Planning Motivation Control

Structural methods of conflict resolution. Effective Conflict Management: Causes and Solutions Conflict Management Techniques Briefly

Conflict experts have developed and continue to develop ways of preventing, preventing conflicts and methods of their "painless" resolution. Ideally, it is believed that the manager should not eliminate the conflict, but manage it and use it effectively. And the first step in managing a conflict is to understand its sources. The manager should find out: this is a simple dispute about resources, a misunderstanding on a problem, different approaches to the system of values ​​of people, or this is a conflict that has arisen due to mutual intolerance (intolerance), psychological incompatibility. After determining the causes of the conflict, he must minimize the participants in the conflict. It has been established that the fewer persons are involved in the conflict, the less effort will be required to resolve it.

In the process of analyzing the conflict, if the leader is not able to figure out the nature and source of the problem being solved, then he can involve competent persons (experts) for this. The opinion of the experts is often more convincing than the opinion of the immediate supervisor. This is due to the fact that each of the conflicting parties may suspect that the manager-arbiter, under certain conditions and for subjective reasons, can take the side of his opponent. In this case, the conflict does not fade, but intensifies, since the "offended" side must already fight against the manager.

Finding ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts is especially difficult for a manager. In this sense, there are several possible strategies of behavior and corresponding options for the manager's actions aimed at eliminating the conflict.

The combination of these parameters, with varying degrees of their severity, determines five main ways of resolving interpersonal conflicts.

1. Avoidance , evasion (weak assertiveness is combined with low cooperativity). When choosing this strategy, actions are aimed at getting out of the situation, not yielding, but not insisting on their own, refraining from entering into disputes and discussions, from expressing their position, turning the conversation in response to the demands or accusations in a different direction, on a different topic. Such a strategy also presupposes a tendency not to take responsibility for solving problems, not to see controversial issues, not to attach importance to disagreements, to deny the existence of a conflict, to consider it useless. It is important not to get into situations that provoke conflict.

2. Compulsion (confrontation) - high assertiveness is combined with low cooperation. With this strategy, actions are aimed at insisting on their own way of an open struggle for their interests, the use of power. Confrontation involves the perception of the situation as victory or defeat, taking a tough position and the manifestation of irreconcilable antagonism in the event of partner resistance. Make you accept your point of view at any cost.

3. Smoothing (compliance) - weak assertiveness is combined with high cooperativity. The actions that are taken with such a strategy are aimed at maintaining or restoring a favorable relationship, at ensuring the satisfaction of the other by smoothing out differences, willingly to give in for this, neglecting their own interests. This strategy involves the desire to support the other, not to hurt his feelings, to take into account his arguments. Motto: "You shouldn't quarrel, because we are all one happy team in the same boat, which should not be rocked."

4. Compromise , cooperation (high assertiveness is combined with high cooperation). Here, actions are aimed at finding a solution that fully satisfies both one's own interests and the wishes of another in the course of an open and frank exchange of views on the problem. Actions are aimed at settling differences, yielding in some way in exchange for concessions from the other side, at finding and working out in the course of negotiations intermediate "average" solutions that suit both sides, in which no one especially loses, but does not gain either.

According to experts in the field of management, the choice of a compromise strategy is the best way to eliminate contradictions. Through collaboration, the most effective, sustainable and reliable results can be achieved.

5. Solution ... It involves recognizing differences of opinion and a willingness to explore different points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action that is acceptable to all parties. The one who uses this style does not try to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but rather seeks best option solutions conflict situation.

Here are some suggestions for using this style in conflict resolution:

· Once the problem has been identified, identify solutions that are acceptable to both parties;

· Focus on the problem, and not on the personal qualities of the other party;

· Create an atmosphere of trust by increasing mutual influence on the exchange of information;

· As you communicate, create a positive relationship with each other by showing sympathy and listening to the other side's views, and by minimizing anger and threats.

In addition to the five main ones mentioned, there are other methods of resolving interpersonal conflicts within their framework.

1. Coordination- coordination of tactical sub-goals, behavior in the interests of the main goal or the solution of a common problem. Such coordination can be made between organizational units at different levels of the management pyramid (vertical coordination); at organizational levels of the same rank (horizontal coordination) and in the form of a mixed form of both options. If agreement succeeds, then conflicts are resolved with less cost and effort.

