Planning Motivation Control

General personnel structure. Analysis of the structure of the personnel of the organization The analytical structure of the personnel is divided into

Thus, budgeting for staff costs is part of general firm budgeting and requires taking into account the need to implement special functions of personnel management.

1. Utkin E.A., Martyunyuk I.V. Controlling: Russian Practice. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 1999, 272 p.

2. Controlling as a tool for enterprise management / Ed. E.A. Anankina, N.G. Da-nilochkina et al. M .: Audit, UNITI, 2001, 279 p.

3. Personnel management of the organization: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. M .: UNITI-M, 1997.S. 57-59.

E.A. Kutlunin

OJSC "Omsk Engine-Building Design Bureau"


The terms "personnel", "staff", "workers" are frequently used in the theory and practice of management. Often the analogy is carried out between them but no distinctions.

In theory and practice of management, the terms "personnel", "personnel", "workers" are often used. Often an analogy is drawn between the two and no distinctions are made.

Many authors define personnel as “the totality of workers of certain categories and professions engaged in a single production activities aimed at making a profit or income and meeting their material needs ”. The head of the group of authors Yu.G. Odegov gives the following, more complete definition personnel: "Personnel of the organization - a set of individuals consisting with an organization as legal entity in a relationship governed by a contract of employment, and with certain quality characteristics to ensure that the objectives of the organization are achieved. In other words, all persons who work in the organization are called the personnel of the organization.

An essential sign of personnel is the presence of labor relations with the employer. Another important feature is the possession of certain qualitative characteristics: abilities (availability of specific knowledge and professional skills, work experience in a certain field of activity); motivation (range of professional and personal interests, the desire to make a career, the need for professional and personal self-realization); properties (the presence of psychological, intellectual, physical qualities)» .

In the vocabulary of concepts and definitions for personnel, personnel means “a socio-economic category that denotes a permanent, full-time composition of employees, that is, able-bodied citizens who are labor relations with state, cooperative, private, etc. enterprises, firms, organizations, institutions.

Frames usually mean skilled workers who have undergone preliminary professional training and have special education, work skills and / or work experience in the chosen field of activity. It is not customary to refer to temporary and seasonal workers, part-time workers, non-staff employees, as well as persons engaged in self-employment in the field commercial trade» .

In the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Human Resource Management, workforce is defined as “the physical and spiritual abilities of a person, which he uses in the labor process to create goods and provide services.

The labor force represents the potential ability to work, and labor itself is a functioning labor force. "

The point of view of A.P. Egorshin, who refers to personnel as “all employees ( labor collective), performing production or management operations, engaged in the processing of objects of labor using the means of labor. "

The concepts of "personnel", "workers", "personnel" are identical, if this definition is taken as a basis.

People are the most important part of the organization and have a complex interconnected structure. System analysis allows to consider personnel as an interconnection of structures distinguished by various characteristics.

First of all, you should pay attention to the structure of personnel by category. There are various approaches to the classification of personnel depending on the profession or position of the employee, the level of management, and the category of employees. The basic classification is by categories of workers (Fig. 1), proposed in the 1980s. State Committee for Labor of the USSR.

This classification provides for the allocation of two main parts of personnel for participation in the production process: workers and employees.

Workers, or production personnel, carry out labor activities in material production with a predominant share manual labor... They ensure the release of products, their exchange, marketing and service maintenance... Workers can be divided into two main categories:

The main personnel are workers employed in technological processes that change the shape, structure, properties, spatial position of the object of labor, as a result of which material products and services are created;

Auxiliary personnel - workers associated with the maintenance of equipment and workplaces in auxiliary departments: repair, transport, tool, warehouse.

Employees, or management personnel, carry out labor activities in the process of production management with a predominant share of mental, intellectual labor. The main result of their labor activity is the study of management problems, the creation new information, changing its content or form, preparing management decisions, selection of the most effective option, implementation and control of execution. Employees are grouped into several subgroups.

First of all, these are leaders performing functions general management... They are conventionally subdivided into three levels: highest (organizations as a whole), middle (basic structural units), grassroots (working with performers). The leaders also include their deputies and chief specialists. Together, they form an administration, which also includes

individuals who do not belong to the leadership, but who perform auxiliary management functions e.g. employees personnel services.

