a sheet with a picture of a house is placed in front of the subject). Take your time, be careful, try to make your drawing exactly the same as on this sample. If you draw something wrong, do not erase with either an eraser or your finger (you must make sure that the child does not have an eraser). It is necessary to draw on top of the wrong or next to it correctly. Do you understand the task? Then get to work. "

In the course of the assignment, it is necessary to fix: 1) with which hand the child draws (right or left); 2) how he works with the sample: does he often look at it, does he draw air lines over the sample drawing, repeating the contours of the picture, does he check what he has done with the sample or, having glanced at it, draws from memory; 3) draw lines quickly or slowly; 4) whether he is distracted while working; 5) statements and questions during drawing; 6) does he check his drawing with the sample after finishing the work?

When the child reports the end of work, he is asked to check if everything is correct for him. If he sees inaccuracies in his drawing, he can correct them, but this must be registered by the experimenter.

Processing and analysis of results

The processing of experimental material is carried out by calculating the points awarded for errors. Errors are as follows.

1. Absence of any detail of the drawing (4 points). The picture may be missing a fence (one or two halves), smoke, chimney, roof, shading on the roof, window, line depicting the base of the house.

2. Increase of individual details of the drawing by more than two times with relatively correct preservation of the size of the entire drawing (3 points for each enlarged detail).

3. Incorrectly depicted element of the picture (3 points). Smoke rings, a fence, hatching on a roof, a window, a chimney can be depicted incorrectly. Moreover, if the sticks that make up the right (left) part of the fence are incorrectly drawn, then 2 points are awarded not for each incorrectly depicted stick, but for the entire right (left) part of the fence as a whole. The same applies to the smoke rings coming out of the chimney and to the hatching on the roof of the house: 2 points are awarded not for each wrong ring, but for all the incorrectly copied smoke; not for every irregular line in the shading, but for the entire shading as a whole.

The right and left parts of the fence are evaluated separately: for example, if the right part is sketched incorrectly, and the left part is copied without error (or vice versa), then the subject receives 2 points for the drawn fence; if mistakes are made in both the right and left parts, the subject gets 4 points (2 points for each part). If part of the right (left) side of the fence is copied correctly, and part is incorrect, then 1 point is awarded for this side of the fence; The same applies to smoke rings and roof shading: if only one part of the smoke rings is drawn correctly, then the smoke is scored 1 point; if only one part of the roof shading is reproduced correctly, then the entire shading is scored 1 point. An incorrectly reproduced number of elements in a drawing detail is not considered an error, that is, it does not matter how many sticks in the fence, smoke rings or lines in the roof shading.

4. Incorrect arrangement of details in the space of the picture (1 point). Errors of this kind include: the location of the fence is not on a common line with the base of the house, but above it, the house seems to hang in the air, or below the line of the base of the house; offset of the pipe to the left corner of the roof; significant displacement of the window to one side from the center; the location of the smoke deviates more than 30 ° from the horizontal line; the base of the roof corresponds in size to the base of the house, and does not exceed it (in the sample, the roof hangs over the house).

5. Deviation of straight lines by more than 30 ° from the given direction (1 point). This includes the skew (more than 30 °) of the vertical and horizontal lines that make up the house and the roof; "Overwhelming" (more than 30 °) of the fence sticks; changing the angle of inclination of the side lines of the roof (their location at a right or obtuse angle to the base of the roof instead of an acute one); deviation of the line of the base of the fence by more than 30 ° from the horizontal line.

6. Gaps between the lines where they should be connected (1 point for each gap). In the event that the hatch lines on the roof do not reach the roof line, 1 point is awarded for the entire hatch as a whole, and not for each incorrect hatch line.

7. Climbing lines one after another (1 point for each climb). In the case when the hatch lines on the roof climb over the roof lines, 1 point is given for the entire hatching as a whole, and not for each incorrect hatch line.

Good execution of the drawing is estimated as "O" points. Thus, the worse the task is performed, the higher the total score received by the subject. But when interpreting the results of the experiment, it is necessary to take into account the age of the subject. For example, 5-year-old children almost do not receive an "O" grade due to insufficient maturity of the brain structures responsible for sensorimotor coordination. If a subject for 10 years receives more than 1 point, then this indicates a lack of well-being in the development of one or more of the psychological spheres studied by the method.

When analyzing a child's drawing, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the lines: very bold or "shaggy" lines may indicate, according to the literature on this issue, about the child's anxiety. But the conclusion about anxiety in no case can be drawn on the basis of only one drawing. The suspicion that has arisen must be verified by special experimental methods to determine anxiety.

The “Little House” technique can be viewed as an analogue of the II and III tasks of the Kern-Jirasek test, namely: sketching of written letters (II task) and sketching of a group of points (III task). Comparison of the results according to the indicated techniques allowed us to conclude that the “Domik” technique reveals the same psychological characteristics in the development of the child, as II and III tasks of the Kern-Jirasek test. The "House" technique can be carried out both individually and in small groups.

The result of the implementation of the technique in points is calculated not so much for comparing one child with another, but for tracking changes in the sensorimotor development of the same child at different ages.

ChapterIII... Description and analysis of research results

3.1 Research resultssocial and psychological readiness for school of children

Analysis of the diagnosis of the characteristics of children's relationships preschool age to peers.

Consider the analysis of the results of the sociometric method "Two houses". According to the classification proposed by Ya.L. Kolomensky, two significant categories can be distinguished: members of the group with a favorable status (I and II categories), and members of the group with an unfavorable status (III and IV categories). The ratio of the total values ​​of favorable and unfavorable status categories is an essential diagnostic indicator, which qualifies as the "relationship well-being ratio" (BMI). The “isolation index” - the percentage of group members who find themselves in the IV status category can also be considered as a diagnostic parameter.

The following results were obtained: 20% of children in the group are "sociometric stars" - outwardly attractive, rather self-confident children who enjoy authority in the peer group, they lead in games, other children are willingly friends with them. The second group did not have such children.

48% of children in the study group are “preferred” - these children prefer games and communication with a constant limited circle of friends (or one constant friend), while they hardly conflict with other children, they can be leaders in their small group.

There were 16% of “neglected” children in the group - these children are simply not noticed, as if they are not in the group, as a rule, these are quiet, inactive children who play alone and do not seek contacts with peers.

