Planning Motivation Control

Organization and conduct of career guidance events. Career guidance for high school students: program, topics, events, questionnaire. Career guidance classes. Features of the technical sphere


During the educational practice from 06.07 to 19.07 about 70 people turned to me with a question about admission to the university, of which about 25 people went to the Faculty of Innovation and Organization of Production. There are 2 people for the specialty in which I study "Organization of work with youth". The specialty "Organization of work with youth" was created about 8 years ago by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation... The main goal in creating our specialty is to train highly qualified specialists in working with youth, youth organizations, work in state and public organizations dealing with the problems of social construction.

The need for this work was stated in the “Address of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation ”. According to the President "... education and work with the younger generation of Russia is one of the most important tasks of the modern state"

Youth work is enough new profession, few people know about it yet, but it is already gaining popularity.

In the training of a specialist in working with youth, educational and familiarization practice takes an important place, since it allows you to apply the system of knowledge received by the student in the first year.

Educational and familiarization practice allows you to develop certain competencies (curriculum for bachelors -

The purpose of the practice: to get acquainted with the methods of communication, communication activities in the youth environment and the technology of organizing youth events and managing youth work;

Practice objectives:

Deepening and consolidating in practice the theoretical knowledge previously obtained in the course of studying such academic disciplines like "Volunteering as a species social activities"," Social pedagogy, "Introduction to the specialty", "Pedagogical support of work with youth", "Legal foundations of work with youth", "Organization of youth leisure", etc .;

Getting the skill of working with applicants and their parents;

Acquaintance in practice with statutory documents, regulatory and legal framework

Exploring the features information department at the selection committee.

Organization and conduct of career guidance events among applicants

Purpose, objectives, methods and plan for organizing vocational guidance work

applicant vocational guidance committee admissions

Career guidance work is to help applicants choose the right and demanded specialty.

The purpose of the career guidance work: to conduct a career guidance interview, provide an informed choice of the future specialty by the applicant and learn how to establish communication in the group and between group work.

To form the skills of collective interaction and communication skills in the process of organizing career guidance activities;

Discuss the importance of intergroup communication and development corporate culture behavior.

The work of the information department was carried out by two groups of students, which consisted of three students and a teacher. Opening hours from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 12.00 to 16.00.

Methods of working with applicants:

Conducting an explanatory conversation among applicants;

Distribution of information material for applicants;

If necessary, accompany the applicants to the selection committee;

Career guidance work organization plan:

Conducting a conversation among applicants and their parents on specialties of interest;

Provide assistance in the adaptation of applicants to the university;

Analyze the results of the work.


Changes in the wages of school teachers lead to competition for 9th grade graduates between schools and secondary institutions. vocational education... The centralized involvement of students in the system of career guidance events held in institutions of secondary vocational education becomes difficult. Search required effective methods, which, within the framework of one event, would allow to interest the students and give them the opportunity to assess their abilities in one direction or another. The article proposes a moderation technology as a way to organize group work, where participants during the discussion and joint activities, in the process of mutual learning, they form new ideas about the world of professions. The article provides examples of the application of moderation technology at career guidance events for school students and for students of secondary vocational education institutions, at the stage of professional self-determination, presents the positive results of career guidance activities using the moderation technology.

college career guidance

vocational guidance

professional self-determination

moderation technology

group work


1. Voronin I.V. Ideas about the effectiveness of vocational guidance work in adolescents // Psychological Science and Education. - 2007. - No. 5. - P. 100-110.

2. Zholovan S.V. The effectiveness of forms of vocational guidance work as a factor in improving the quality of vocational education [ Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 02.10.2012).

3. Karelova R.A. Interaction with the employer in the framework of vocational guidance // Prospects for the development of vocational education in socio-economic conditions modern Russia: collection of articles Vseros. scientific-practical conf. with international participation (Yekaterinburg, April 23, 2013). - Yekaterinburg: UrFU, 2013. - pp. 175–178.