The other most numerous subgroup of employees are specialists in various fields. They are engaged in the creation and implementation of new knowledge in production, as well as in the development of options for solving individual production and management problems, the solution of which is within the competence of managers. These are economists, lawyers, engineers and technicians and their assistants.

The third subgroup is formed by other employees related to employees - technical performers. They carry out the preparation and execution of documents, accounting, control, economic services (for example, cashiers, clerks, archivists, commandants).

V modern conditions Taking into account the above classification, at enterprises, organizations and firms of various forms of ownership, it is customary to subdivide all employees into two groups: industrial-production and non-industrial personnel.

The industrial and production personnel (personnel of the main activities) include persons working in the main and auxiliary, research and experimental design departments, the management apparatus, engaged in the creation of products, services or performing maintenance of these processes.

In addition to the workers and employees, which were mentioned above, the industrial and production personnel include the younger service staff, students and fire-guard protection.

The junior service personnel include employees who ensure the maintenance of sanitary and hygienic conditions at the enterprise (workers in showers, dressing rooms, cleaners).

The employees of the fire and guard service ensure fire safety at the enterprise, monitor the condition and serviceability of fire-fighting equipment and perform the functions of protecting industrial enterprises.

Non-industrial personnel (personnel of non-core activities) usually include employees who do not take part in the production of products. Their target setting is the provision and maintenance of the enterprise. These are workers employed in the transport sector, housing and communal services, the sphere social security and other non-production units.

If personnel is considered as the most important component of any organization and the main characteristic of the system, then its structure may look different (see Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Personnel structure

Consider the organizational structure of personnel, which reflects the scope of rights and responsibilities, the independence of individual employees, departments, as well as the system of subordination.

The functional structure reflects the division of management functions between management and separate divisions.

The role structure characterizes the team in terms of participation in the creative process in production, communication and behavioral roles.

Staff structure determines the composition of divisions and the list of positions, the size of official salaries and the fund wages.

The social structure characterizes the work collective in terms of social indicators (gender, age, profession and qualifications, education, etc.). Different authors highlight different characteristics by which personnel can be classified. For example, A.P. Egorshin believes that the social structure is quite complete, grouped according to 13 characteristics (see Fig. 3). It contains indicators such as gender, age, work experience, education, social origin, position in the organization, nationality, marital status, party affiliation, motivation, progressiveness, standard of living and attitude towards property.

In our opinion, in the research it is most expedient to consider the professional-qualification and socio-demographic structures, since they have the most significant impact on the achievement of the set goals, on the results of the enterprise and its development.

Among the indicators of social structure greatest value in personnel management have such indicators as gender, age, length of service and marital status. Let's consider them in more detail.

Firstly, the structure of personnel by sex is based on the division of employees into men and women in the total number, as well as in different age and professional groups.

Secondly, the structure of personnel by age is characterized by the share of persons of the corresponding age in its total number. When studying the age structure, the following groupings are used: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60- 64, 65 and older. It is also advisable to highlight the following age groups staff:

Young employees under 30 years of age;

Middle-aged staff (31-45 years old);

Senior staff (46-55 years old);

Staff of pre-retirement and retirement age over 55 years old.

Third, the structure of seniority personnel can be viewed in two ways: in terms of total seniority and seniority in a given organization. The level of labor productivity is directly related to the general experience. The total experience is grouped into the following periods: up to 16 years old, 16-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 years and more.

Work experience in the organization characterizes the fixability of personnel. Statistics distinguishes the following periods for calculating this indicator: up to 1 year, 1-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30 years and more.

Fourthly, in terms of marital status, all employees can be attributed to the following groups: single (unmarried), married (married), divorced, widowers (widows).

Consideration of the professional and qualification structure of personnel is especially important in personnel management, since this criterion combines both the characteristics of personnel as an economic resource of the organization (distribution by profession and level of qualifications), and individual and personal characteristics that ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of labor.

Firstly, the structure of personnel by educational level implies the selection of persons who have higher education, incomplete higher, secondary vocational, secondary general, incomplete secondary, primary.

Secondly, you need to pay attention to the correspondence of the specialty received and the work performed, as well as dwell on the reasons why people agree to perform others that do not correspond to the profile of the received education, labor functions.

Thirdly, the most important direction in the analysis of the professional and qualification structure is the study of the correspondence of the level and volume of knowledge to the requirements of the workplace. This issue must be considered together with the issues of training employees, raising their qualifications.