Children who were “isolated” were also in the diagnosing group. In the group, the number of such children was 16% each - these are children who are rejected by their peers, they are often unattractive or nervous, overly conflicted, negatively disposed towards other children (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Analysis of the results of the sociometric test "Two houses"

Let's consider the analysis of the "Ladder" technique. The following results were obtained: 32% of children have an overestimated self-esteem, after some thought and hesitation, they put themselves on the highest step, named some of their shortcomings and mistakes, but explained them by external reasons beyond his control, believed that the assessment of adults in some cases it may be somewhat lower than his own: “I am, of course, good, but sometimes I am lazy. Mom says I'm sloppy. "

56% of children in the group have adequate self-esteem. After considering the task, the children put themselves on the 2nd or 3rd step, explaining their actions, referring to real situations and achievements, they believed that the adult's assessment was the same or slightly lower. These children put themselves on the lower rungs, did not explain their choice, or referred to the opinion of an adult: “Mom said so” (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Analysis of the results according to the "Ladder" method

Based on the results, we can conclude that the indicator of adequate self-esteem of children in the study group is 56%, can be explained by the fact that for assessing behavior, an adult gives the child a "starting point", in kindergarten as a result joint activities and communication with other people, the child learns important guidelines for behavior. Also, for children, the assessment of parents and educators is of greater importance.

Consider the analysis of the methodology for determining the level of the communicative sphere. The following results were obtained: 20% of children have a level of the communicative sphere, that is, such children are active in establishing contact with children, participation in joint games, independent involvement of peers in games, communication.

The average level of development of the communicative sphere in the diagnosing group was found in 52% of children. These children did not show independent activity in the games, in communication, sometimes refused the offer to participate in the games, but more often they all took part in the games. A low level of development of the communicative sphere was established in 28% of children, such children showed passivity and lack of initiative in the process of play and communication with peers (Fig. 2).

Rice. 3. Analysis of the results according to the method of determining the level of the communicative sphere

3.2 Research resultsintellectual readiness of preschool children

Analysis of the results according to the "Labyrinth" method (A.L. Wenger) showed that 32% of children showed high level visual-figurative thinking, 48% of children showed an average level of visual-figurative thinking, 20% of children showed a low level of visual-figurative thinking (Fig. 3).

Fig. 4. Analysis of the results using the "Labyrinth" method (A.L. Venger)

The results obtained in the process of a diagnostic study according to the “Memorizing 10 words” method for determining short-term auditory memory were as follows: 28% of children - a high volume of auditory memory (showed memorization of 9-8 words), 40% of children showed an average volume of auditory memory (memorized 7-5 words), 32% of children have a low volume of auditory memory (Fig. 4).

Rice. 5. Analysis of the results according to the method "Memorizing 10 words" (AR Luria)

To study the stability and switchability of attention, we used the Pieron-Roser method. The results were as follows: 20% of children showed a high level of stability and switchability of attention, 48% of children showed an average level, 32% of children had a low level of stability and switchability of attention (Fig. 5).

Rice. 6. Analysis of the results according to the "Pieron-Roser's correction test"

To study sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills of the hand, we used the “House” method (NI Gutkina). The following results were obtained: 24% of children showed a high level of sensorimotor coordination, 48% of children - an average level, 28% of children - a low level (Fig. 6).

Rice. 7. Analysis of the results according to the "House" method (NI Gutkina)

3.3 Study of the ratiosocial and psychological readiness and intellectual readiness of children for school

To study the relationship between the two components of psychological readiness for school in preschool children: intellectual and socio-psychological readiness, the Spearman's r s rank correlation method was used. Correlation links between the components of socio-psychological readiness and intellectual readiness were calculated. The following statistically significant relationships were identified (Table 1).

Table 1 Results of mathematical processing using the Spearman's rs rank correlation method

Name of ranks

r s empiric.

r s crit.


Level interpersonal communication and thinking

Statistically significant

Interpersonal level and memory

Statistically significant

Interpersonal level and attention

Statistically significant

Interpersonal and motor skills

Statistically significant

Self-esteem and interpersonal relationships

Statistically significant

Self-esteem and thinking

Statistically significant

Self-esteem and memory

Statistically significant

Self-esteem and attention

Statistically significant

Self-esteem and motor skills

Statistically significant

The level of communication and thinking

Statistically significant

Communication level and memory

Statistically significant

Communication level and attention

Statistically significant

Communication and motor skills

Statistically significant

Using the Spearman's r s rank correlation method for mathematical data processing, we obtained the following results: a high correlation was established between the level of interpersonal relationships with peers and visual-figurative thinking (0.937); between the level of interpersonal relationships and attention (0.82); between the level of interpersonal relationships and self-esteem (0.76); there was also a high correlation between self-esteem and attention (0.71). A negative correlation was found between motor skills and self-esteem, and between the level of interpersonal relationships. Also, a correlation was found between the level of the communicative sphere and thinking (0.739), between the level of the communicative sphere and memory (0.567), the level of the communicative sphere and attention (0.782), the level of the communicative sphere and motor skills (0.539).

Comparing and summarizing the data obtained in the course of a comprehensive study of the socio-psychological component of the child's readiness and intellectual readiness for school, we can conclude that these two components of the psychological readiness for school are related to each other and interrelated. This testifies to the confirmation of our hypothesis.


Thus, according to the results of the diagnostic study, we received confirmation of our hypothesis that there is a relationship between the socio-psychological readiness to learn at school and the intellectual readiness to learn at school in older preschool children. Having studied the features of social and psychological readiness, we came to the conclusion that the majority of children of older preschool age have a level of social and psychological readiness of children for school, which is manifested in the level of sociability, perception by peers, and the level of self-esteem.

After examining the level of intellectual readiness, we found that preschoolers entering school have formed the components of this component of psychological readiness for school: most children have a high and medium level of visual-figurative thinking, switchability of attention, auditory memory and visual-motor coordination.

To study the relationship between intellectual readiness and socio-psychological readiness using the method of mathematical processing, we obtained the following high correlations: positive links - between the level of interpersonal relationships with peers and visual-figurative thinking, between the level of interpersonal relationships and attention, between the level of interpersonal relationships and self-esteem ; between self-esteem and attention; a negative correlation was found between motor skills and self-esteem, and between the level of interpersonal relationships and motor skills, between the level of the communicative sphere and cognitive processes: thinking, memory, attention, and motor skills.