4. Pasechnikova T.V. Scenario of a career guidance event: from idea to implementation: Toolkit... - Samara: Publishing house of TsPO, 2010 .-- 59 p.

5. Petrov A.V. Discussion and decision making in the group: moderation technology. - SPb .: Publishing house "Rech", 2005. - 80 p .: ill.

6. Psychology: a textbook for humanitarian universities. - 2nd ed. / under total. ed. V.N. Druzhinin. - SPb .: Peter, 2009 .-- 656 p .: ill.

7. Neuland M. The World of Moderation / Michele Neuland. ... - Kunzell: Neuland Verl. Fur lebendiges Lernen, 1998.

Vocational orientation as "a system of measures to familiarize oneself with the world of professions and assist in choosing a profession in accordance with the desires, inclinations and interests of a person and taking into account his abilities and opportunities to work in the chosen profession" is a part of the process of activities of institutions of secondary vocational education (hereinafter - VET), which provides enrollment of students according to the state order.

Choice future profession adequately to the student's abilities and interests determines the success of mastering professional disciplines and gaining experience professional activity... Choices dictated by the wishes of parents, the opinion of friends or other factors reduce the motivation to learn, which subsequently leads to student failure in disciplines, and sometimes to expulsion from the educational institution. Therefore, the teaching staff of secondary vocational schools is faced with the task of providing vocational guidance to students in such a way that they can adequately correlate their desires with opportunities and make an informed choice of a future profession.

Vocational didactics represents a fairly wide range of forms and methods of work: open days, excursions, meetings with specialists of various professions, thematic cool watch, vocational guidance lessons, business games and trainings, contests, quizzes, conversations, professional tests. In the Nizhniy Tagil Mining and Metallurgical College named after E.A. and M.E. Cherepanovs vocational guidance work with students of general education educational institutions is conducted systematically in several directions: open days, career guidance events and professional tests, excursions for schoolchildren to the Geological and Historical museums of the college. Library workers hold contests and quizzes for schoolchildren and students, organize exhibitions of publications, including rare books on professions. Grade 9 students are invited to conferences where college students speak after passing industrial practice at the enterprises of the city and talk about the peculiarities of work in a particular profession. Within the framework of social partnership, together with the Mining and Metallurgical School, an optional course “Industries social production"For 9th grade students in the amount of 34 hours. School teachers and college teachers give talks about the various specialties that are trained in college, students perform elements of laboratory work. IN recent times cinema lectures were resumed, an agreement was concluded with one of the city's cinemas, activities with elements of professional tests began to be actively developed, where students can test their strength in solving problems, etc.

The efficiency of holding open days is the highest (52%), but insufficient, because used systematically, but in a traditional way. Active forms of vocational guidance work, despite their limited use, confirm their effectiveness (vocational guidance games, quizzes, festivals - 45%, professional tests - 33%, master classes - 30%).

However, with the transition to new system the salary of school teachers between schools and institutions of secondary vocational education there was a competition for graduates of the 9th grade. It is more profitable for schools for students to continue their studies in grades 10 and 11, and vocational schools are interested in graduates of 9 grades to come to acquire a profession. Therefore, the effectiveness of such events as presentations of an educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the OU) in schools, excursions to the educational institution of secondary vocational education is rather low, since it is due to the lack of interest of the city's schools in joint vocational guidance work with the institutions of NGO and secondary vocational education. Hence the difficulties in organizing systematic events with the same group of schoolchildren to familiarize themselves with professions and assist in choosing. Although the effectiveness of an individual event increases significantly if it is a logical continuation of previous work.

It is required to select such forms and methods of organizing vocational guidance work that would allow, in a short time, in a limited time frame, to present the features of the profession, and to assess their capabilities to students (at least partially).

Using the moderation technology in the educational process in the preparation of mid-level specialists, we have found a way to apply it in career guidance work.

Moderation is a method of working in a group and with a group. The very idea of ​​moderation has been actively developed since the mid-1960s as a means of finding a compromise between a manager and a subordinate, a customer and an executor. This was due to social unrest caused by political events, when people wanted to actively participate in decision-making that affected their rights, and demanded attention to their needs.