If we consider personnel as unified system, then its main characteristic will be the structure of personnel.

The structure of personnel is a set of stable relationships between the characteristics of personnel, ensuring the preservation of the basic properties of personnel under various external and internal changes.

Rice. 3. Social structure of personnel

To manage the activities of the organization, the administration must own the methods of personnel management and, if necessary, methods of changing the structure of personnel.

L.G. Gaposhin identifies several methods for predicting the organization's staffing needs. Some of them can be applied to change the structure of personnel. These methods include the following:

Extrapolation method, often used and simple. Its advantage is its general availability, low cost. Its essence is to transfer the patterns and trends of the past period to the future. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not always possible to take into account changes in the external environment and in the development of the organization. This method is good for a short-term development strategy of an enterprise, for enterprises with a stable structure, operating in a stable environment;

Relationship method. The essence of this method is to calculate the relationship between the causal factor and the number and quality of personnel. For example, the ratio of production workers (number, profession, category) to the annual production plan, as well as the ratio of the number of engineering and technicians to the number of production workers. When using the method of relations, it is assumed that the factors that determine changes in quantitative and qualitative needs are stable. It is necessary to know exactly or predict the volume and range of goods and services provided. But, as a rule, none of the ratios can remain unchanged in the future. In this regard, it becomes necessary to adjust for factors that, presumably, may change in the future. Technological and administrative changes can have a significant impact on changes in personnel structure;

Method expert assessments... This method is based on the use of experts' opinions to change the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of personnel. Usually, to participate in the examination, chief specialists and heads of divisions of the enterprise are involved. The use of their knowledge and experience allows us to give a well-grounded assessment of the personnel and make a development forecast. The examination procedure is influenced by the size of the enterprise and the number of department heads.

The considered methods of analyzing the structure of personnel have their own disadvantages and advantages. To reduce the percentage of error in determining the structure of personnel, it is advisable to use a complex method that would generalize all of the above methods. By correlating the results of these methods, we will get a more accurate result for making a decision.

Thus, we can conclude that the structure of personnel is a set of separate groups of employees, united by some criterion, for example: professional affiliation ( professional structure), qualification level (qualification structure), age, gender and education (structure by level of education and gender and age), etc.

In order to start such a complex management process as the reorganization of the personnel structure, it is necessary to have a good command of (in addition to those considered) methods of changing the personnel structure, which should be preceded by a deep and detailed analysis of the personnel structure.

1. Vesnin V.R. Practical management personnel: Manual on personnel work. M .: Jurist, 1998.496 p.

2. Gaposhina L.G. Staffing Marketing: Tutorial... M .: Publishing and trade corporation "Dashkov and K °", 2002. 116 p.

3. Egorshin A.P. Personnel management: Textbook for universities. N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2001.720 p.

4. Zhuravlev N.V., Kartashev S.A., Mausov N.K., Odegov Yu.G. Staff: Dictionary of concepts and definitions. Moscow: Examination, 1999.512 p.

5. Polovinko B.C. Personnel management: a systematic approach and its implementation / Under scientific. ed. SOUTH. Odegova. Moscow: Economics, 1988.239 p.

6. Personnel Management: Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. M .: INFRA -M., 1998.453 p.

7. Fedoseev V.I., Kapustin S.I. Organization personnel management. M .: Exam, 2003.

8. Economics and Sociology of Labor / Ed. B.Yu. Serbinovsky, V.A. Chulanov. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1999.512 p.

For any organization, enterprise, people management is of paramount importance. Without carefully selected, deployed and professionally trained professional workers, no organization can achieve its goals. Until recently, the very concept of "personnel management" in the domestic management literature was either absent, or it was discussed in passing, in the context of considering other management problems. Naturally, the question is crisis management personnel as an integral part of the anti-crisis management concept are not sufficiently developed.

To improve the efficiency of management, it is necessary to find out which categories of workers belong to the management personnel. On this issue, researchers, employees of personnel services do not yet have unity of views. Some believe that all employees of the organization's management apparatus belong to the management personnel. Others believe that the basis for resolving the issue of attributing an employee to management personnel should be based on a functional principle: it is the content of the basic management functions performed by the employee.

Guided by this criterion, the management personnel should include employees who are fully or partially engaged in management activities (managers, their deputies, specialists and technical personnel).