Based on this, the result of our research is the confirmation of the hypothesis.

Children's readiness for school is the result of all educational work with children carried out by the family and preschool throughout preschool age.

A child entering school must be mature in physiological and socially, the success of a child's education in school also depends on the maturity of the basic mental processes. Psychological readiness to learning is a multifaceted concept. It does not provide for individual knowledge and skills, but a certain set, in which all the basic elements must be present. The main components of readiness for schooling are: intellectual, personal and socio-psychological and volitional readiness. All of these components of school readiness are important in the development of a child. If there is insufficient development of any one component, there is a need for psychological assistance to the child.

Personal readiness includes the formation of a child's readiness to accept a new social position the position of a student with a range of rights and responsibilities. This personal readiness is expressed in the child's attitude towards school, towards learning activities, teachers, myself.

Socio-psychological readiness includes the formation of qualities in children, thanks to which they could communicate with other children, a teacher. Availability of flexible ways of establishing relationships with other children necessary for entering the children's society (acting together with other children, the ability to yield and defend themselves). This component presupposes the development in children of the need for communication, the ability to obey the interests and rules of communication of the children's group, the developing ability to cope with the role of the student in a school situation.

Intellectual readiness presupposes a child's outlook, a stock of specific knowledge. The child must possess a planned and dismembered perception, elements of a theoretical attitude to the material being studied, generalized forms of thinking and basic logical operations, semantic memorization. Intellectual readiness also implies the formation of the child's initial skills in the field of educational activities, in particular, the ability to highlight learning task and turn it into an independent goal of activity.

Based on the results of our research, we can conclude that our hypothesis has been confirmed: that there is a correlation between the socio-psychological readiness to learn at school and the intellectual readiness to learn at school in older preschool children.

For the prevention of school maladjustment of the future student, it is necessary to comprehensively develop all components of psychological readiness for school, this requires complex correctional and developmental work to prepare children for school at preschool age.

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    Quality and quantitative analysis features of psychological readiness for school education of older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. Correction of speech disorders in a child, the work of preschool teachers to prepare children for school.

    term paper added 01/22/2014

    The concept of a child's readiness for schooling. Characteristics of the components of school readiness. Formation of psychological readiness for schooling among pupils preparatory group preschool educational institution.

    thesis, added on 11/20/2010

    A study of the individual psychological characteristics of a child in order to determine his readiness (personal, intellectual, socio-psychological) for learning. Study of the issue of continuity of preschool education for six-year-old children.

    term paper, added 04/07/2010

    The concept, features and conditions for the formation of a child's psychological readiness for school. Consideration of aspects of school maturity: intellectual, personal, strong-willed and moral readiness for learning. Analysis of methods of psychological assistance to children.

    term paper, added 11/29/2010

    School readiness concept. Aspects of school maturity. Criteria for determining a child's readiness for schooling. Motivational, personal readiness for school (the formation of the "inner position of the student"). Psychological help for children.

Purpose: To identify spatial orientation, the level of development of spatial thinking, the technique is aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hand, coordination of vision and hand movements.

Diagnostic results:

4 students (16.7%) - high level

6 students (25%) - low level

2) D.B. Elkonin "Graphic dictation".

Purpose: the technique is intended for the study of orientation in space. With its help, the ability to listen carefully and accurately follow the instructions of an adult, correctly reproduce the given direction of the line, independently act at the direction of an adult is determined.

Table No. 3. "Results"

Surname and name of the student Total points
Alyoshina Daria 8 b
Baybechuk Gleb 10 b
Borisova Olesya 10 b
Vorobiev Konstantin 4 b
Garbuzova Valeria 8 b
Generals Glory 6 b
Dubinin Vladislav 10 b
Zhdanov Maxim 6 b
Zhurin Arseny 9 b
Zavyalova Valeria 9 b
Dmitry Koptev 7 b
Magomedova Muslim 5 B
Malofeeva Anna 9 b
Marshavina Elizabeth 9 b
Novikova Ekaterina 8 b
Petrovnina of Milan 7 b
Rybina Elizabeth 7 b
Samsonova Sonya 9 b
Semyonov Artem 6 b
Slipchenko Margarita 8 b
Titova Yana 9 b
Trukhanova Sonya 7 b
Devilish Arseny 8 b
Shishkin Ivan 8 b

3 students (12.5%) - high level

19 students (79.2%) - intermediate level

2 students (8.3%) - low level

The results can be presented in the form of a diagram:

3) Methodology "House". (N.I. Gutkina)

Purpose: to identify the features of the development of voluntary attention, spatial perception and spatial thinking, sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills of the hand, the child's ability to orientate himself in his work to a sample, the ability to accurately copy it. Also, the test allows you to identify (in general outline) intelligence of the child's development, the ability of children to reproduce a pattern; to reveal the spatial orientation associated with drawing:

1. In this way, place geometric shapes on a sheet of paper by drawing them or using ready-made ones;

2. Without reference points, reproduce the direction of the drawing, using the sample. In case of difficulty - additional exercises, in which it is necessary:

A) distinguish between the sides of the sheet;

B) draw straight lines from the middle of the sheet along different directions;

C) outline the outline of the drawing;

D) reproduce the drawing greater complexity than the one suggested in the main task.

The results obtained and their analysis:

When performing the tasks of the "House" Methodology, the subjects made the following mistakes:

A) some details of the drawing were missing;

B) in some drawings, proportionality was not observed: an increase in individual details of the drawing with a relatively arbitrary preservation of the size of the entire drawing;

C) the wrong image of the elements of the picture; the right and left parts of the fence are assessed separately;

D) deviation of lines from a given direction;

E) gaps between the lines at the junction;

E) climbing lines one on top of the other.

The results of this technique are presented in table No. 4.