Despite the fact that the moderation technology "was developed as a technology of group work, in which, with the help of working techniques, conditions are created for making effective decisions in groups of specialists of various profiles, with different training, often with different views on the problem under consideration ...", the generalized goal of moderation is to organize group work in a cooperative mode while respecting the equality of its participants, while the flexibility of moderation, which includes not one method or a specific set of techniques, but a set of different methods, techniques, techniques and their variations, has the potential for application not only in the field of vocational training, retraining or training, but also in the educational activities of educational institutions of various levels.

In short, moderation means organizing group interaction to solve common problem in such a way that the leader of the event (coach, presenter or teacher) becomes a moderator, and his task is to smooth out possible conflicts, moderate the work of teams, but not lead the process. The solution to the problem occurs due to the internal potential of the group, including due to holistic concept(when the parts are combined into a whole, a certain group potential appears, which is not inherent in each part separately).

Moderation includes visualization of material, opinions, decisions, conclusions, continuous communication, feedback.

Next, an element of career guidance work will be described, which can be included in various activities: lectures-conversations with specialists, film lectures, professional tests, a series of lessons as part of optional classes, etc.

Professional orientation should not exclusively include advertising of a particular profession, as is often the case in lectures, conversations conducted by teachers of educational institutions, specialists from enterprises or at open days at educational institutions. At the moment, the programs of general secondary education do not have a mandatory component of primary vocational education, organized by educational and industrial complexes, which deprives students of the opportunity to get acquainted with labor processes and the content of labor of workers in enterprises. Therefore, schoolchildren have practically no opportunity to assess their own, abilities and suitability for a particular profession.

Within the framework of such a situation, it becomes relevant to conduct professional tests that simulate elements of a specific type of professional activity and contribute to a conscious, reasonable choice of a profession. Preparing scenarios for professional tests and the assignments themselves that would be within the power of schoolchildren is time-consuming and is currently at an early stage of development in college.

However, it is important and own assessment students regarding their abilities and capabilities.

Career guidance activities. Element stroke

Students are divided into groups of 3-5 people at random (for example, pulling out their team number). Each team is given sheets of A2 (or A1) format, multi-colored self-adhesive stickers, markers.

Teams are invited to create a model of a specialist for the profession considered at the event.

Students need to model the specialist they represent in groups. That is, to actualize the knowledge, concepts, guesses that they have, to combine this into one image and demonstrate to other teams.

For schoolchildren, such a task, of course, can cause difficulties, so the task of the moderator is to help them, suggest in which directions to act.

Necessary tools: sheets of A2 or A1 format according to the number of teams formed, self-adhesive stickers of various colors or shapes, markers of different colors.

The moderator makes the following comments for the students: to reflect on the model the following aspects of the specialist in the chosen profession: “What is he doing? What does it do? What kind of person should be? Perhaps what hobbies he might have? Should he communicate with other people? How to communicate? Where should he study? What subjects should I know? Does he need to learn something new? Why? Does he have to be strong? "

Each team presents their specialist model to the rest of the teams, listing what they think is important. Usually, teams draw an image of a person on their sheet and place a list of qualities around it. Qualities related to different categories, students highlight markers with different colors or write on stickers of different colors.

During the performances, other teams can add to their model those items that, for some reason, were not marked earlier.

The model briefly introduces the opinions of the team members regarding their feelings, whether they could work in this specialty or not, what are their pros and cons.

The model is photographed, the printed models are handed over to the participants of the event as a memo.

Students may feel constrained. Therefore, the task of the moderator is to direct the team's activities towards a joint discussion of the topic, generate ideas, choose the most suitable one, create an image, fill it with the necessary material.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the event

Evaluation of the effectiveness of vocational guidance activities has a complexity caused by the inability to quickly and reliably get an answer to the question of how much the choice made by a self-determined person is correct and accurate.