However, in the management apparatus of the organization there are groups of workers who are not directly involved in managerial work (security personnel, health institutions, drivers of official vehicles, employees of accounting and settlement services, etc.). This category of workers is the service personnel of the organization.

Without belittling the role of other groups in the management apparatus, the decisive influence on the entire management system of the organization of the head of the management body should be emphasized.

In the content of the concept "manager" (manager), in our opinion, the following categories of management workers can be included. First, the leaders are in full control of the organization. Secondly, the concept of a manager corresponds different categories heads of departments, services, sections, workshops, in which the full management cycle is also carried out, but on a smaller scale. Thirdly, the category of deputy managers can also be classified as managers; to a certain extent, they are backup managers. The deputy head in most cases has the powers of the head and not only legally, but also de facto.

The leader is the central figure in the management system. He directs the activities of the entire team to achieve the goals set, bears personal responsibility for the timely adoption and implementation of strategic, operational and other decisions on all vital issues of the functioning and development of the organization. For this, the leader achieves the necessary coherence of the entire management staff.

The group of specialists is the second most important link in the management apparatus. This includes most of the management personnel: economists, technologists, lawyers, sociologists, psychologists, referents, consultants, etc. A distinctive feature of this group is that not all are applicable in its activities, but only part of the features of managerial work. In the first place in their work comes the professional and analytical side. Such an essential feature as managerial competence, in relation to the work of a specialist, has a functional specific meaning.

The specialist is not associated with all operations, stages of the management cycle. It does not unify or guide the management process as a whole. For specialists, this is not a characteristic sign of leadership, at least of a formal one. But the managerial potential of this link of the management personnel should not be underestimated. The effectiveness of the entire management system is often determined and ensured by the active, creative activity of specialists. The leader (manager), based on the professional knowledge of specialists, their experience, as a rule, achieves success in achieving the set goals with less expenditure of material financial and human resources.

The third large group of management personnel is the technical staff of the management apparatus. Some essential features of managerial work are also applicable to this group. Technical personnel, on behalf of managers, specialists and under their control, perform separate tasks related to management activities... In addition, the employees of this group ensure the general rhythm of the management cycle. With the right leadership, they largely relieve line managers, specialists of the management apparatus from routine, technical operations and give them the opportunity to concentrate on solving the most complex management problems.

A clear passage of information in various areas, communicating a solution to the performers, a lot of minor organizational issues depend on technical workers. Of course, the division of management personnel into these groups cannot be absolutized, since the functions of the three listed categories of the management apparatus are inextricably linked and intertwined. For example, a line manager is called upon, in some cases, to be a specialist, in principle, to know the specific aspects of the activities of a managed organization. Here we can only talk about the predominant orientation of the activities of the employees of the administrative apparatus. But such a division is essential in the conduct of operations and procedures for the selection, placement of personnel in the management apparatus.

Conducted sociological research show that the effectiveness of management in government and business structures is declining. This was stated by 71% of respondents in Russia. The situation is roughly the same in Ukraine. Among the reasons for the decline in management efficiency were named: weak professional training managers - 48% of the respondents, an imperfect system of selection and placement of management personnel - 52% of the respondents. Of course the data opinion polls should not be absolutized and extended to all organizations, but they should not be ignored either. It is likely that not everything is going well in our country with the problem of selection, placement and training of management personnel, which cannot but affect the effectiveness of management in general and crisis management in particular.

The totality of individual groups of workers forms the personnel structure, or in other words, the social structure of the organization, which can be statistical and analytical.

Statistical structure reflects its distribution and movement in the context of categories and groups of positions. For example, it is possible to distinguish the personnel of the main activities (persons working in the main and auxiliary, research and development departments, the management apparatus, engaged in the creation of products, services or performing the maintenance of these processes) and non-main types of activities (workers in the repair, housing - public utilities, subdivisions social sphere). All of them in their divisions hold positions of managers, specialists, workers, and basic information about them is contained in the current reporting.

The analytical structure is determined on the basis of special studies and calculations and is subdivided into general and specific. In the context of the general structure, the personnel is considered according to such characteristics as work experience, education, profession; private structure reflects the ratio of individual categories of workers.

The criterion for the optimality of the personnel structure is the correspondence of the number of employees of various job groups to the amount of work inherent in each job group, expressed in the time spent.