2. Integrative problem solving... This conflict resolution technique is based on the premise that there may be a solution to the problem that includes and removes the conflicting elements of both positions, which is acceptable to both sides. It is believed that this is one of the most successful strategies the behavior of the manager in the conflict, since in this case they are the closest to resolving the conditions that initially gave rise to the conflict. However, a problem-solving approach is often difficult to implement. This is due to the fact that it largely depends on professionalism and skills in management activities manager and, in addition, in this case, it takes a long time to resolve the conflict. In these conditions, the manager must have good technology - a model for solving problems.

3. Confrontation as a way to resolve the conflict. The purpose of the confrontation is to bring the problem out to the public. This makes it possible to freely discuss it with the involvement of the maximum number of parties to the conflict (and in fact it is not a conflict, but a labor dispute), to encourage confrontation with the problem, and not with each other, in order to identify and remove obstacles.

Conflict Management Are targeted impacts:

To eliminate the causes that gave rise to the conflict;

To correct the behavior of the parties to the conflict;

Maintaining the required level of conflict that does not go beyond the controlled limits.

Let us first of all consider the behavior of a person in a conflict situation from the point of view of its compliance with psychological standards. It is believed that constructive conflict resolution depends on the following factors:

The adequacy of the perception of the conflict, that is, a sufficiently accurate assessment of the actions, intentions of both the enemy and one's own, not distorted by personal preferences;

Openness and efficiency of communication, readiness for a comprehensive discussion of problems, when participants honestly express their understanding of what is happening and the way out of a conflict situation,

Creation of an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation.

It is also useful for a leader to know what character traits, features of human behavior are characteristic of conflicted personality. Summarizing the studies of various scientists, we can say that these qualities can be attributed to the following:

    inadequate self-assessment of one's capabilities and abilities, which can be either overestimated or underestimated. In either case, it can contradict the adequate assessment of others - and the ground for a conflict is ready;

    the desire to dominate at all costs where it is possible and impossible; conservatism of thinking, views, beliefs, unwillingness to overcome outdated traditions;

    excessive adherence to principles and straightforwardness in statements and judgments, the desire at all costs to tell the truth in the face;

    a certain set of emotional personality traits: anxiety, aggressiveness, stubbornness, irritability.

Thus, in a conflict situation or in dealing with a difficult person, you should use an approach that would be more appropriate for the specific circumstances, and in which you would feel most comfortable. The best advisers in choosing the optimal approach to conflict resolution are life experience and the desire not to complicate the situation and not bring a person to stress. You can, for example, achieve a compromise by adapting to the needs of another person (especially a partner or loved one); persistently seek the implementation of their true interests in another aspect; avoid discussing a conflict issue if it is not very important to you; use a collaborative style to meet the most important interests of both parties. That's why the best way resolving a conflict situation is a conscious choice of the optimal strategy of behavior.

2. Methods of conflict management

Conflict management techniques are divided into: intrapersonal; structural; interpersonal (behavioral styles); personal; negotiation; methods of managing personality behavior and aligning organizational roles and their functions, sometimes turning into manipulation of employees; methods that include retaliatory aggressive actions.

When managing a conflict, attention should be focused on the subject of the conflict and the positions of its participants, and not on personal characteristics. It is important to show impartiality, restraint and not jump to conclusions.

Structural methods of conflict management:

1. Clarification of requirements for work, authority and responsibility;

2. Coordination and integration mechanisms;

3. Setting corporate goals;

4. Use of the reward system.

Interpersonal methods of conflict management:

1. Evasion. A person seeks to get out of a conflict situation without getting into an argument;

2. Anti-aliasing. The leader is trying to avoid a conflict situation;

3. Coercion. An attempt to force people to accept their point of view by force of power. At the same time, the initiative of subordinates is suppressed;

4. Compromise. Accepting the other side's point of view, but only to a certain extent;

5. Solving the problem. Joint development of a solution that satisfies the interests of both parties.

Conflict management methods can be divided into two groups:

1. Pedagogical methods. These include a conversation, a request, persuasion, an explanation of the requirements for work and illegal actions of the conflicting and other measures of the educational aspect;

2. Administrative methods. Forceful resolution of the conflict - suppression of the interests of the conflicting, transfer to another job, different options separation of conflicting. Conflict resolution by verdict - the decision of the commission, the order of the head of the organization, the decision of the court.