You can evaluate both the event as a whole and its individual parts and aspects. We considered a part of the event that was conducted using moderation technology. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the event was carried out at the level of direct impressions, that is, subjective opinions, judgments and assessments of the participants of the event were recorded. Evaluation of an event at the level of assimilation and behavior is problematic, time-consuming, since it implies long-term systematic contact with a group of students (which is unlikely under the current conditions).

In moderation a prerequisite is the presence of feedback, which is carried out using visualization and verbalization. Feedback is obtained by polling. Each team is given a feedback scheme: each participant needs to answer a series of questions for himself and mark the answers on his model (checkmarks, additional stickers). Questions for recalling participants: “What new have I learned about the profession? What qualities are needed to become a successful specialist in this specialty? What qualities do I have? What qualities are missing? " The number of responses to reflection questions from the group is counted. If there are few participants and the time frame allows, you can hear the views of the students aloud.

Table 1 shows the results of feedback from students after the event using moderation technology. The creation of a specialist model was tested on three different groups schoolchildren of the 9th grade.

Table 1

Post-event student survey results

The survey results show that students were active at the stage of reflection. The goal of the event stage with the use of moderation technology was achieved: the participants compared their qualities and interests with those that are necessary for the successful implementation of professional activities in the specialty in question.

Application of moderation technology in professional self-determination

The use of moderation technology is also possible at the stage of professional self-determination, that is, in orienting students towards conscientiously obtaining a profession, striving to build a career in the chosen direction, etc.

Here the teacher ceases to be a mentor, and students become subjects of activity.

Moderation technology can also be used in work on professional self-determination, that is, with college students who have already chosen their future profession.

An example of a career guidance event for SVE students held at the Nizhny Tagil Mining and Metallurgical College with the use of moderation technology is the event “My future professional career» .

Students are preliminarily divided into several teams, each of which receives an assignment to search for information from various sources. This is information about the enterprises of the city, where future graduates can carry out their professional activities in their specialty (the "Enterprise" team), information about necessary conditions employment (team "Human Resources"), information about educational institutions, where additional qualifications of an employee can be obtained to advance on career ladder(team " Schools"), Information about the features of a particular position in the chosen specialty (" Applicants "). At the end of the collection of information, the teams gather in the audience, discuss the results of their work, formulate the main points. The moderator records all the information provided by the students on the blackboard in the form of a pyramid career growth... That is, they discuss the positions in which college graduates can work, getting a job in a particular enterprise, what skills and experience they need, what is the responsibility, where they can get additional education what documents you need to provide for employment, etc. After completing the construction of the pyramid, the effectiveness of the event is assessed in the form of a survey. Students are invited to express themselves which of the positions considered are of interest to them, in which they could work, what qualities they have to develop in themselves, what knowledge and experience to acquire.

table 2

Participant activity during the final survey

During the approbation of the event, the activity of all its participants was recorded in the discussion, in the formulation of the prospects for their further professional development... At the end of the event, all team members expressed their opinion and noted that they had learned something new for themselves, identified a set of skills necessary for effective professional activity and career advancement. Reflection results are presented in table. 2.

The results of the survey, demonstrating the high activity of the event participants, indicate that the moderation technology can be applied at the stage of professional self-determination of college students.

Career guidance is not only acquaintance with the world of professions, but also assistance in choosing a future profession. The considered moderation technology can be used as one of the forms of carrying out the stages of various career guidance activities. These can be talks, lectures, professional tests, games and quizzes. This technology makes it possible to make the participants the subjects of the process. In group work, there is mutual learning, transfer of knowledge and experience to each other.


Lapenok M.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Informatics and information technologies, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg;

Popov S.E., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences and Physics and Mathematics Education, Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Institute, (branch) Russian State Professional Pedagogical University, Nizhny Tagil.