By the nature of labor functions, the personnel is divided into workers and employees.

Workers directly create material values ​​or provide production services. It is customary to distinguish between main and auxiliary workers. The first are engaged in technological processes aimed at creating the final product for a given organization. The latter are associated with the maintenance of equipment and work places in auxiliary departments - repair, instrumental, transport, warehouse.

Allocate workers mechanized and manual labor... At the same time, the following categories are distinguished: working with automatic machines; performing work with the help of machines, mechanisms, devices, installations; service machines, machine tools, installations, devices; performing work manually; performing work without the use of machines and mechanisms; performing work on the repair and adjustment of machines and mechanisms.

Workers are also classified by profession, age, forms and systems of remuneration, length of service.

The workers also include junior service personnel, who are mainly engaged in the provision of services not related to the main activity - janitors, couriers, cleaners of non-production premises, drivers of personal management vehicles and buses transporting employees.

Employees carry out the organization of human activities, production management, administrative, financial, accounting, procurement, legal, research and other types of work.

Employees belong to professional group persons engaged primarily in mental, intellectual work. They are grouped into several subgroups.

First of all, these are the leaders performing the functions of general management. They are conventionally subdivided into three levels: the highest (organizations as a whole); medium (main structural units); grassroots (working with performers). The leaders also include their deputies, chief specialists, state inspectors.

Together, they form an administration, which also includes individuals who are not related to management, but perform auxiliary management functions, for example, personnel services.

Another, the most numerous subgroup of employees are specialists of various profiles. They are engaged in the creation and implementation of new knowledge and knowledge in general in the form of theoretical and applied developments, as well as the development of options for solving individual production and management problems, the choice and acceptance of which is within the competence of managers. These are economists, lawyers, engineers and technicians and their assistants.

Depending on the level of training, specialists of higher and secondary qualifications are distinguished. The former are in charge of production, technical and creative processes; the latter are the executors of the work.

Specialists in the position can be "chief", "leading" senior, or have a category characterized by a number. A senior specialist, in addition to performing his usual duties as a specialist, may lead a group of colleagues - ordinary performers, not allocated to independent unit... This guidance is not of an administrative nature, but is mainly limited to coordination and consultation. He can also be the sole responsible executor of some responsible work, who does not have subordinates. The leading specialist performs the same duties as the senior, but also provides methodological guidance, and the chief coordinates the work of the leading and senior specialists.

In Western firms, especially talented specialists, even if for them in this moment not work, often kept "in reserve" without clearly defined responsibilities, and for their designation there is even a special term "wild geese".

The third subgroup in this group is formed by other workers related to employees. They carry out the preparation and execution of documents, accounting, control, economic services, for example, cashiers, clerks, archivists, commandants.

The basis for assigning people to a particular group (category) is the position they hold, that is staff unit organization, the primary element in the structure of its management, characterized by a set of rights, duties and responsibilities of the employee, the labor functions performed by him, the boundaries of competence, legal status.

The structure of personnel is an important part of any enterprise, since the quality and timely execution of the labor process depends on the employees. Workers in an organization are people who have certain knowledge and skills. Future employees are selected for the company in accordance with education, qualifications, and necessary personal qualities. It is the correctly selected composition of the company's employees that ensures further productive work for many years.

Main features

The structure of the organization's personnel is an important and integral part of any team. To give a more precise definition, the structure is a set of certain parts of the team, which are united according to some characteristics. The composition and structure of the company's personnel can be as multifaceted as required by the institution.

When a new production is formed, it usually becomes immediately clear to managers what goals and functions they will develop. this enterprise, and how many employees are required to perform these services. To correctly determine the composition of the enterprise's employees, the very first thing is to correctly determine the need for specialists of certain categories for productive work. Accordingly, specialists or managers should correspond to the categories of the position held.

All available vacancies at this company are approved in normative document"Staffing table". Such a document is available in every enterprise and it reflects the position, the number of rates, the official salary, the schedule is necessarily made and approved at the beginning of the year or when changes are made.

According to the staffing table and personal orientation of the organization, it is possible to draw up structures of various kinds full-time employees.

According to the types of composition of employees, the quantitative and qualitative structures of employees are distinguished. The quantitative composition is determined staffing table at a certain point in time, the composition of the number is also calculated for both occupied and free vacancies. It is customary to determine the qualitative composition of personnel according to the degree of education, work experience, age and other social parameters that positively contribute to the achievement of the company's goals.