Table No. 4. "Results"

Surname and name of the student Total points
Alyoshina Daria 3 b
Baybechuk Gleb 2 b
Borisova Olesya 0 b
Vorobiev Konstantin 3 b
Garbuzova Valeria 0 b
Generals Glory 0 b
Dubinin Vladislav 5 B
Zhdanov Maxim 2 b
Zhurin Arseny 3 b
Zavyalova Valeria 4 b
Dmitry Koptev 0 b
Magomedova Muslim 4 b
Malofeeva Anna 5 B
Marshavina Elizabeth 0 b
Novikova Ekaterina 0 b
Petrovnina of Milan 3 b
Rybina Elizabeth 0 b
Samsonova Sonya 1 b
Semyonov Artem 2 b
Slipchenko Margarita 5 B
Titova Yana 2 b
Trukhanova Sonya 4 b
Devilish Arseny 4 b
Shishkin Ivan 3 b

Analysis: the table shows that:

7 students (29.2%) - high level

14 students (58.3%) - intermediate level

3 students (12.5%) - low level

The results can be presented in the form of a diagram:

After the formative experiment, pupils of the 2nd "D" grade showed the following results:

38% - a high level of spatial thinking formation,

50% - children have an average level of spatial thinking formation,

12% - a low level of spatial thinking formation.

Diagnostic results can be presented in the form of a diagram:

Thus, after the formative experiment, the level of development of spatial thinking increased significantly. This suggests that the lessons we conducted in grade 2 significantly improved the development of this type of thinking in second graders, which was the basis for proving the correct hypothesis put forward by us. If in the stated experiment

no one possessed a high level of formation of spatial thinking, then after the formative experiment the highest level possessed

38% of students. 50% of students began to have an average level, and 12% - a low one.


Among the numerous problems in psychology, the problem of the development of thinking in younger schoolchildren is undoubtedly one of the most intensively studied. The interest in her is by no means accidental. The problem of the development of thinking is reflected in the works of both domestic and foreign psychologists and teachers. There are several points of view on the definition of the concept of spatial thinking. Having analyzed the psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic, we have established basic definition for research. This is the definition of I.S. Yakimanskaya.

By its structure, spatial thinking is a multilevel education, which includes elements of different content and level of development. This work is based on the structure of T.V. Andryushina, based on which a set of methods was selected for the study of spatial thinking in primary schoolchildren.

At present, many psychologists and teachers consider the level of development of spatial thinking, which is characterized by the ability to operate with spatial images, as one of the main criteria for the mathematical development of a personality. V recent times there is a decrease in the geometric preparedness of students. This is manifested primarily in the low level of development of spatial thinking. And since the figurative components of thinking develop more intensively in primary school age, it is advisable to develop spatial thinking in students primary grades.

The development of spatial thinking occurs in the process of mastering by the child the knowledge accumulated by mankind and is one of the essential characteristics of the ontogenesis of the child's psyche. A high level of development of spatial thinking is necessary condition successful assimilation of a variety of general educational and special technical disciplines at all stages of training, thereby emphasizing the relevance of this research topic. Spatial thinking is an essential component in preparing for practical activities in many specialties.

To improve geometric knowledge and the development of spatial thinking among students of the 2nd "D" grade, integrated lessons were conducted at the rate of S.I. Volkova and O.L. Pchelkina "Mathematics and Construction". In the developed lessons, children needed not only mathematical knowledge, but also design skills and abilities. The development of spatial thinking in conducting integrated lessons in mathematics and labor education, as shown by the study, is a very important and urgent problem. Investigating this problem, we conducted and tested a set of exercises and games aimed at developing this type of thinking, selected methods for diagnosing spatial thinking in relation to primary school age.

In the practical part of the work, the study of the level of development of spatial thinking among students of the 2nd "D" grade was carried out. The results of the primary research showed that the level of development of this type of thinking among students is weak.

The conducted formative experiment, as shown by the results of the control experiment, significantly increased the level of development of spatial thinking in junior schoolchildren. In the classroom, the process of developing students' spatial thinking reached a higher level. This suggests that the integrated lessons in mathematics and labor education that we conducted contribute to the development of spatial thinking in second graders, which was the basis for proving the correctness of our hypothesis.

As a result of all the work done, we can conclude that children began to better orient themselves in space, accumulated a wider stock of spatial representations, expanded their stock of verbal knowledge and terminology, acquired the ability to establish relationships between objects, words, images and the subject of reality; began to mentally operate with representations, using them as a support in the assimilation of knowledge.

Practical significance The study is that the developed system of lessons can contribute to an increase in the level of development of spatial thinking of primary schoolchildren in the process of studying geometric concepts and representations. These techniques can be recommended to teachers in mathematics lessons. This work can be continued in grades 3 and 4.

Thus, the development of spatial thinking needs to be given more attention than is provided in textbooks. primary school... It is necessary to develop methods for the formation of spatial thinking in younger schoolchildren, which will include exercises presented in a certain system, as well as on the basis of the material that is in the textbook, it is necessary to organize work in children so that it contributes to the development of spatial thinking.


1. Ananiev B.G. Features of the perception of space in children [Text]: textbook. manual for stud. wednesday ped. study. institutions / B.G. Ananiev, E.F. Fishing. - M .: Education, 2014 .-- 346p.

2. Arginskaya I.I. Mathematics [Text]: textbook. for grade 2 four-year early. schools / I.I. Arginskaya, E.I. Ivanovskaya. - Samara: Academy, 2010. −184p.

3. Bolotina L.R. Development of students' thinking [Text]: textbook. manual for stud. wednesday ped. study. institutions / L.R. Bolotina. - M .: Education, 2015 .-- 132s.

4. Brushlinskaya A.V. Psychology of thinking and cybernetics [Text]: textbook. for stud. wednesday ped. study. institutions / A.V. Brushlinskaya. - M .: Bustard, 2011 .-- 230s.

5. Vaitkunene L.V. The development of spatial thinking in children of primary school age [Text]: a tutorial for students. wednesday ped. study. institutions / L.V. Vaitkunene. - M .: Education, 2014 .-- 45p.

6. Wenger LA, Pedagogy [Tekt]: textbook. manual for stud. wednesday ped. study. institutions / L.A. Wenger. - M .: Education, 2013 .-- 53p.

7. Garkavtseva T.Yu. Geometric material in grade 1 as a means of developing students' spatial thinking [Teskt]: a textbook for students of the environment. ped. study. institutions / T.Yu. Garkavtseva. - M .: Academy, 2011 .-- 14p.

8. Davydov V.V. Types of generalization in teaching [Text]: textbook. manual for stud. wednesday ped. study. head / V.V. Davydov. - M .: Mercury, 2010 .-- 43p.

9. Dieva O.G. Pedagogy: Opportunities for the development of spatial thinking of schoolchildren in extracurricular hours [Text]: materials of the international. scientific. conf. / O.G. Diev. - Chelyabinsk: Education, 2013 .-- 85-87s.