Questions to consolidate:

1. What are the structural methods of conflict management?

2. List the interpersonal methods of conflict management.

3. List ways to manage conflicts.

1. Structural methods of conflict management include:

a) Use of the reward system

b) Clarification

c) Coordination and integration mechanisms

2. Interpersonal methods of conflict management do not include:

a) Setting corporate goals

b) Evasion

c) Compromise

d) Coercion

3. Pedagogical methods include:

a) Request

b) Conversation

c) Clarification of job requirements

d) All the listed answer options

4. Administrative methods of conflict resolution include:

a) Belief

b) Conversation

c) Forceful resolution of the conflict

d) Request

5. Resolution of the conflict by verdict - the decision of the commission, the order of the head of the organization, the decision of the court belongs to the group

a) Pedagogical methods of conflict management

b) Administrative ways of managing conflicts

38. Stress: concept, nature and causes. Types of stress, their characteristics. Methods of dealing with stress and ways to prevent stressful situations

Stress is a special psychological condition in which a person experiences intense stress.

In fact, stress is the body's response to an unusual situation that goes beyond what is habitual. Therefore, you should not be afraid of stress, it is a natural reaction. The danger is not so much stress as the inability to cope with it.

Minor stress is inevitable and harmless, excessive stress creates problems for people and organizations.

Stress has specific manifestations, in most cases they are individual in nature. But there are a number of signs that can be used to determine that a person is under stress:

1. inability to concentrate;

2. too frequent mistakes;

3. memory impairment;

4. frequent occurrence of a feeling of fatigue;

5. too fast speech;

6. frequent pains in the head, back, in the stomach, not having an organic cause (not caused by any disease);

7. increased excitability;

8. lack of job satisfaction;

9. loss of sense of humor;

10. an increase in the number of cigarettes smoked;

11. addiction to alcoholic beverages;

12. a constant feeling of malnutrition;

13. poor appetite;

14. inability to finish work on time.

Naturally, a person under stress should not have all these symptoms, just a few of them are enough to suspect a serious enough problem.

There are five types of stress:

1. Physiological stress is caused by excessive physical exertion, lack of sleep, poor irregular nutrition.

2. Psychological stress as the main cause has unfavorable, frustrating, that is, relationships associated with dissatisfaction with others.

3. Emotional stress is caused by too strong feelings. It occurs in dangerous, threatening situations when a person is in mortal danger or is threatened with the loss of something very important: it can also arise as a result of a too unexpected joyful event.

4. Information stress is the result of too much or little information at the disposal of a person. In both cases, making a decision turns out to be extremely difficult: with a lack of information, high uncertainties arise, with an overabundance of information, there are too many factors that must be taken into account when making decisions.

5. Managerial stress arises due to the fact that the responsibility for the decision is too high.

A number of factors can be identified that increase the likelihood of stress. Not all of them can be avoided, but if the manager knows what leads to stress, he can organize work in such a way as to minimize their impact.

1. Features lead to stress labor process(high loads, requiring concentration of efforts, monotony of work, the need to perform a variety of actions, which increases the pace of activity, lack of time for rest - all this often leads to physical and mental exhaustion).

A reasonable organization of work helps to avoid this, in which the employee is not overloaded, and periods of work are mixed with rest.

2. Too high responsibility assigned to the manager or employee (this factor can be dealt with with the help of psychological methods- people tend to exaggerate the dangers and irreversibility of some unpleasant events, this should be taken into account). It should be remembered that no man can do without mistakes, and perfection is unattainable. Even the most senior executives made mistakes. Therefore, the main thing is not to avoid mistakes, but to recognize them in time and make efforts to correct them. If the means of self-hypnosis do not help, and the fear of a mistake remains very strong, it is necessary to contact a psychologist.

3. Unfavorable moral atmosphere in the team (it seems that the work is going on as usual, the employees perform all duties normally). However, the quality of work is still imperceptibly declining. The reason is that the relations in the team are conflicting, employees not only do not help, but also tend to quietly harm each other.