Personnel components

The totality of employees of any organization can be classified into a statistical and analytical component of employees. The statistical structure assumes the grouping of people and their distribution into groups depending on the positions held.

  1. The very first and leading line is occupied by the leaders of the company. The leader is the main link, he is obliged to manage the entire structure of his production. Leaders can also be divided into levels, if any. Highest level- this is the director or the most important leader, the middle level is his deputies, in addition, there may be heads of departments, production workshops or sections. The lower level is the leading employees of the sections, for example, foremen.
  2. The second, no less important link is considered to be specialists. The specialists include accountants, economists, lawyers, personnel department, all kinds of engineers, mechanics.
  3. At the third level are executive employees, they include: secretary, cashier, typesetter.
  4. The fourth step is workers' employees. Very often it is the workers who take the place for the performance of the services and the basic functions of the organization. Workers can have basic qualifications or auxiliary qualifications.

The analytical structure of the company involves additional research and calculations, which will group employees according to certain criteria. Consider analytical structuring and its types.

Organizational and functional structure of employees

This is a set of departments in one organization and the relationship of employees in the workplace. A grouping of people like organizational structure, distributes them by authority and type of activity, while uniting them into one whole. By examining the organizational components of one enterprise, you can see several types of organizational groups. In practice, structures are allocated depending on the approach to workers.

Allocate functional, linear and matrix organization.

The functional structure is formed depending on functional responsibilities every employee. For example, consider functional analysis one firm. Our company can be subdivided into separate sections, for example: the accounting department, a large number of people can work in it, it is directly managed Chief Accountant, each of the workers performs certain functions of the process. However, such a unit works for the benefit of the entire organization, although all other subsections are not associated with one type of work with accountants. The functional structure assumes the work of each separately from each other, but they act for the good of the common cause. If we consider accounting, then it produces payroll for the entire company and codes, reporting is also made throughout the organization.

Linear organizational groups exist on small firms, where the types of duties performed are of the same type and busy employees are all on the same line of employment. Such enterprises do not have the need to create complex structuring. When introducing employees with more complex functions to such a company or increasing the salaries of some employees, such actions will cause the need for the introduction of positions and pains of the complex organizational component of the personnel.

The matrix composition is created under the condition of increased satisfaction from the duties performed. However, such matrix schemes have a number of disadvantages, for example, the frequent change of managers and specialists leads to a loosening of the team and a weakening of the quality of work.

Role structure of personnel

It determines the roles of employees according to creative directions, however, this is not the main indicator of the role composition.

The roles in the workplace for each employee can be characterized by certain signs: behavioral role, communication role, creative behavior model.

The role structure of personnel includes several components. The behavioral role is determined by personal psychological behavior in the workplace or when performing a difficult task, in addition, conflict situations are taken into account.

The communication role determines the personality in the dissemination or transmission of information, the reliability of certain factors. Creative metrics can be manifested in highly active employees who may be involved in more than just labor processes, but also to engage in various kinds of organizational activities.

The composition of employees, structured by sex and age, is a set of employees of a firm, who will be distributed in the composition, in accordance with gender (women and men), as well as by age.

Other structures

Age grouping is usually done in the form of a table, for example, people would be categorized according to age 20, 30, 40, 50, and 51 to 60. In addition, distributing general composition population by age, in the same table, you can make a distribution for men and women. This structuring will help the manager to deduce the average age of the staff and make planning according to future reserves or passing qualification courses.

The age structure of personnel is very convenient for a manager to use, since many firms determine the methods of influence and stimulation of labor by the age of their employees. In turn, the age indicator should not exceed 37 years on average.

Personnel qualification structure. This component determines the professional skills of employees. Here, not only the diploma and the profession specified in it play a role, again by analyzing employees, one can reflect refresher courses, additional categories confirming the level of a professional, for example, categories for drivers, different categories for specialists. It is also possible that the firm in which you work will be able to offer you training in various kinds of professional skills to improve your career ladder or improvements for work functions.

