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What is the success of successful sales. Successful sales. Sell ​​to those customers who are more inclined to buy

Secret # 1
You only have to sell one thing - your status. The first and most important thing that you need is to have the status of an expert, a specialist in your field. And immediately BUT. Your area is not the field in which your products and services are located. Another, more important part is your client's business.
It is somehow inconvenient to start a dispute over price with an expert. If most of your meetings start and end with a conversation about price, it means that maybe you are a good merchant and good man, but you have not sold expert status.

Secret number 3
You should sell when you need to, not all the time. Today's salespeople are nothing like traveling salesmen. Different rules of the game, average trade value, trade cycle - everything is different. Whereas before preparation took 10% of the time, and working with a client - 90%, now on average, 90% of the time spent on preparation takes 10% of the time spent working with a client. There are no sellers who “make contracts” well, there are sellers who skillfully work at all stages: initial search, qualification, identification of needs, presentation, proof and conclusion of a deal.

Secret # 4
You have to deal with internal sales first, and then sales of goods and services to customers. There is safety in numbers. Selling is too big a deal to be trusted by salespeople. If the well-being of the entire company depends on the results of sales, it will be logical to participate in this process of the entire company. If in the sales department they say “we”, meaning the salespeople, and “they”, meaning everyone else, this is a common problem. The seller has no right not to sell. If a seller says that he could sell a lot more, but ... he is hindered by production, service, logistics, finance - this means that he has to deal with domestic sales 95% of the time until he regains the conditions under which his sales to customers become possible.

Secret # 5
You must make sure that the client cannot compare you to others. Find a way to differentiate yourself. Avoid the "it's all the same" situation. Avoid comparisons. If the first phrase of the client is about “the same”, then the second will be about a discount. Our positioning takes place in the client's head. He must feel and perceive the differences. If he does not see the differences, consider that they are not. If a customer needs to become an expert on your products and take a year of your life to understand the difference between you and your competitors, look for more recognizable and tangible differences. Differences may relate to a product, service, company, but the main thing is that the sales manager himself should become the difference. If we can only partially influence the product and the company, then we can improve ourselves infinitely.

Secret # 6
You need to understand what the client is afraid of. Partners respect each other, listen to each other and sign only mutually beneficial deals. When, promising to think, a client leaves you, understand: if everything is done as it should, then he should buy right there; if everything is not so, then what should he think about? Your know-how is to figure out what he is afraid of. If this is the price, then you will have one plan of action, if the quality - another, if the lack of experience, uncertainty in the capabilities of your company - you know what to do.

Secret # 7
You have to manage customer expectations. Panic fear of losing a client leads to the fact that we sometimes generously promise him more than we can offer, or sluggishly limit his unrealizable wishes and expectations. We work with the client again, guided by what is urgent, not what is important. For a professional seller, heightened customer expectations are not a problem, but an opportunity. Possibility to ask a dozen questions about previous experience, concerns, client's budget and analyze the decision-making system. Then the expert will streamline expectations, say what happens and what does not happen, in what time frame, for what money and on what conditions. And the client will understand this. What if your client doesn't understand? It is not his fault, but your fault.

Secret # 8
You must master the basics of project management. The secret is that we can no longer work successfully, staying within the same framework. The English have long played with the words product and service, coming up with combinations such as provice and serduct, which say that there are no products without services and there are no only services without products.

Successful trading is a real art, much more complex and subtle than it seems to an uninformed person. Remember how many times returning home, you were perplexed by the number of purchased items after the next shopping. Do you know what the secret is? You have been skillfully used with special techniques. effective sales- these methods act on the subconscious, forcing us to fork out so that even we ourselves are not noticeable.

Secrets of Successful Sales

1. Good music

In the course of another study by psychologists, it was found that good music makes the process of parting with money less painful, and the number of purchases is directly proportional to the tempo of the piece of music that sounds in the store. Fast, dynamic rhythms do not bode well for the seller - for such a piece you will quickly buy everything you need and fly out of the store like a bullet. At the same time, a beautiful, soulful melody makes customers think, carefully consider many beautiful products and make more purchases.