Bibliographic reference

URL: (date of access: 19.12.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Natalia Ivanova

In every person's life professional activity occupies an important place. From the first steps of the child, parents think about his future, carefully monitor the interests and inclinations of their child, trying to predetermine him professional destiny... The problem of forming preschoolers' ideas about the world of work and professions insufficiently developed in pedagogy, although it would seem that everyone understands the huge role of children's ideas about professions and work... In kindergartens, the formation of ideas about the world of work and professions sometimes it is carried out insufficiently purposefully and systematically, since preschoolers do not face the problem of choice profession... But since professional self-determination is interconnected with the development of personality at all age stages, then preschool age can be considered as preparatory, laying the foundations for professional self-determination in the future. Ideas about professions the child is limited by his still poor life experience - the work of mom and dad, a teacher in a kindergarten, pilot's profession, policeman, seller, but also about these one way or another acquaintances professions children know, as a rule, small and very superficial. Meanwhile, in modern world there are a huge number of types of labor. Orientation in this ocean of human activities is the most important link in the child's social adaptation. Thus, the formation of preschoolers' ideas about the world of work and professions- This necessary process, relevant in the modern world. The purpose of early (child) career guidance: introduction to the values ​​of work and professional human activities, the development of children's interest in the world of work and professions adults using the example of the immediate environment (kindergarten staff, parents, kindergarten graduates, social partners)

By planning Career guidance week, we set ourselves the following tasks:

Expand children's knowledge of the world professions,

Develop an emotionally positive attitude towards a working person,

Form an idea of ​​the need labor activity in people's lives, sense professional adult labor;

Bring up respect to the work of adults and the results of their labor,

To form in children a desire to learn how to perform labor actions of representatives of different professions.

IN within the Vocational Guidance Week« Professional environment» our educational institution visited: Babak Alla Viktorovna, florist, Elite-Bouquet; Romanov Evgeniy Valentinovich, driver, MUP UBTS; Vorobyeva Oksana Gennadievna, pharmacist, pharmacy "Okay"; Pavel Yatsenko, miner, mine Raspadskaya who told the children about their professions.

Particular attention was paid to the preparatory group for the pupils.

Subject Events of the Career Guidance Week reflects the expansion and generalization of children's ideas about professions, tools of labor, labor actions, creating conditions for maximizing the enrichment of knowledge and ideas of children about their parents' professions; the formation of the first skills; development of curiosity and interest in the activities of adults, to professions parents and their place of work.

Formation of children's ideas preschool age about the world of work and professions is carried out through various activities:

Familiarization of preschoolers with the world of work and professions through

plot - role-playing game;

Various methods are used and funds forming perceptions

preschoolers about the world professions;

An accessible, comfortable developing subject-spatial Wednesday;

An emotionally positive attitude towards a working person develops, through

invitation of parents - representatives of one or another profession.

An exhibition of methodological literature on subject: "Introducing preschoolers to the world professions» ... In all age groups carried out continuous educational activities with children to familiarize themselves with the work of adults.

One of activities- this is a master class for parents with children "Our moms and dads can tell a lot of interesting things about their work."... Parents told their children about their professions and offered children an exciting game “All professions are needed, all professions are important". Children with their parents played "shop", "Hairdressing salon", "Hospital", "bus" and much more. IN as a result educators gave children and parents homework the task: bring drawings to theme: « Our parents' professions» .

results the events held pleased us... We started talking about the value of labor and professions since childhood! Children proudly talked about their parents' professions... We think that after Career weeks question who to be will not take them by surprise. The parents developed an interest in educational process, the development of creativity, knowledge and skills in children, the desire to communicate with the teacher, to participate in the life of the group.

The work done helped to awaken children's interest in professions of adults... The guys learned a lot of new and interesting things. Cohesive by a common idea, children became more responsive and benevolent.

You need to tell children about profession of parents... Try to explain the essence of their work, its importance for other people.

Also acquaintance of children with professions happens during games. They get acquainted with various tools and devices, concepts of who and what does at work. The excursions introduce children to the work of adults. They pay attention to the shape of people, their activities, the tools they have to handle.

Much attention needs to be paid to getting to know professions in kindergarten and continue in school.