The structure of personnel by length of service can be calculated in two versions. The first option, if the composition of employees is grouped by total work experience, for example, a table: work experience up to 3 years, up to 5, 8 years, from 8 to 10 years, from 10 to 15 years, from 15 to 20 years. Such a table will be convenient for the manager and for the reporting of the HR department. According to the analysis, it will be possible to see the approximate age category of workers, since the total length of service will be rather low if the workers are young. The second option is work experience specifically in this organization. Such a composition will show the stability of the staff. The table can be made like this: less than 1 year, from 1-3 years, from 3-5 years, up to 10 years, from 10 to 20 years and more. An analysis of this composition will show the loyalty of employees to this company, but if the staff is young, then there will be no big indicators.

The structure of personnel by educational level can show the level of education of personnel, according to the general or special level of training. This composition can be made in the form of a table, in which such sub-items can be highlighted, for example, elementary education(school certificate for 9 classes), incomplete secondary (school certificate for 11 classes), secondary (vocational school or college diploma), incomplete higher (university bachelor's degree), higher (specialist, master), various other degrees of scholarship, doctors and candidates of science. Such an analysis of the level of education will help the leader to see the degree of education of the team, and further improve the level of his employees.

V modern society the personal qualities of an individual begin with his business characteristics, attitude to work, and the level of professional suitability. All this determines the exceptional relevance of the issues that make up the content of professional ethics. Genuine professionalism is based on such moral standards as duty, honesty, exactingness towards oneself and one's colleagues, responsibility for the results of one's work.

Qualitative characteristics of personnel - a set of professional, moral and personal properties, which are a concrete expression of the compliance of personnel with those requirements that apply to the position or workplace. The whole set of qualitative characteristics of personnel can be conditionally divided into:

    abilities (level of education, amount of knowledge gained, professional skills, work experience in a particular field professional activity, with a certain type of product or service, professional skills of cooperation and mutual assistance, work experience in complex programs, etc.);

    motivation (sphere of professional and personal interests, striving to make a career, striving for power, readiness for additional responsibility and additional loads, etc.);

    properties (the ability to perceive a certain level of physical, mental or intellectual stress, the ability to concentrate, memory, and other personal properties necessary to perform any work).

In the theory of personnel management, there are different approaches to the qualifications of personnel, depending on the functions performed. This classification provides for two main categories of personnel for participation in the production process: managerial and production.

Rice. 1. The structure of the organization's personnel by category

Management personnel are employees whose labor activity is aimed at performing specific management functions. These include line and functional managers and specialists.

Managers who direct, coordinate and stimulate the activities of production, manage the resources of the organization, make decisions, bear full responsibility for achieving the goals of the organization and have the right to make decisions, belong to the linear. Heads of subsections whose main task is to facilitate the effective work of line managers are functional. Leaders and key specialists collectively create the administration.

Specialists (engineers, economists, technicians, technologists, psychologists) engaged in the creation and implementation of new knowledge and technologies in production and the development of solutions for individual production and management problems.

Technical specialists (employees) who provide technical and informational assistance to the management apparatus (collection, processing, storage and transmission of information). The specificity of their activities lies in the execution of standard procedures and operations, which are mainly amenable to standardization.

The management personnel are predominantly engaged in mental and intellectual work. According to the management level, managers are assigned to the leaders of the lowest (foreman, head of the section, bureau of groups), middle (heads of workshops, departments, their deputies) and top echelon(heads of enterprises, their deputies).

Production personnel are executors who implement the decision of managers, directly implement the plans of the organization, which are engaged in creating material values or the provision of manufacturing services and the movement of goods. This also includes cleaners, security guards, couriers, cloakroom attendants. For analytical purposes, production potential is divided into:

    the main workers who are directly involved in the production process with the creation of material values;

    auxiliary, which perform the functions of servicing the main production.


    1. General structure staff

The totality of individual groups of workers forms the personnel structure, or in other words, the social structure of the organization, which can be statistical and analytical.

The statistical structure reflects its distribution and movement in the context of categories and groups of positions. For example, it is possible to distinguish the personnel of the main types of activities (persons working in the main and auxiliary, research and development departments, the management apparatus, engaged in the creation of products, services or performing the maintenance of these processes) and non-main types of activities (workers in the repair, housing - communal services, social sector subdivisions). All of them in their divisions hold positions of managers, specialists, workers, and basic information about them is contained in the current reporting.

The analytical structure is determined on the basis of special studies and calculations and is subdivided into general and specific. In the context of the general structure, the personnel is considered according to such characteristics as work experience, education, profession; private structure reflects the ratio of individual categories of workers.