2. Pleasant smells

Some stores have a special, pleasant, relaxing scent. According to the same psychologists, some aromas, for example, vanilla or lavender, contribute to the fact that visitors to the supermarket or shopping center spend much more time at various shelves and stands. However, this is not all.

One of the main tricks is fresh baked goods own production, which is in great demand among buyers. It is customary to arrange counters with aromatic buns and baguettes in such a way that their smell spreads throughout the entire area of ​​the store. The smell of fresh bread is always able to evoke the warmest feelings in us, and in this state, it takes only half a step to make an impulsive purchase.

3. The magic of color

The results of numerous experiments on long-suffering buyers are openly published in various entertainment and popular science publications. At the same time, we drink the same coffee from multi-colored cups and reasonably argue about the difference in its tastes. Or, as one, we agree to pay twice as much for very tasty cookies in a red or pink box, while we do not like the same products in a blue package. Needless to say, supermarket owners are much more attentive to such research, and actively use them for their own selfish purposes.

4. Profitable place

One of the basic principles of a successful sale is that you want to sell more product, do whatever it takes to place it at eye level. Such shelves are empty 3-4 times faster than others. shopping places... Often, manufacturers of popular trade marks They pay generously to stores for the ability to place goods in such places. Another tricky trick is the arrangement of products next to each other that go well with each other.

5. Favorable price

Another little trick is the price of the product, which is visually perceived as more profitable. This purely psychological ploy has worked well for decades. A person cannot help himself and gains more " cheap goods"For 199 dollars, instead of" expensive "for 202 dollars. We can see similar promotions almost every day - these are 3 products at the price of 2, and the notorious 4 for 100 instead of 1 for 25. A great way to raise the level of sales several times.

6. Shop like a resort

Who among us doesn't like modern shopping and entertainment centers? This is a real paradise for a city dweller, an opportunity to leave a child in his favorite children's room, and a husband in a cafe or cinema with a glass of his favorite beer. And, finally, with great pleasure, plunge into the sweet world of such adored shopping.

A lot of positive emotions gives a guaranteed result, rest, shopping, entertainment, cultural events, sports, rest and shopping again, and so on 24/7 non-stop. All this is done for buyers, to satisfy their most sophisticated needs and to enable them to spend the maximum amount of money.

Have you seen people who, before making a decision, carefully weigh the pros and cons and only then, on the basis of this analysis, do something? If you've seen, you're in luck. Recent research by marketers leads us to the conclusion: most often decisions are made under the influence of our unconscious, while the influence of the rational is very insignificant. What does it give us? Quite simply, if we learned to control the unconscious, we could control the world. Successful salespeople usually act intuitively. The rest can be helped by research by marketers on the architecture of choice - that is, how to manipulate the unconscious so that the buyers themselves are completely unaware of it.