In some organizations, managers deliberately create a work environment in which employees must compete with each other. Sometimes this is done in order to divert the attention of subordinates from the shortcomings of the leader himself. There is a sense in building relationships based on rivalry, competition is a strong motive for higher achievements. But sooner or later, this system leads to fatigue and exhaustion of workers, because not a single person can live in a state of struggle for a long time. In such a situation, the most enduring wins, but he too soon begins to give up his positions. This does not mean that competition should be abandoned. The task of the leader is to provide a reasonable compromise between the two extremes. Where you can do without rivalry, you have to do without it.

4. Too little workload, causing anxiety, frustration, and feelings of hopelessness. An employee who does not receive a job corresponding to his capabilities begins to doubt his own value and position in the organization, feels unremunerated.

5. A more hidden cause of stress is a conflict of roles, which arises when an employee is presented with conflicting claims(the seller is given the task of responding to customer requests and, at the same time, another instruction - to fill the shelves with goods). Usually, this situation develops as a result of a violation of the principle of one-man management: 2 managers can give the employee conflicting instructions. Role conflict arises as a result of differences between the norms of the informal group to which the employee belongs and the requirements of the formal organization (a person wants to be accepted by the group and at the same time strives to follow the requirements of management - he feels tension and anxiety).

6. The opposite reason 5. Lies in the uncertainty of roles (a situation when the employee is not sure what is expected of him), here the requirements are not contradictory, but evasive and vague. If a person does not know what he should do, how he should do, how his actions will be evaluated - anxiety and anxiety arise.

7. The reason is often: uninteresting, monotonous work. People with more interesting jobs are less anxious and less prone to physical ailments. Interesting work is always relative. What is interesting to 1 person will not be interesting to others, therefore, when resolving a stressful situation, one should not proceed from clichés.

8. Stress can arise as a result of poor physical conditions (poor lighting, too low or high temperature, excessive noise).

Stress can be caused by 2 groups of factors:

1. Organizational: increased requirements for the individual; time limit; expanding the scope of work; introduction of innovations; not interesting job; the inconsistency of the requirements for the employee; poor physical working conditions; the wrong balance between authority and responsibility; poor communication channels. Causes of CEO Stress: Lack skilled workers; time spent on personal processing of information; closure of all information on oneself; blind work with great risk, etc.

2. Personal: death of a loved one; wedding (divorce); dismissal from work; disease; sexual difficulties; transition to a modern or other type of work; major business restructuring (merger, reorganization, bankruptcy); loss of funds invested in the bank, etc.

All people differ in psychophysiological characteristics: some can withstand large overloads for a long time, adapting to stress; others are unsettled by a slight additional load; there are people whom stress stimulates, mobilizes, they can work with full dedication precisely under stress conditions. As a psychological phenomenon, stress is amenable to management influences. Most of the stress in a person's life is initiated by himself.

One of the means to avoid stress is to get away from a stressful situation by means of rest - vigorous activity that excludes the thought of the cause of stress; shifting attention to other, non-stressful objects (fishing, swimming, walking in the woods, drawing, knitting, theaters, museums and other anti-stress activities).

Leadership Stress Management Techniques:

· Delegation of powers;

· Analysis of stressful situations;

· Setting daily goals and priorities for completing tasks; identifying the causes leading to stress;

· Communication with colleagues, other employees, visitors;

· Talking on the phone with friends and meeting with friends (outside of work);

· Physical health-improving activities, switching to active rest (outside of work);

· Following the optimal daily routine at work and at home; self-elimination from stressful situations (temporary vacation, break at work), etc.

Questions to consolidate:

1. What is stress?

2. List the signs by which you can determine if a person is under stress?

3. List the types of stress.

4. List the factors that lead to stress.

5. What methods of dealing with stress do you know?

Indicate one correct answer:

1. Stress is ...

a) health status

b) state of mind

c) a special psychological state in which a person experiences severe stress

d) a state of health in which a person becomes depressed

2. Are minor stresses harmless?

3. Physiological stress:

a) caused by too strong feelings

b) caused by excessive physical exertion, lack of sleep, poor irregular diet

c) the result of the fact that a person has too much or little information

d) arises due to the fact that the responsibility for the decision is too high

4. Which of the following will not help you avoid stress?

a) reasonable organization of work

b) full dedication to work

c) the use of psychological methods

d) interesting work

39. Power and influence: concepts, types and their characteristics. Balance of power

The leader, managing the team, influences him, in order for it to be effective, he must have power.