10. Dolbilin N.P. On the course of visual geometry in elementary grades [Text]: textbook. for stud. wednesday ped. study. head / N.P. Dolbilin. - M .: Academy, 1990 .-- 12p.

11. Istomina NB Activating students in math lessons in primary grades[Text]: a guide for teachers / N.B. Istomina. - M .: Education, 2011 .-- 24p.

12. Istomina NB Methods of teaching mathematics in elementary school [Text]: textbook. for stud. wednesday ped. study. head / N.B. Istomina. - M .: Academy, 2014 .-- 34p.

13. Konnova V.A. Tasks of a creative nature in mathematics lessons [Text]: a guide for elementary school teachers / V.А. Konnova. - M .: Education, 2015 .-- 55p.

14. Mathematics in primary school [Text]: Additional materials to help the teacher. / under total. ed. V.V. Davydov. - M .: Academy, 2010 .-- 8p.

15. Obukhova L.F. Child psychology: theories, facts, problems [Text]: textbook. for teachers / L.F. Obukhov. - M .: Academy, 2011 .-- 19p.

16. Pichugin S.S. Organization creative work with geometric material [Text]: a tutorial for students. wednesday ped. study. institutions / S.S. Pichugin. - M .: Education, 2012 .-- 16p.

17. Development of spatial thinking in mathematics lessons in the study of geometric material [ Electronic resource]. - Access mode: free - Title. from the screen.

18. Savin A.P. Pedagogy. Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Mathematician [Text] / A.P. Savin. - M .: Education, 2013 .-- 261p.

19. Smirnov S.A. Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems, technologies [Text]: textbook. for teachers / S.A. Smirnov. - M .: Bustard, 2014 .-- 170 p., 202 p.

20. Article "Evaluation activity of primary school teachers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http: // free - Title. from the screen.

21. Exercises for the development of spatial thinking [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: free - Title. from the screen.

22. the federal law"About information, information technology and Information Protection ”dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ.

23. Chuprikova N.I. Mental development and learning [Text]: a guide for young teachers. cl. / N.I. Chuprikov. - M., 2015 .-- 165 p.

24. Shadrina I.V. Principles of constructing a system of teaching elementary school students to the elements of geometry [Text]: a guide for teachers of junior students. / I.V. Shadrina. - M .: Education, 2014 .-- 47p.

25. Sharygin I.F. Mathematics at school [Text]: a guide for junior school teachers / I.F. Sharygin. - M .: Academy, 2010 .-- 34p.

26. Sharygin I.F. First steps in geometry [Text]: a textbook for teachers of pedagogical institutions / I.F. Sharygin. - M .: Education, 2010 .-- 38 p.

27. Yakimanskaya I.S. The development of spatial thinking of schoolchildren [Text]: a guide for teachers ml. cl. / I.S. Yakimanskaya. - M .: Enlightenment 2014 .-- 31 p.

1. Arginskaya I.I., Ivanovskaya E.I. Mathematics: Textbook for grade 2 of a four-year elementary school: - Samara: Fedorov corporation, Elista: Fedorov publishing house, 2011, 184p .; ill.

2. Istomina NB Methods of teaching mathematics in primary school. / N.B. Istomina - // M .: Academy, 2012

3. Kolyagin Yu.M., Tarasova O.V. Visual geometry and its role, place, history of origin. /Yu.M. Kolyagin, O. V. Tarasova. // Primary school, - 2013 - No. 4

4. Kudryakova L.A. We study geometry. / L.A. Kudryakov. - 2011, 124 p.

5. Matveeva N.A. Using the scheme in teaching students to solve problems // Primary school. - 2011. - No. 2

6. Mukhina V.S. Developmental psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence: Textbook. for stud. Universities. - 7th ed., Stereotype. / V.S. Mukhina - M .: Ed. Center "Academy", 2012. - 456 p.

7. Pazushko Zh.I. Developmental geometry in elementary school. / Zh.I. Pazushko. - 2015, - 167 p.

8. Stepanova M. The use of psychodiagnostic tools by pedagogues - psychologists in the framework of support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. // Edited by T.P. Klyueva. School psychologist magazine # 4 2013.

9. Shagraeva O.A. Child psychology: Theoretical and practical course: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. institutions. /O.A. Shagraeva - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2011 .-- 368 p.

additional literature

10. Belomestnaya A.V., Kabanova N.V. Modeling in the course "Mathematics and design" / А.V. Belomestnaya, N.V. Kabanova // - Primary school 1990 №9

11. Bolotina L.R. Development of students' thinking // Primary school - 1994 -

12. P.U. Bayramukov. Schematic drawing for solving problems // Primary school - 1988 №11, 12

13. Volkova S.I., Pchelkina O.L. Album on Mathematics and Construction: Grade 2 / S.I. Volkova, O. L. Pchelkina - M .: Posveschenie, 1995, 64 p., Ill.

14. Volkova S.I. Developmental tasks in the new single textbook "Mathematics" / S.I. Volkova // Primary school - 1997 - № 9

15. Goncharova M.A. Development of mathematical representations, imagination and thinking in children / M.A. Goncharova. - M. "Antal" 1995, 136 p.

16. Zhitomirsky V.G. Shevrin L.N. Travel through the country of Geometry. / V.G. Zhitomirsky, L.N. Shevrin - M .: Pedagogy - Press, 1994, 106 p.

17. E.V. Zaika, N.P. Nazarov, I.A. Marenich. / "Questions of Psychology", No. 1, 1995

18. Zak A.Z. Development of intellectual abilities in children 8 years old: Study guide for teachers. / A.Z. Zak - M .: New school, 1996, 80 p.

19. Istomina N.B. Maths. Grade 2. Textbook for a four-year elementary school - M .: New school, 1998. - 176 p.

20. Kozhevnikov V.A. Psychology of mathematical abilities of schoolchildren. / V.A. Kozhevnikov - M .: Education, 2003, 170 p.

21. Martsinkovskaya T. D. Diagnostics of the mental development of children. / Etc. Martsinkovskaya - M .: Linka-press, 1998, 174 p.

22. Moro M.I., Bantova M.A., Beltyukova G.V. Mathematics Grade 2 Textbook for educational institutions. In 2 hours - M .: Education, 2009.