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Image library:

When choosing material, it is necessary to be guided by the principle of humanism and avoid negative content.

For comparison:

When choosing poems, it must be remembered that almost all of them were created by poets of the Soviet era (that is, in the last century) and have a pronounced ideological orientation, which is not always relevant for modern students. For example, in career guidance, excerpts from V. Mayakovsky's poem "Who to be?" are often used as illustrations or epigraphs. For an adequate use of this work, the teacher must carefully read its full version himself, paying attention to the changed conditions, means and tools of labor of the professions named in it. Poems of this kind are appropriate to use when considering the historical aspect of the development of professions or to illustrate the difficulties of delineating the area "I want" in the formula for choosing a profession.

The purpose / task of a vocational guidance event may be the diagnosis of professional interests, abilities, inclinations of students, their personal characteristics. Some types of diagnostics do not require special training for carrying out and interpreting the results (meaning psychological education) and are quite simple to process, so the teacher can conduct them and interpret the results on their own. These techniques include, For example, such as:

· Methodology "Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire" (DDO);

· Technique for diagnosing "interference" in the establishment of emotional contacts;

· Methods of studying the attitude to academic subjects;

· A modified version of the methodology "Intellectual lability" for adolescents and youth;

· G. Eysenck's test questionnaire, adaptation;

· Methodology for diagnosing personality predisposition to conflict behavior of K. Thomas, adaptation;

· Methodology "Motives for choosing a profession."

The methods selected by the teacher for independent conduct should be compact enough (20-40 questions / statements), easy to process, and available in the interpretation of the results.

Before carrying out the methods, it is necessary to explain to the students the purpose of the study, to show them the practical significance of future results.

It is important to remember that psychological diagnostic techniques will allow students to gain a lot of useful information about themselves, but their results should not be regarded as a "final judgment." For a serious assessment of the student's personality, it is necessary to contact a specialist professional consultant.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of vocational guidance activities

The carried out vocational guidance event must be analyzed for its effectiveness, that is, it is necessary to understand whether the goals and expected results have been achieved, and to determine the practical value of the event - the acquisition of knowledge and skills that contribute to an informed choice of a profession and effective behavior in the labor market.

The results of evaluating the effectiveness of the event are important for improving its program and for further planning career guidance work in general. The effectiveness of a particular activity increases significantly if it is a logical continuation of previous work. Therefore, it is so important to conduct systematic career guidance work.

Assessment methodologies and criteria should be developed in advance. You can evaluate both the event as a whole and its individual parts and aspects.

The effectiveness of the event can be assessed, for example, according to D. Kirkpatrick's model, according to which the assessment is carried out at several levels:

The level of direct impressions.

At this level, subjective opinions, judgments and assessments participants of the event - their emotional state, interest, attention, their opinion about the usefulness, the level of complexity of the material and tasks.

It makes sense to conduct an assessment at this level immediately after the end of the event.

To study the subjective assessments of participants in the event, such methods of obtaining feedback are used as;

· interview. Conducted in the form of an interview, group discussion, discussion. In a group discussion, as a rule, it is set schema / structure Review - indicates what points you need to pay attention to when evaluating. For example, participants are encouraged to identify:

The most vivid impression of the event;

What useful things have you learned for yourself;

The conclusions that you made for yourself, etc.

· questioning. Participants fill out a pre-prepared evaluation questionnaire(see Appendix for a sample), which includes a standardized set of questions. Using the questionnaire, you can quickly assess the first impression of the event, the interest generated, the quality of the content, the usefulness of the acquired knowledge and skills, etc.

· collage. Participants are invited to make a collage using photographs, illustrations from old magazines, postcards and other visual materials. The theme for it is set by the teacher or the participants themselves. For example

- "I will never forget this ...";

- “This is very important for building my professional career ...”;

- “What have I learned and what have I learned ...”.

In the process of working on the collage, the participants independently recall the entire event and thereby consolidate the knowledge gained, develop a conscious attitude towards them, and understand their practical value.