Power is the ability to influence the behavior of other people. The concept of "Power" is associated with the concept of "power powers" - this is the amount of rights that a leader has when making decisions. The organization is "permeated" by relations of power, without it there is no order.

Influence is a person's behavior that changes the behavior, attitude, and feelings of another person.

Types of government:

1. Legal authority (traditional) - a person reacts to the position, that is, fulfills the recommendations of the boss. The method of influence is influence through the tradition of power.

2. Reference power (the power of example) - based on charisma - the strength of the personal qualities and abilities of a leader (characteristics of charismatic personalities: impressive appearance, rhetoric, demeanor, energy). The subordinate wants to imitate him and follow orders. The method of influence is influence through the personal qualities of a leader.

3. Power based on coercion is influence through fear: the threat of losing a job, demotion. This form of power leads to a certain result, but does not contribute to the disclosure of the potential of workers, requires significant expenditures on strict control, in which the workers have a desire to deceive managers, distort the reporting data. - The method of influence is influence through fear.

4. Expert authority - the subordinate takes on trust the professionalism of the manager, his experience and knowledge. But the high professionalism of the manager in specific area activities such as technical sphere does not indicate the effectiveness of his work as a leader. The best option: The manager is a leader both professionally and organizationally. Influencing method through belief in success.

5. Reward-based power. The most effective form of power. The main thing for a manager is to correctly determine the amount of remuneration. If it is insufficient, the degree of motivation is insignificant. Extreme, when its size does not correspond to the modest achievements of the employee. The use of this form of power is possible if the leader has sufficient resources. The method of influence is influence with the help of positive support.

Leaders in their activities use all forms of power in various combinations. Power is a two-way process. The power of a superior over a subordinate is one side, visible. The other side is the power of subordinates over the boss, the leader depends on subordinates in obtaining the necessary high-quality information for making decisions, responsibility for the results of the work performed by subordinates, the ability of subordinates to perform work, informal contacts.

The balance of power is a situation in management when the level of influence of the leader exposed to power over subordinates is equal to the degree of dependence of this subordinate on the leader.

An effective leader will maintain a balance of power in the organization: use his power over a subordinate within reasonable limits, sufficient to achieve goals, but not causing disobedience of subordinates.

Questions to consolidate:

1. Give the concept of power.

2. Describe the main types of power.

3. What is the balance of power?

Indicate one correct answer:

1. Power is:

2. Influence is:

a) Human behavior, making a change in the behavior, attitude, feelings of another person

b) The ability to influence the behavior of other people

c) The situation in management, when the level of influence of the leader exposed by authority over subordinates is equal to the degree of dependence of this subordinate on the leader

3. The balance of power is:

a) Human behavior, making a change in the behavior, attitude, feelings of another person

b) The ability to influence the behavior of other people

c) The situation in management, when the level of influence of the leader exposed by authority over subordinates is equal to the degree of dependence of this subordinate on the leader

4. In power based on coercion, the method of influence is used:

a) Influence through the tradition of power

b) Influence through fear

c) Influences through belief in success

d) Influencing with positive support

5. With reference power, the influence method is used using:

a) Traditions of power

b) By means of faith in success

c) Personal qualities of a leader

d) Fear

40. Leadership: concept and approaches to it. Leader models. Leader influence and leadership qualities

Leadership the ability to influence people in order to achieve the intended goals (namely, a voluntary desire to achieve them).

Leadership is predominantly built on a leader-follower relationship rather than a boss-subordinate relationship. The main thing in the work of a manager-leader is people's trust in him, which is acquired by high professionalism and respect for people (personal authority and personal qualities - humanity, fairness, courtesy).

The qualities of a leader are the presence of significant signs or characteristics that distinguish him from other employees.