23. Obukhova L.F. Child psychology: theories, facts, problems. /L.F. Obukhova - // M .: Trivola, 1996 - 360 p.

24. Peterson L.G. Mathematics Grade 2 M .: Balass: S. - Info, 2000. - 64 p .: ill.

25. Savinova R.V., Belolyubskaya A.A. Logic games and exercises for the development of intellectual abilities in children 6-7 years old: Method. Benefit. / R.V. Savinova, A.A. Belolyubskaya - Ya., Publishing house of the Department of NSPO MO RS (Y), 2002. - 38 p.

26. Stoilova L. P. Maths. Tutorial. /L.P. Stoilova - M .: Academy, 1998, 217 p.

27. Tikhomirova L.F. Cognitive abilities. Children 5-7 years old. /L.F. Tikhomirova - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000. - 144 p.

28. Shardakov V.S. Thinking of schoolchildren. M .: Education, 1963,

29. Yakimanskaya I.S. Development of spatial thinking of schoolchildren. / I.S. Yakimanskaya - M. 1980, 324 p.

Internet resources

31.http: // AND I. Psychology. Tests, trainings, terms.

32.http: // standart. Federal State Educational Standard.

33.http: // Primary School Psychologist's Handbook. Cognitive sphere and learning ability of a younger student. Formation of spatial thinking.

34.http: // Znai. Su. Representative system.


A source: LA Wenger et al. "Psychologist in Kindergarten". - M .: INTOR, 1995 - 64 p.

GOAL: study of the level of development of visual-figurative thinking, contains tasks for the use of schematic images for orientation in space.

A 12-page notebook, each of which depicts a clearing with branched paths and houses at their ends. At the bottom of the pages there are "letters" in which the path to one of the houses is conditionally indicated. Children are encouraged to find a "path" in a branched system of paths, using the designation of this path using a diagram and conventional image in the form of a system of landmarks.
The first two pages (A and B) contain introductory tasks (see Fig. 1), in one of which the child must take into account only the sequence of landmarks, and in the other only the direction of the turn.

RICE. 1. Material for introductory tasks to the "Schematization" methodology (pages A and B)
The remaining ten pages contain the main tasks (Nos. 1 - 10). In tasks 1 and 2, the child needs to take into account only the directions of the turns (Fig. 2), in tasks 3 and 4 - only specific landmarks and their sequence (Fig. 3), in tasks 5 and 6 - a combination of landmarks in a certain sequence (Fig. 4 ), in tasks 7-10 it is necessary to take into account both the combination of landmarks and the direction of turns (Fig. 5-6).

For the first introductory task (FIG. 1 A) the instruction is given: “Before you is a clearing, paths and houses are drawn on it. You need to find one house correctly and mark it. To find this house, you need to look at the letter. The letter says that you have to go from the grass, past the Christmas tree, and then past the fungus, then you will find a house. " The psychologist looks at how each child solved the problem, and, if necessary, explains and corrects mistakes.
Moving on to the second introductory task (FIG. 1 B) an adult says: “There are also two houses here and paths lead to them. Again, you need to correctly find the house by letter. But the letter here is different: it shows how to go and where to turn. You have to go straight from the grass again, then turn to the side. " At these words, the adult runs his hand over the drawing in the "letter". The solution to the problem is checked again, errors are explained and corrected.

For each of the main tasks, a brief additional instruction is given, the solution is not checked and errors are not corrected.

For tasks 1-2: Instructions “The letter describes how to go, which way to turn. You need to start moving from the grass. Find the house you want and cross it out. "

FIG 2. Material for tasks 1 and 2 of the "Schematization" methodology (a - clearing, b, c - "letters")

For tasks 3-4: Instructions “Look at the letter. We must go from the grass, first by ... (the guidelines are listed according to the tasks). Find the house you want. "

RICE. 3 Material for tasks 3 and 4 of the "Schematization" methodology

For tasks 5-6:Instructions “Be very careful. Look at the letter, cross out the desired house in the clearing. "

FIG 4. Material for tasks 5 and 6 of the "Schematization" methodology (a - clearing; b, c - "letter")

For tasks 7-10: Instructions “Look at the letter, it shows how to walk, what object to turn around and in which direction. Be careful, find the right house and cross it out. "

RICE. 5. Materials for tasks 7 and 8 of the "Schematization" methodology (a - clearing; b, c - "letters")

RICE. 6. Materials for tasks 9 and 10 of the "Schematization" methodology (a - clearing; b, c - "letters")

Quantifying results
The number of points received by the child is established according to a rating scale (see table below). To do this, you need to find the number located at the intersection of the problem number and the number of the house that the child has chosen in this problem. The numbers of the houses for different tasks of the methodology are indicated in Figures 7-9. After that, the total of points for all problems is calculated. The maximum score is 44.

RICE. 7. Numbering of houses for tasks 1-6 for processing the results.



Qualitative analysis of results

1 type. Children demonstrate inadequate forms of orientation, they accept the task of finding a house, but their choice is random, most often they take into account only individual elements of "writing" and a clearing. As a rule, the wrong choices are made. The ability to correlate the scheme with the real situation has not been formed.

Type 2. An incomplete orientation to one sign is characteristic; here, for the first time, the methods of work necessary for completing the task are discovered. At each turn of the path, the children refer to the landmarks or directions given in the letter and try to follow them. However, they still cannot do it stably, throughout the entire assignment, and make mistakes at the last stages of the path. Children of this group do not solve problems 7-10 at all, since they are not able to take into account two parameters at once. There are already attempts to correlate the scheme with the real situation, but spatial representations are fragmentary.

Type 3. Orientation to one sign is characteristic. In this case, children can correlate the "letter" with the images in the clearing until the end of the work, but they successfully use either only a landmark or only an image of the direction of the path. Children of this group do not solve problems that require simultaneous consideration of the directions of the path and landmarks.

4 type. Incomplete orientation in two parameters is characteristic. Usually, children completing tasks of this type solve the first six problems correctly. In the last 4 tasks, they act correctly only in the initial phase, taking into account only one or two combinations of turns of the path and the desired landmark; in the last sections of the path, children again slide to take into account only one parameter.

5type. This is the highest type of orientation for these tasks, which is characterized by a detailed correlation with the simultaneous consideration of two parameters. Children, critical tasks thus, both parameters can be taken into account simultaneously and all the proposed problems are solved basically correctly.