When working on a collage, it is better to divide a large group into several subgroups.

· target ("darts") . Good way visualize assessments (both individual and especially group). The rating scale is depicted on a blackboard, flipchart or sheet of whatman paper in the form of concentric circles - "targets". Each circle of the target has a score assigned to it. The target is divided into sectors representing all the parameters under consideration: satisfaction with the form of presentation of the material, practicality of the material, comprehensibility, information content, relevance, etc. Each participant evaluates the event by marking points on the target corresponding to his assessment of each parameter. You can use a real darts target on which the participants can stick colored stickers.

This rapid assessment technique is quite effective when there is little time left to summarize.

The level of assimilation.

At this level, it is estimated how much improved knowledge, developed skills and changed attitudes of the participants.

The changes that have occurred can be assessed only in comparison with the initial level of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Therefore, it is so important at the stage of preparing the program of the event in parallel to develop clear methods for measuring results.

At this stage, such assessment methods as behavioral tests, thematic questionnaires, control exercises, observation, etc. are traditionally used. It is necessary to assess the individual progress of the participants.

Behavior level.

At this level, the practical results of the event are assessed: used / implemented whether the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired by the participants in life situations(as opposed to training) and how much they are used effectively.

At this stage, methods such as structured observation, self-reporting, etc. can be applied.

As you move from level to level, the assessment process becomes more difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, in practice, the assessment of the event at the level of direct impressions is most often used (like / disliked, it was interesting / not interesting, useful / useless, etc.). Score for more high level practically not used.

The effectiveness of the event is confirmed by the achievement of the planned results.

The main results career guidance events or career guidance work in general are:

· Raising the awareness of students about the world of professions and effective behavior in the labor market. It is important to take into account what level of knowledge about the world of the profession and the regional labor market the students had before the event / set of events and how it changed after the work done. For example

Before the event, the student named 10 professions, after - 20;

Before the event, he could talk about the content of 5 professions, after - 10, etc .;

Increasing the level of knowledge of students about their professional interests, abilities and personality traits. Here it is important to take into account what level of ideas the students had before the event / complex of events and how it changed after the work, and pay attention to the adequacy of these ideas;

· An increase in the number of students with a well-grounded individual professional plan;

· An increase in the number of students with reasonable alternate options for choosing a profession;

· An increase in the number of students with a specific professional goal;

In general, the assessment of the effectiveness of a vocational guidance event has an undeniable difficulty caused by the fact that it is impossible to quickly and reliably get an answer to the question of how much the choice made by a self-determining person or optant is correct and accurate, since the main criterion for assessing here is the human life itself, which took place or failed.


Question professional choice rises in front of each person repeatedly. Belief in the myth of the only correct professional path, the choice of a professional career for life can greatly complicate the process of professional self-determination of children, instill fear of “not enrolling”, “not getting a job,” “losing time”. Consequently, an adult engaged in career guidance should always remember that it is important not only to help, but also not to harm the complex process of professional self-determination of his wards by his actions. A positive effect from such activities is possible only if the adult himself is well versed in issues of career guidance. Therefore, it is important to improve your own competence, to devote time to self-education, self-development in the field of career guidance.

It needs to be analyzed for its effectiveness, i.e. it is necessary to understand whether the goals and expected results have been achieved, and to determine the practical value of the event - the acquisition of knowledge and skills that contribute to an informed choice of a profession and effective behavior in the labor market.

The results of evaluating the effectiveness of the event are important for improving its program and for further planning career guidance work in general. The effectiveness of a particular activity increases significantly if it is a logical continuation of previous work. Therefore, it is so important to conduct systematic career guidance work.

Assessment methodologies and criteria should be developed in advance. You can evaluate both the event as a whole and its individual parts and aspects.

The effectiveness of the event can be assessed, for example, according to the model of D. Kirkpatrick, according to which the assessment is carried out at several levels:

  1. The level of direct impressions .
At this level, subjective opinions, judgments and assessments participants of the event - their emotional state, interest, attention, their opinion about the usefulness, the level of complexity of the material and tasks.