It is not enough for a manager to know only the scope of his duties, to have information. According to the American Academy of Management, leadership is associated with the following leadership qualities:

1. Striving to achieve the goal (he is initiative, energetic and persistent);

2. Desire to be a leader (desire to influence others, lead people, take responsibility);

3. Honesty and directness (relations with subordinates are based on trust, word does not differ from deed);

4. Self-confidence;

5. Intellectual potential;

6. Skills and knowledge (knowledge of the industry and the company, allowing you to make the right decisions and understand the consequences);

7. Feedback (the belief that subordinates understood him correctly);

8. Control over emotions;

9. Discernment (the ability to really imagine the future, which requires a rich imagination);

10. Perseverance (do not bend under the weight of problems and defeats);

11. Enthusiasm (forces subordinates to be allies);

12. Self-knowledge (a leader must understand his human qualities, without this he will not be able to understand the problems of other people);

13. Maturity (the ability to gratefully perceive criticism as a source of growth, control of one's mood, does not consider itself entitled to judge everyone and everything, the ability to adapt to circumstances, courageously experience failures and defeats);

14. Integrity (strong moral and ethical views);

15. Courage (not being afraid to take risks and treat it as an opportunity to further improve your knowledge).

A good leader is a person who constantly learns new things, is ready to listen to advice.

There are four models of how others perceive a leader:

1. "One of us" - the leader's lifestyle is identical to that of any member social group;

2. “The Best of Us” is an example both as a person and as a professional. They try to imitate him;

3. "The embodiment of virtue" - the bearer of norms, morality, shares with the group its social values ​​and is ready to defend them;

4. "Meeting expectations" - the leader's behavior does not depend on the changing environment, the leader must always be true to his word, and not allow deviations from the course of behavior approved by the group.

Leadership can have two main functions:

1. Positive - it is she who allows to mobilize the resources of the organization, inspires its members, ensures maximum efficiency in work and life.

2. Negative - Leadership often prevents other people from “creating” themselves. The authority of the leader "presses" on the other person and does not allow him to open up. On a subconscious level, a person understands that the leader is not him, but he cannot agree with this. Envy, internal and external conflicts arise.

Leadership issues are key to achieving organizational effectiveness... The method of management based on team leadership allows you to quickly solve the most complex problems and quickly respond to unexpected situations.

There are three approaches to learning leadership:

1. From the standpoint of personal qualities. This approach made an attempt to determine the relationship between the presence of specific personal qualities and leadership effectiveness.

2. Behavioral approach - created the basis for the classification of leadership styles or styles of behavior. According to this approach to leadership, effectiveness is determined not by the personal qualities of the leader, but by his demeanor towards subordinates.

3. A situational approach to the study of leadership. The essence of the approach: depending on the nature of a specific situation, different ways manuals. A leader-leader must be able to behave differently in different situations.

Questions to consolidate:

1. Give the concept of the definition of "Leadership".

2. What qualities of a leader do you know?

3. List the models of perception of the leader by others.

4. What are the main functions of leadership?

5. What approaches to learning leadership do you know?

Indicate one correct answer:

1. Leadership is ...

a) the ability to influence people in order to achieve the intended goals

b) the mental and physical process leading to the implementation of official orders by subordinates and the solution of assigned tasks

c) the art of building relationships with business partners, employees

d) the behavior of one person, which makes changes in the behavior, attitudes and feelings of another person

2. Model of the leader's perception of others "one of us":

3. Model of the leader's perception of others "justifying expectations":

a) is an example both as a person and as a professional, they try to imitate him

b) the leader's lifestyle is identical to the lifestyle of any member of a social group

c) the bearer of norms, morality, shares its social values ​​with the group and is ready to defend them

d) the leader's behavior does not depend on the changing environment, the leader must always be true to his word, and not allow deviations from the course of behavior approved by the group

4. What three approaches to learning leadership exist? (remove one unnecessary answer):

a) from the standpoint of personal qualities

b) behavioral approach

c) from the standpoint of leadership efficiency

d) situational approach

41. Manager: concept, his place in the organization, role and essence of the activity. Requirements for personal and business qualities manager

A manager is a person who holds a permanent managerial position and is empowered to make decisions on certain types of activities of an organization, a functioning organization. Managers occupy different positions in the organization (director, group leader, organizer of a certain type of work, boss, manager, etc.), perform different functions. Managers are traditionally divided into 3 levels: lowest, middle and highest.