1) An illustrative example of using the concept of "architecture of choice" is any supermarket. Did you know that a person buys more if they have fewer choices? So, a seller exhibiting 24 different kinds jam, will sell less product per day than someone who sells only 6 different varieties. The explanation is simple: when the brain is overloaded with information, it simply refuses to work. 2) Researchers tested the willpower of buyers. It turned out that it is enough to give a person the opportunity to first do what, in his opinion, is “good”, so that later he himself begins to actively violate his own framework without looking back. That is why supermarket owners lay out healthy fruits and vegetables right at the entrance: how more money the buyer spends on healthy products, the more he will buy harmful beer and chips. 3) Another effective method to make the buyer fork out - to put the most expensive products in front of him. This works well with the example of alcohol: when customers first see exclusive wine brands, it encourages them to buy more cheap bottles than they originally planned. Finally, another study showed that people prefer to take products on the right-hand shelves: they were called "the highest quality" when people chose from four absolutely identical products, arranged in different sides from the buyer. 4) The behavior of buyers varies greatly by age. For example, older people respond better to positive messages and not focus on negative ones. Therefore, advertising campaigns that demonstrate negative consequences of something simply do not work for this group of people. At the same time, young people are actively responding to reports of negative consequences. 5) The attitude to risk is the same in people of all ages. Research shows that most people choose not to take risks. own funds, even if they have the opportunity to earn much more. Likewise, regardless of age, people tend to do what others do. Research advertising campaigns urging to pay taxes in the United States showed that neither threats nor exhortations had the same effect as advertisements that said, “90% of taxpayers fill out their returns on time.” 6) The science of neuroscience has also contributed to understanding the factors driving people. It turns out, no matter how you compose your ad and no matter how you decompose your products, if your customers have a severe form of lingering depression - all this is useless. One of mandatory conditions to make any decision - emotions. If a person does not have the strength to experience at least some emotions, he will not be able to make a decision, but will endlessly scroll through the options in his head, without coming to any conclusion. Adapted from books: Nudge (Richard Thayer and Cass Sunstein), Switch (Chip and Dan Health), Flourish (Martin Seligman), The Social Animal (David Brooks).

Sales is an area where anything can happen. A team that has completed eighty percent of the norm in a month can complete the remaining twenty percent on the last day and even exceed the plan! How? To do this, you need to improve work efficiency. The most experienced salespeople know how to do this and are able to use them when needed. If you want to learn from their experience, study their recommendations and try to start applying them in your work.

Think over your ideal customer and work for him

For effective work in the field of sales, you need to have a clear understanding of the target audience. A sales rep who has such a subconscious picture sells the product more efficiently. If you don't know which customer you want to attract, you can become confused about the techniques you use and your effectiveness will drop. You must have a clear idea of ​​whether your products are suitable for the people you want to sell them to, and also understand who yours are. target audience and why.

Always prepare in advance

An effective salesperson prepares before making a call. He receives all the necessary information in advance, before meeting with an important client. There is no place for improvisation in this area, a plan of action is needed. A backup plan won't hurt either. Thus, you can anticipate all difficulties and questions and prepare an effective course of action in case the sale is threatened.

Develop a clear and effective method for finding a solution

Have good employee there is a clear plan of action that can be broken down into small specific details. If you understand every step you take, you can analyze the big picture and understand where improvement is needed. For example, you know that you don't know how to close a deal, but you are good at talking about the benefits of the product. In this case, you can look for a reason that prevents the client from making a final decision. Maybe you are not too convincing? Is the contract too clear? Maybe you need to show more enthusiasm? After this analysis, you can figure out what exactly you need to improve, and not just try to try harder. This is exactly what a successful salesperson does.

Explore the product you are promoting

Selling is only half the skill. The other half is knowing what exactly to sell. Each new employee must undergo thorough training. He needs to understand what he is offering clients. This will help him to work more efficiently. With careful training, a company can increase sales.

Make decisions based on facts

Effective workers don't let their senses rule their judgment. They are good at maintaining emotional distance and avoid taking conflict or rejection as a personal insult. This helps them to behave more professionally.

Build personal connections

A good employee knows that building relationships is a cornerstone of sales. The best specialists constantly find new connections and keep their finger on the pulse of relationships that can bring benefits. By focusing on communication, you expand your dating network by acquiring more and more potential customers.

Learn to look from the client's perspective

Smart salespeople understand that in order to sell effectively, they need to think not only about profit, but also how to grow their business. They want customers to like the product. They try to please them. Instead of thinking about how to sell more, think about how to help others.

Do not try

The seller should not try, he either does or does not. There is no point in trying to sell something, "almost" does not make a profit. You have to keep moving forward until you get results.

Learn to listen

An experienced employee should understand as much as possible about clients. Learning to understand their needs will help with listening and asking the right questions.

Get enough sleep every night

Effective workers know that their attitudes towards people will change if they cannot get enough sleep. If you are tired, you cannot perform at your best. Get enough sleep each day to help your voice sound more energetic and you can enthusiastically represent your company's products and services.