The criterion for the optimality of the personnel structure is the correspondence of the number of employees of various job groups to the amount of work inherent in each job group, expressed in the time spent.

By the nature of the labor functions, the staff is divided into workers and employees.

Workers directly create material values ​​or provide production services. It is customary to distinguish between main and auxiliary workers. The first are engaged in technological processes aimed at creating the final product for a given organization. The latter are associated with the maintenance of equipment and work places in auxiliary departments - repair, instrumental, transport, warehouse.

Allocate workers of mechanized and manual labor. At the same time, the following categories are distinguished: working with automatic machines; performing work with the help of machines, mechanisms, devices, installations; service machines, machine tools, installations, devices; performing work manually; performing work without the use of machines and mechanisms; performing work on the repair and adjustment of machines and mechanisms.

Workers are also classified by profession, age, forms and systems of remuneration, length of service.

The workers also include junior service personnel, who are mainly engaged in the provision of services not related to the main activity - janitors, couriers, cleaners of non-production premises, drivers of personal management vehicles and buses transporting employees.

Employees carry out the organization of human activities, production management, administrative, financial, accounting, procurement, legal, research and other types of work.

Employees belong to the professional group of persons engaged primarily in mental, intellectual work. They are grouped into several subgroups.

First of all, these are the leaders performing the functions of general management. They are conventionally subdivided into three levels: the highest (organizations as a whole); medium (main structural units); grassroots (working with performers). The leaders also include their deputies, chief specialists, state inspectors.

Together, they form an administration, which also includes individuals who are not related to management, but perform auxiliary management functions, for example, personnel services.

Another, the most numerous subgroup of employees are specialists of various profiles. They are engaged in the creation and implementation of new knowledge and knowledge in production in general in the form of theoretical and applied developments, as well as the development of options for solving individual production and management problems, the choice and acceptance of which is within the competence of managers. These are economists, lawyers, engineers and technicians and their assistants.

Depending on the level of training, specialists of higher and secondary qualifications are distinguished. The former are in charge of production, technical and creative processes; the latter are the executors of the work.

Specialists in the position can be "chief", "leading" senior, or have a category characterized by a number. A senior specialist, in addition to performing his usual duties as a specialist, may lead a group of colleagues - ordinary performers, not separated into an independent unit. This guidance is not of an administrative nature, but is mainly limited to coordination and consultation. He can also be the sole responsible executor of some responsible work, who does not have subordinates. The leading specialist performs the same duties as the senior, but also provides methodological guidance, and the chief coordinates the work of the leading and senior specialists.

In Western firms, especially talented specialists, even if there are no jobs for them at the moment, are often kept “in reserve” without clearly defined responsibilities, and there is even a special term “wild geese” to denote them.

The third subgroup in this group is formed by other workers related to employees. They carry out the preparation and execution of documents, accounting, control, economic services, for example, cashiers, clerks, archivists, commandants.

The basis for assigning people to a particular group (category) is the position they hold, that is, the staff unit of the organization, the primary element in the structure of its management, characterized by a set of rights, duties and responsibilities of the employee, the labor functions performed by him, the boundaries of competence, legal status.

      Professional and qualification structure of personnel

The occupation of a particular position requires people to possess the appropriate profession and qualifications.

A profession can be understood as a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by a person as a result of special training and work experience in this field and allowing him to carry out the corresponding type of activity. For example, you can talk about the profession of a manager, lawyer, economist, doctor.

Within the limits of each profession, as a result of the division of labor, specialties are singled out related to the performance of a narrower range of functions. So, the specialty within the legal profession will be civil law, criminal law, state law, etc.

Experience and practice link skills, knowledge and abilities together, forming qualifications, that is, the degree of professional training necessary to perform these labor functions. The qualifications of the work and the qualifications of the employee differ. The first is represented by a set of requirements for who must fulfill it; the second - by the totality of acquired professional qualities.

The qualification of an employee is determined by such factors as the level of general and special knowledge, length of service in a given or a similar position, necessary for mastering the profession. For managers, it is also about the level of organizational skills. The qualification is assigned by a special commission on the basis of a comprehensive examination of the knowledge and experience of this person and is legally enshrined in documents - diplomas, certificates, etc. organizationAbstract >> State and law

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