Recognition of the special role of managers raised the question of their professional separation, special training... The professionalism of a manager consists in mastering special knowledge and skills in the field of organization of production (commerce) and management, the ability to work with people in various fields. According to research, modern leader only 12-20% should be a specialist in their field, and, first of all, an organizer, psychologist, sociologist.

Manager roles:

1. Associated with decision making.

· Determines the direction of growth of the organization, seeking opportunities for this, both within the organization and outside it;

· Develops and launches production improvement projects that bring change;

· Supervises the development of certain projects;

· When faced with violations, the manager is responsible for corrective actions;

· Responsible for the distribution of all kinds of resources of the organization;

· Represents the organization in all significant and important negotiations.

2. Informational roles.

Collects a variety of information about the external and internal environment, which he uses in the interests of the case;

· Distributes the received information in the form of facts and normative attitudes among subordinates, explains the policy and basic goals of the organization;

· Transmits information for external contacts of the organization regarding plans, policies, actions, results of the organization's work.

3. Interpersonal roles.

· Performs duties of a legal and social nature;

· Responsible for the motivation and activation of subordinates to achieve the goals of the organization, coordinates their efforts, is responsible for the recruitment and training of employees;

The main requirements for the personal and business qualities of a manager:

1. Professional competence;

2. Organizational skills;

3. Moral and ethical maturity;

4. Personal qualities.

Also, the following requirements are imposed on any manager:

· Availability of knowledge in the field of enterprise management;

· Competence in industry technology issues;

· Possession of entrepreneurship skills, the ability to control the situation in the markets, actively redistribute the firm's resources;

· Ability to make informed decisions with the participation of subordinate workers, to involve them in execution;

· Availability of experience and knowledge in the field of the economic situation in the markets or their segments in which it operates;

· Ability to analyze the activities of competitors.

Managers must have organizational skills , which are understood individually - psychological characteristics personalities that allow a person to master the methods of organizational activity and successfully implement them. TO organizational skills relate:

Adaptive mobility (inclination to creative forms of activity, deepening knowledge, initiative, willingness to take risks, desire for innovation, entrepreneurial spirit);

Contact (sociability, the ability to understand and convince people);

Resistance to stress (intellectual and emotional security in problematic situations, self-control);

Dominance (authority, ambition, striving for leadership, strong-willed character).

The most important requirement for a manager is the ability to manage people, namely:

Knowledge of their direct subordinates, their abilities and capabilities to perform the work assigned to them;

Knowledge of the conditions connecting the company and employees;

Protection of the interests of those and others on a fair basis;

Psychological competence of a manager;

Ability to eliminate the incapable in order to effectively operate the company.

The manager must have leadership qualities... The leader has a different nature of actions than the usual manager / administrator. He does not command, but leads the others, and they act in relation to him not as subordinates, but as followers who share his views and are ready to follow him. At the same time, the leader turns out to be in the role of an inspirer, he does not control others, but builds relationships with them on trust.

Managers direct the work of subordinates in accordance with plans, while taking a passive position, clearly regulating rights and responsibilities. Leaders, on the other hand, determine which goals to strive for, formulating them independently, without going into unnecessary details. The leader must have a vision of the future and ways to move towards it.

Questions to consolidate:

1. Who is a manager?

2. What are the roles of a manager?

3. What are the requirements for the personal and business qualities of a manager?

4. Why, along with high qualifications, a manager should have special personality - business qualities?

Indicate one correct answer:

1. How many levels are managers traditionally divided into:

2. Interpersonal roles are associated with:

3. Informational roles are associated with:

a) Fulfillment of duties of a legal and social nature

b) Transfer of information to external contacts of the organization

c) Development of specific projects

d) The distribution of all kinds of resources of the organization

4. Adaptive mobility is:

a) Power, ambition

b) Ability to understand and convince people

c) Initiative, willingness to take risks

d) Strong-willed character

5. Contact is:

a) Power, ambition

b) Initiative, willingness to take risks

c) Strong-willed character

d) Ability to understand and convince people

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