Believe in what you sell

It's easier to sell a product that you trust. The most effective sellers use their products themselves and believe in their quality.

Be guided by a precise goal

Money is good source motivation, but it is better to have a specific goal. A good salesperson understands that the product or service they sell can have a positive impact on people's lives, so they have a good purpose. However, money, or rather what it is, also matters. Money allows you to improve the quality of your life and fulfill your dreams.

Take care of feedback

Not all salespeople know how to get feedback, they just send out offers and wait for a response, not even knowing if the customer has opened their email. Using special programs to control mailings, you can get a clear picture of the situation.

Write letters sincerely

Instead of following a standard form and writing the same letter to each client, learn to approach different people. Write letters from the heart, it helps to attract the client and establish communication with him.

Be helpful

Rather than sending out useless emails, effective employees are valuable to the customer, and every message they send carries important information. The best salespeople make it their goal to keep the customer informed about the product.

Assess the client correctly

Some clients may seem tempting, but as a result, they can lead you to failure. Do not rush to distribute the product thoughtlessly, sell only to those who are really useful for your company. Good connections with the right customers will generate income in the long run, while promiscuous sales can only undermine the rating of your product: it will go to the wrong people who cannot adequately evaluate it. Avoid these situations!

Make a plan

Even if you are a very charming and influential person, you need an organization, without it your sales will drop. The best salespeople are incredibly organized and plan their activities daily. The way they approach calls and meetings is well thought out and linked to a clear strategy. Never forget this rule.

Get ready to challenge

Good salespeople know that there is no point in agreeing with the customer about everything, avoiding difficult topics and difficult questions. This does not result in a deal. If you really want to help customers, you need to gain their trust. If you adapt to them, you will not be trusted, you will seem like a hypocrite. Do not be afraid of contradictions, speak directly if your client is wrong about something. This is how you can establish communication and convey your point of view to the customer.

Think of customer success as your own

A good salesperson does not believe that his goal has been achieved once the client has signed a contract in the right place. Instead, he keeps in touch with the customer in order to get feedback, and helps if necessary with his advice.

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Do you want sales to always be high (really high)?

I don’t know of a single entrepreneur who would not like to know some ingenious (and preferably simple) sales secret. They read books, articles, advice in batches, go to trainings, master classes, conferences ...

This is the right tactic and really helps build your sales skills. But there are secrets that all this time lie under their noses. You probably know them too ... but don't use them. Want to fix it today?

Then let's not linger any longer and get down to business ...

1. Make warm calls

Your first contact with a prospect doesn't have to be cold. I suspect many entrepreneurs will disagree with me now. They will say: " Cold calling still works great. I do it myself". I will not dispute this position. But I am convinced: before you sell something, you need to "warm up" the relationship with a potential client(lead). Agree, buying from a friend (albeit in absentia) is easier than from a completely outside seller who calls you while you are at work, in a store or in the shower.

And no matter what they say about the fact that “ you just need to know how to use cold calls ", my advice is to get to know a potential customer before you call or send an email with a purchase offer for the first time.

How to do it? I think if this is not your first time reading our blog, you already know how. But just in case I I will voice several options:

  • Connect with your audience on social media : Publish valuable content, share knowledge, give an excuse to have fun and chat. Respond to questions and comments, interact with people.
  • Use email marketing to build a more "personal relationship" with each potential client.
  • Host a webinar on a topic that is relevant to your audience. Such a “live” communication session perfectly breaks down barriers and helps to establish warm relations with the participants.

Naturally, this list is not complete... You can think of (or spy on) tons of other ways to meet.

Here, for example, is one of Oles' letters. This series of posts leads a person to purchase copywriting training. Before making an offer, we provide a ton of useful content with practical experience just like that, absolutely free. Does it work now? And how!

IMPORTANT: on June 18, 2018 we are holding the most powerful FREE online master class on how to properly set up an automated sales funnel for YOUR business. Create a system that will bring you twice as many conversions automatically!