As part of the study of readiness for schooling - the intellectual aspect - children 6-7 years old are involved in the study. The tasks used in the methodology are structured in such a way that when solving them, it is necessary to carry out empirical generalization (the ability to classify objects according to essential features or to summarize general concept) or theoretical generalization (generalization based on meaningful abstraction). The tasks are gradually becoming more complicated due to the introduction of objects to which one or another generalization is required.

The experimenter gives instruction and defines the rule: “For the correct designation of pictures with numbers, you need to remember: if the figure in the picture is depicted without boots, then it must be designated with the number" O ", and if in boots, then with the number" 1 ". Remember? Repeat, please. "After repeating the rule, the subject is asked to arrange the numbers in the next three lines of the table, as a stage of consolidating the learned rule. Each of his answers, the subject must explain why this is so.

In case of an error, the experimenter analyzes the nature of the errors, asks to repeat his rule for naming figures and points to the sample (the first two lines of the table), and achieves one hundred percent result. At the reinforcing stage, the speed of the child's learning is determined, i.e. shows how quickly and easily the child learns a new rule and can apply it when solving problems.

Second instruction to "solving riddles" is given by the experimenter when he is sure that the child has learned to apply the rule he was taught. "You have already learned how to designate pictures with numbers, and now, using this skill, try to guess the riddles drawn here." To guess a riddle "means to correctly designate the figures drawn in it with the numbers" O "and" 1. "After the first riddle, even if it was admitted error, it is proposed to solve the following. When conducting, a repeated return to the previous riddles is used. When "guessing", to clarify the nature of the generalization, the experimenter asks the child to explain why it is indicated that way. In this case, at all stages of work, the first two lines of the table should be open ...

Treatment: in the course of diagnostics, a protocol is kept with fixing the correct answers, errors and explanations of the subject and the questions and remarks of the experimenter.

This technique is clinical in nature and does not have standard indicators. The results obtained are interpreted from the point of view of the characteristics of the development of the generalization process in the child.

Graphic dictation (Elkonin D.B.)

Target: the technique is intended for the study of orientation in space. With its help, the ability to listen carefully and accurately follow the instructions of an adult is also determined, to correctly recreate the given direction of the line.

The child receives a leaflet in a box with four dots drawn on it in a column (each subsequent one is 4 cells down) (Appendix 3).

First, the child is given the previous explanation: “Now you and I will draw different patterns. We must try to make them come out beautiful and neat. To do this, you should listen to me carefully, I will tell you how many cells and in which direction you should draw the line. Draw only the line that I tell you. The next line should be started where the previous one ended, without lifting the pencil from the sheet. "

After that, the child, with the help of an adult, finds out where his right and where his left hand is. An adult shows on a sample how to draw lines to the right and left. Then the drawing of the training pattern begins.

“We start drawing the first pattern. Place your pencil at the highest point. Attention! Draw a line: one cell down. We do not tear the pencil off the paper. Now one cell to the right. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell down. Then continue this pattern yourself. "

Quite long pauses are made during dictation. For independent continuation of the pattern, the child is given 1-1.5 minutes. During the execution of the training pattern, the adult helps the baby to correct the mistakes made. In the future, control is removed.

“Now put your pencil on the next point. Attention! One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. Now keep drawing this pattern yourself. "

“Put your pencil on the next point. Attention! Three cells up. Two cells to the right. One cell down. One cell to the left (the word "left" is highlighted by a voice). Two cells down. Two cells to the right. Three cells up. Two cells to the right. One cell down. One cell to the left. Two cells down. Two cells to the right. Three cells up. Continue on your own. "

“Now put your pencil on the lowest box. Attention! Three cells to the right. One cell up. One cell to the left. Two cells up. Three cells to the right. Two cells down. One cell to the left. One cell down. Three cells to the right. One cell up. One cell to the left. Two cells up. Now keep painting yourself. "

Evaluation of results

The results of the execution of the training pattern are not evaluated. In the main patterns, the performance of the dictation and independent drawing are separately assessed:

4 points - exact reproduction of the pattern (uneven lines, "dirt" are not taken into account);

3 points - reproduction containing an error in one line;

2 points - reproduction containing several errors;

1 point - reproduction, in which there is only a similarity of certain individual elements with the pattern;

0 points - no similarity.

For independent completion of the assignment, an assessment is made on each scale. Thus, the child receives two marks for each pattern, which range from 0 to 4 points. The final score for completing the dictation is derived from the addition of the minimum and maximum scores for completing 3 patterns (the average is not taken into account). The average score for independent work... The sum of these scores gives a total score, which can vary from 0 to 16. In further analysis, only the overall score is used, which is interpreted as follows:

1) 0-3 points - low;

2) 3–6 points - below average;

3) 7-10 points - average;

4) 11-13 points - above average;

5) 14-16 points - high.

5. The "Labyrinth" technique (Wenger L.A.)

The material is an image of meadows with branched paths and houses at their ends, as well as "letters", conventionally indicating the path to one of the houses placed under the clearing.

Introductory tasks consist of two tasks - task "A" and task "B". The solution to each of the problems is checked by the experimenter. The main tasks follow. The figures for tasks 1-2 show only branched paths and houses at the end of them; on all the rest, each section of the track is marked with a landmark, and in tasks 3-4, landmarks of the same content are given in a different sequence; in problems 5-6, each branch is marked with two identical landmarks. In problems 7-10, two identical landmarks are given in different sequences and are placed not on the segments of the path, but at the branch points. The "letters" for tasks 1-2 have a broken line showing the direction of the path along which the search should be conducted. In the "letters" to tasks 3-6, in a certain sequence from bottom to top, images of those objects are given, past which one must go. In the "letters" to tasks 7-10, both the turns of the path (broken line) and the necessary landmarks are shown at the same time.

To find the desired path, the child must take into account the directions of turns in tasks 1-2, in tasks 3-4 - the nature of landmarks and their sequence, in tasks 5-6 - a combination of landmarks in a certain sequence, in tasks 7-10 - both landmarks and directions turns.


Children are first given two introductory problems, then in order of problems 1-10.

The instruction is given after the children have opened the first sheet of the notebook with an introductory task.