It makes sense to conduct an assessment at this level immediately after the end of the event.

To study the subjective assessments of participants in the event, such methods of obtaining feedback are used as;

  • interview. Conducted in the form of an interview, group discussion, discussion. In a group discussion, as a rule, it is set schema / structure Review - indicates what points you need to pay attention to when evaluating. For example, participants are encouraged to identify:
- the brightest impression of the event;

What useful things have you learned for yourself;

The conclusions that you made for yourself, etc.

  • questioning. Participants fill out a pre-prepared evaluation questionnaire(see Appendix for a sample), which includes a standardized set of questions. Using the questionnaire, you can quickly assess the first impression of the event, the interest generated, the quality of the content, the usefulness of the acquired knowledge and skills, etc.

  • collage. Participants are invited to make a collage using photographs, illustrations from old magazines, postcards and other visual materials. The theme for it is set by the teacher or the participants themselves. For example
- "I will never forget this ...";

- “This is very important for building my professional career ...”;

- “What have I learned and what have I learned ...”.

In the process of working on the collage, the participants independently recall the entire event and thereby consolidate the knowledge gained, develop a conscious attitude towards them, and understand their practical value.

When working on a collage, it is better to divide a large group into several subgroups.

  • target ("darts") . A good way to visualize grades (both individual and especially group). The grading scale is depicted on a blackboard, flipchart or sheet of whatman paper in the form of concentric circles - "targets". Each circle of the target has a score assigned to it. The target is divided into sectors representing all the parameters under consideration: satisfaction with the form of presentation of the material, practicality of the material, comprehensibility, information content, relevance, etc. Each participant evaluates the event, marking the points on the target, corresponding to his assessment of each parameter. You can use a real dartboard on which the participants can stick colored stickers.
This rapid assessment technique is quite effective when there is little time left to summarize.

  1. The level of assimilation.
At this level, it is estimated how much improved knowledge, developed skills and changed attitudes of the participants.

The changes that have occurred can be assessed only in comparison with the initial level of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Therefore, it is so important at the stage of preparing the program of the event in parallel to develop clear methods for measuring results.

At this stage, assessment methods such as behavioral tests, thematic questionnaires, control exercises, observation, etc. are traditionally used. It is necessary to assess the individual progress of the participants.

  1. Behavior level.
At this level, the practical results of the event are assessed: used / implemented whether the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired by the participants in life situations (as opposed to educational ones) and how much they are used effectively.

At this stage, methods such as structured observation, self-reporting, etc. can be applied.

As you move from level to level, the assessment process becomes more difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, in practice, the assessment of the event at the level of direct impressions is most often used (like / disliked, it was interesting / not interesting, useful / useless, etc.). Evaluation at a higher level is practically not used.
The effectiveness of the event is confirmed by the achievement of the planned results.

The main results career guidance events or career guidance work in general are:

  • raising the awareness of students about the world of professions and effective behavior in the labor market. It is important to take into account what level of knowledge about the world of the profession and the regional labor market the students had before the event / set of events and how it changed after the work done. For example
- before the event, the student named 10 professions, after - 20;

Before the event, he could talk about the content of 5 professions, after - 10, etc .;

  • increasing the level of knowledge of students about their professional interests, abilities and personal characteristics. Here it is important to take into account what level of ideas the students had before the event / complex of events and how it changed after the work, and pay attention to the adequacy of these ideas;

  • an increase in the number of students with a sound individual professional plan;

  • an increase in the number of students with reasonable alternate options for choosing a profession;

  • increasing the number of students with a specific professional goal;

  • and etc.
In general, the assessment of the effectiveness of a vocational guidance event has an undeniable difficulty caused by the fact that it is impossible to quickly and reliably get an answer to the question of how much the choice made by a self-determining person or optant is correct and accurate, since the main criterion for assessing here is the human life itself, which took place or failed.