Everyone who signs up will receive a PDF book "Automated sales funnel" from Oles Timofeev as a gift!

2. Become a leader in your niche

Let's say you are choosing a new phone. What do you prefer: a model from a renowned manufacturer or a mobile of unknown origin? I think the answer is obvious. Even if an unfamiliar company offers a similar model cheaper / more functional / more beautiful, you are unlikely to take risks.

The same principle works in all industries. That's why, to do well in sales, you need a name. By establishing yourself as an expert and leader in a niche, you will gain trust potential client even before you first communicate with him. Agree, this gives a huge advantage and seriously increases your chances of success in sales.

How do you become a leader? Perhaps, I will not describe in detail the answer to this question now. We already .

Therefore, we will focus on only a couple of points:

  • Demonstrate your usefulness to the client by everyone possible ways(create valuable content, help your audience solve problems or achieve goals).
  • Build .
  • Collect social proof (reviews, cases, media publications).

By the way, on our website there is for social proof:

3. Be a solid support

If you want your sales to be successful, you have to do more than just sell. Become the person your customers go to with questions even after the sale is closed. Change your status in their eyes from an ordinary seller of a product, product or service to a provider of solutions to their problems. After all, in the end, we make every purchase in order to solve a problem or satisfy a desire. Help your clients reach their goals.

And even after the sale, support them:

  • Submit helpful materials to help you get more value out of your purchase;
  • call to ask if the client is happy with everything, if he has any difficulties;
  • if difficulties arise, do everything possible to eliminate them ...

There are a lot of options to take care of. The main thing is to use them. If you become a reliable source of help for your clients, they will thank you many times in return.

This is the post I found after our series of free expert webinars. Agree, such words are worth taking care of those who trust us.

4. Use sales scripts ... wisely

Scripts are the most controversial thing in the sales world. Someone strongly advises using them and promises that sales will drop below zero if scripts are not implemented today. Others, on the contrary, pounding themselves in the chest with a fist, recommends giving up this once and for all. They say that clients immediately feel that they are being spoken to according to a template and leave the conversation.

I agree that script conversation is killing the sale. When a salesperson speaks a memorized text, you can immediately hear it. And the desire to communicate with him disappears completely. But! I am convinced that talking to a customer without preparation is an equally gruesome crime against sales. Agree, you will not enjoy communicating with constantly saying “ uh», « nuuu”, Getting lost from your remarks and generally ready to faint if you ask at least something else.

That's why my advice is to prepare a conversation script ... Especially for newcomers to sales. However, it should be not a hard script, but rather a cheat sheet ... This move will help:

  • not to miss the thread of the conversation;
  • do not forget about the key points;
  • work out the main objections of the client.

5. Don't sell

I know what you are now thinking: " That's the news. Talked, talked about sales and what did you come to?". In fact, we have not strayed from the topic of sales in the least. Let me explain now.

So, you got a potential client... Just 1 step separates you from the sale. You are already looking forward to a successfully closed deal, but ... It turns out that the client is not ready, wants to think, he has no money ... there are 1000 reasons that prevent the purchase. Sound familiar?

Getting a lead is not yet a success. And then you need to work hard to convert it into a client. So I I recommend that you focus not on the desire to sell, but on building relationships... If you start selling right away, you risk scaring the person off. But having built a trusting relationship, you can lead him to the purchase easily and naturally.


Agree that all of these strategies were already familiar to you? You may not have read about them, but you intuitively felt that it was so right. And now that I have convinced you that your intuition has not let you down, you can safely implement them :) I am sure the results will convince you even more.

And don't forget about our free online workshop “Automated Sales Funnel”. Click on the button below and register now.

P.S. Your likes unambiguously enhance the effectiveness of any implementation and accelerate preparation new article that will revolutionize your understanding of business development. So please like it!

And to make these secrets work even better, fix them urgently. What are these mistakes? Read it now!