"In front of you is a clearing, on it are drawn paths and houses at the end of each of them. You need to correctly find one house and cross it out. To find this house, you need to look at the letter. (The experimenter points to the bottom of the page where it is placed.) the letter says that you have to go past the grass, past the fir-tree, and then past the fungus, then you will find the right house. Find this house, and I'll see if you were mistaken. "

The examiner looks at how the child solved the problem, and, if necessary, explains and corrects errors.

Moving on to the second task, the examiner invites the children to turn the sheet over and says:

"There are also two houses here, and again you need to find a house. But the letter here is different: it is drawn in it how to go and where to turn. You need to go straight from the grass again, and then turn to the side."

At these words, the examiner runs his hand over the drawing in the "letter". The solution to the problem is checked again, errors are explained and corrected.

Then comes the solution of the main tasks. Each of them is accompanied by a short supplementary instruction.

For tasks 1-2:

"The letter shows how to go, which way to turn. Start moving from the grass. Find the house you want and cross it out."

To task 3:

"Look at the letter. You have to go from the grass, past the flower, then past the fungus, then past the birch tree, then the Christmas tree. Find the house you want and cross it out."

To task 4:

"Look at the letter. You have to walk away from the grass, first past a birch tree, then past a fungus, past a Christmas tree, then a chair. Mark the house."

For tasks 5-6:

"Be very careful. Look at the letter, find the right house and cross it out."

For tasks 7-10:

"Look at the letter, it is drawn how to walk, which object to turn around and in which direction. Be careful, find the right house and cross it out."

Evaluation of results

When evaluating the results, it is necessary to take into account the number of the selected house and the number of the problem (see the rating scale). The score (in points) is indicated at the intersection of their coordinates. The number of the selected house and the score are entered into the protocol (see the protocol for the "Labyrinth" method). All grades are cumulative. The maximum number of points is 44.

The material is an image of meadows with branched paths and houses at their ends, as well as "letters" conventionally indicating the path to one of the houses placed under the clearing (see Appendix to the "Labyrinth" method).

Introductory tasks consist of two tasks - task "A" and task "B". The solution to each of the problems is checked by the experimenter. The main tasks follow. The figures for tasks 1-2 show only branched paths and houses at the end of them; on all the rest, each section of the track is marked with a landmark, and in tasks 3-4, landmarks of the same content are given in a different sequence; in problems 5-6, each branch is marked with two identical landmarks. In tasks 7-10, two identical landmarks are given in different sequences and are placed not on the segments of the path, but at the branch points. The "letters" for tasks 1-2 have a broken line showing the direction of the path along which the search should be conducted. In the "letters" to tasks 3-6, in a certain sequence from bottom to top, images of those objects are given, past which one must go. In the "letters" to tasks 7-10, both the turns of the path (broken line) and the necessary landmarks are shown at the same time.

To find the desired path, the child must take into account the directions of turns in tasks 1-2, in tasks 3-4 - the nature of landmarks and their sequence, in tasks 5-6 - a combination of landmarks in a certain sequence, in tasks 7-10 - both landmarks and directions turns.


Children are first given two introductory problems, then in order of problems 1-10.

The instruction is given after the children have opened the first sheet of the notebook with an introductory task.

"In front of you is a clearing, on it are drawn paths and houses at the end of each of them. You need to correctly find one house and cross it out. To find this house, you need to look at the letter. (The experimenter points to the bottom of the page where it is placed.) the letter says that you have to go past the grass, past the fir-tree, and then past the fungus, then you will find the right house. Find this house, and I'll see if you were mistaken. "

The examiner looks at how the child solved the problem, and, if necessary, explains and corrects errors.

Moving on to the second task, the examiner invites the children to turn the sheet over and says:

"There are also two houses here, and again you need to find a house. But the letter here is different: it is drawn in it how to go and where to turn. You need to go straight from the grass again, and then turn to the side."

At these words, the examiner runs his hand over the drawing in the "letter". The solution to the problem is checked again, errors are explained and corrected.

Then comes the solution of the main tasks. Each of them is accompanied by a short supplementary instruction.

For tasks 1-2:

"The letter shows how to go, which way to turn. Start moving from the grass. Find the house you want and cross it out."

To task 3:

"Look at the letter. You have to go from the grass, past the flower, then past the fungus, then past the birch tree, then the Christmas tree. Find the house you want and cross it out."

To task 4:

"Look at the letter. You have to walk away from the grass, first past a birch tree, then past a fungus, past a Christmas tree, then a chair. Mark the house."

For tasks 5-6:

"Be very careful. Look at the letter, find the right house and cross it out."

For tasks 7-10:

"Look at the letter, it is drawn how to walk, which object to turn around and in which direction. Be careful, find the right house and cross it out."

Evaluation of results

When evaluating the results, it is necessary to take into account the number of the selected house and the number of the problem (see the rating scale). The score (in points) is indicated at the intersection of their coordinates. The number of the selected house and the score are entered into the protocol (see the protocol for the "Labyrinth" method). All grades are cumulative. The maximum number of points is 44.

Rating scale

6 houses


Task number

Interpretation of the results

38-44 points - children with a detailed correlation of two parameters at the same time. They have fairly complete and dissected spatial representations.

31-38 - children with incomplete orientation on two parameters (usually they solve the first 6 problems correctly). When two parameters are taken into account simultaneously, they constantly slide to one. This is due to insufficient stability and mobility in the development of spatial representations.

24-31 points - children with a clear completeness of orientation to only one sign. They have access to the construction and use of spatial representations of the simplest structure.

18-24 - these children are characterized by incomplete orientation even to one sign. They divide the task into stages, but by the end of the work they lose their orientation. They are just beginning to form a way of visual-figurative orientation in space.

Less than 18 points - children with inadequate forms of orientation. They are trying to find the right house, but their choice is random. This is due to the lack of formation of the ability to correlate the scheme with the real situation, i.e. underdevelopment of visual-figurative thinking.

Appendix to the "Labyrinth" technique

Introductory tasks

Tasks 1-2

a) clearing, b) first letter, c) second letter

Tasks 5-6

a) clearing, b) first letter, c) second letter

a) clearing, b) first letter, c) second letter

Problems 9-10

a) clearing, b) first letter, c) second letter

Key to tasks 1-6 (house numbers)

Key to problems 9-10 (house numbers)

Protocol to the "Labyrinth" technique


baby's name


Notes (edit)